discussing the latest news on londoner with T&A late thursday night, A jokingly/half-seriously suggested i e-mail londoner back, calling him a loser. A's comment made for a good laugh but you know what? the next day i actually did it! londoner IS a loser, especially for expecting me to forgive him because he's honestly a "good" guy. so this is what i wrote:
when you "finally" get this e-mail in another four months' time...still a loser.
HA! :o)
the reference to receiving my e-mail in four months' time refers to his "claim" that he hardly checks his e-mail and that he "just" received my e-mail from the summer only recently, although for some reason he replies to something i sent two days ago in a matter of hours. mmmhmmm.
i must say i always pride myself in taking the high road (well, most of the time) but writing that to him was so cathartic for me! woohoo! in yer face loser!
CET :o)
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
life and school - happy co-existence or no?
ten days since my last post and there's lots to tell!
school is KICKING MY ASS. the pace and workload are relentless! i keep up with the coursework which is fine, but all the extra notes you're suppose to take/keep up with outside of class, all the readings, holy shit, there is just so much to do! in first and second year you could kind of get away with not doing too much until exam time (as evidenced by my frequent trips to the coffee shop, spitalfields market, kinetica, brick lane, etc.) but not this year - if you don't start now you are seriously screwed. i sometimes wonder if my brain has the holding capacity for all this information? seriously!
last wednesday i was in the studio audience during a taping of the GRAHAM NORTON SHOW!!! for those who don't know who he is, click on this link. he was sooo funny and the whole experience was great; best part was the fact that i was pretty close to the front, so everytime the camera was pointed to the audience you could see me! ha ha ha, my few milliseconds of fame. gabriel byrne was a guest and he was pretty cool, though it took him forever to tell one story, even if they were good. they cut out a lot of what he said just for that fact alone. and the second best part - the musical act on were THE BACKSTREET BOYS! hahahahahahaha - they were so bad, i was laughing throughout their entire performance. and yes, they really are that short in real life. oh, and for my friends in canada, i taped the show so if you want to see me on it i'll bring it back to toronto over christmas. :o)
i've gotten a second job that i started last week - i am officially a bar wench! yes that's right, CET got a job at her university bar. last friday was training day and i must say i'm liking it very much; it's a great way to meet people and there is something slightly cool about being a bartender. tomorrow's my first shift on my own - wish me luck! oh, that reminds me, i need to e-mail prof b and personally invite him down for a drink. :o)
the last couple of times i've been to the coffee shop i haven't seen the hottie; instead, i have discovered another POTENTIAL coffee shop hottie, all in the same shop! it started when i walked in one day wearing one of my t-shirts from threadless; this one is entitled "diabolical hot dog":

how awesome is that t-shirt? anyhoo, potential CSH looked up and immediately commented on it. today i wore another threadless t-shirt, this time it was "rock how to":

and again i caught him looking my way, checking out my tee, though this time he didn't say anything. we looked at each other a few times, smiled at each other a bit and i thought to myself "hmmm, he is quite cute." the only thing is that i am NOT going to ask him out, NO WAY IN HELL - how would that look if i systematically went through all the male workers at that coffee shop, asking each one out in turn? BAD, BAD, BAD. so all i'm saying is that there's something else to keep me occupied when i'm there, besides drinking my tea...
ooo, and a little bit more boy gossip: londoner has returned (well, sort of). so i haven't heard from him since the end of june/beginning of july. on the advice of a friend, i texted him when i got back to london letting him know i was back in town. nada. nothing. so yes, of course i get the hint - i got the hint even before the summer was over. anyhoo, what bugged me about the whole thing was that this was the same person who was so "open and honest", who confided in me about personal things that you just don't tell people you've just met; someone who waxed poetic about life, philosophy, true love, blah, blah, blah...he seemed so sincere, so for it to end like this...if anything, i was upset at the lack of respect he showed me by not contacting me, even if it's just to let me know that he's no longer interested or that he's met someone else. french canadian had the good sense to let me know he was dating someone new when i got back from DC last year, so why not londoner? i don't expect much from anyone except they be up front and honest with me - apparently that's a tall order.
okay, so a couple of evenings ago i e-mailed him, letting him know what i thought. it wasn't a bitchy e-mail or anything like that, it was simple and to the point, and if anything, writing that e-mail was more for me than for him, as at least i got to say what i wanted to say and be done with it. i sent it to him not expecting a reply (would i really expect an e-mail at this point? ha!) and lo and behold, less than 48 hours after sending it off i get a reply. what the fuck? as soon as i call you out on your shit you contact me? in his reply he basically said he procrastinated in contacting me back; that he really is open and honest but that he is also very weak. he also told me that he met someone new over the summer but that he still really likes me, so if i can forgive him then perhaps we can be friends "somewhat". right.
i'm pretty certain i will not be replying to that. what's the point? what semblance of a friendship would we have? i frankly do not want to be friends with someone who does shit like that. friends of mine have said "oh, but he had the best of intentions" - bollocks i say. i want someone who does what he says and says what he does, plain and simple. i want someone to like me so much that he will ACTUALLY call when he wants to call, and WANTS to hang out with me and makes it so! are these basic wants so far-fetched and unattainable? seriously!
thoughts, people, opinions? what say you?
CET :o)
school is KICKING MY ASS. the pace and workload are relentless! i keep up with the coursework which is fine, but all the extra notes you're suppose to take/keep up with outside of class, all the readings, holy shit, there is just so much to do! in first and second year you could kind of get away with not doing too much until exam time (as evidenced by my frequent trips to the coffee shop, spitalfields market, kinetica, brick lane, etc.) but not this year - if you don't start now you are seriously screwed. i sometimes wonder if my brain has the holding capacity for all this information? seriously!
last wednesday i was in the studio audience during a taping of the GRAHAM NORTON SHOW!!! for those who don't know who he is, click on this link. he was sooo funny and the whole experience was great; best part was the fact that i was pretty close to the front, so everytime the camera was pointed to the audience you could see me! ha ha ha, my few milliseconds of fame. gabriel byrne was a guest and he was pretty cool, though it took him forever to tell one story, even if they were good. they cut out a lot of what he said just for that fact alone. and the second best part - the musical act on were THE BACKSTREET BOYS! hahahahahahaha - they were so bad, i was laughing throughout their entire performance. and yes, they really are that short in real life. oh, and for my friends in canada, i taped the show so if you want to see me on it i'll bring it back to toronto over christmas. :o)
i've gotten a second job that i started last week - i am officially a bar wench! yes that's right, CET got a job at her university bar. last friday was training day and i must say i'm liking it very much; it's a great way to meet people and there is something slightly cool about being a bartender. tomorrow's my first shift on my own - wish me luck! oh, that reminds me, i need to e-mail prof b and personally invite him down for a drink. :o)
the last couple of times i've been to the coffee shop i haven't seen the hottie; instead, i have discovered another POTENTIAL coffee shop hottie, all in the same shop! it started when i walked in one day wearing one of my t-shirts from threadless; this one is entitled "diabolical hot dog":

how awesome is that t-shirt? anyhoo, potential CSH looked up and immediately commented on it. today i wore another threadless t-shirt, this time it was "rock how to":

and again i caught him looking my way, checking out my tee, though this time he didn't say anything. we looked at each other a few times, smiled at each other a bit and i thought to myself "hmmm, he is quite cute." the only thing is that i am NOT going to ask him out, NO WAY IN HELL - how would that look if i systematically went through all the male workers at that coffee shop, asking each one out in turn? BAD, BAD, BAD. so all i'm saying is that there's something else to keep me occupied when i'm there, besides drinking my tea...
ooo, and a little bit more boy gossip: londoner has returned (well, sort of). so i haven't heard from him since the end of june/beginning of july. on the advice of a friend, i texted him when i got back to london letting him know i was back in town. nada. nothing. so yes, of course i get the hint - i got the hint even before the summer was over. anyhoo, what bugged me about the whole thing was that this was the same person who was so "open and honest", who confided in me about personal things that you just don't tell people you've just met; someone who waxed poetic about life, philosophy, true love, blah, blah, blah...he seemed so sincere, so for it to end like this...if anything, i was upset at the lack of respect he showed me by not contacting me, even if it's just to let me know that he's no longer interested or that he's met someone else. french canadian had the good sense to let me know he was dating someone new when i got back from DC last year, so why not londoner? i don't expect much from anyone except they be up front and honest with me - apparently that's a tall order.
okay, so a couple of evenings ago i e-mailed him, letting him know what i thought. it wasn't a bitchy e-mail or anything like that, it was simple and to the point, and if anything, writing that e-mail was more for me than for him, as at least i got to say what i wanted to say and be done with it. i sent it to him not expecting a reply (would i really expect an e-mail at this point? ha!) and lo and behold, less than 48 hours after sending it off i get a reply. what the fuck? as soon as i call you out on your shit you contact me? in his reply he basically said he procrastinated in contacting me back; that he really is open and honest but that he is also very weak. he also told me that he met someone new over the summer but that he still really likes me, so if i can forgive him then perhaps we can be friends "somewhat". right.
i'm pretty certain i will not be replying to that. what's the point? what semblance of a friendship would we have? i frankly do not want to be friends with someone who does shit like that. friends of mine have said "oh, but he had the best of intentions" - bollocks i say. i want someone who does what he says and says what he does, plain and simple. i want someone to like me so much that he will ACTUALLY call when he wants to call, and WANTS to hang out with me and makes it so! are these basic wants so far-fetched and unattainable? seriously!
thoughts, people, opinions? what say you?
CET :o)
coffee shop hottie,
graham norton,
Monday, October 15, 2007
almost forgot!
walked into the coffee shop on friday afternoon and to my utter delight, saw the beautiful mocha eyes of my lovely coffee shop hottie. he asked me how my summer in canada was and i asked about his; we spoke a bit about the miserable summer weather-wise that england experienced, and that's about it.
may not seem like much of an exchange and perhaps it wasn't, but it made me smile.
mmm, he's a part of my routine, my life here in londontown and i'm happy to resume it again.
CET :o)
may not seem like much of an exchange and perhaps it wasn't, but it made me smile.
mmm, he's a part of my routine, my life here in londontown and i'm happy to resume it again.
CET :o)
dresses and weddings, oh my!
walked by coast today, a store that specializes in beautiful dresses for special occasions. it's one of those stores you walk by where you wistfully gaze at the window, wishing your wallet was just that much bigger. they were having a mid-season sale so i thought i'd "pop" in just to see what was on offer. ended up buying a chocolate and cream strapless number that i absolutely love, and for half price! score!
i justify it in my brain because i have FIVE weddings already in the books to attend next summer (one in may, two in june, one in august and one in september) - a girl's gotta have a kick-ass dress, right?
that's what i keep telling myself.
a bit of a quiet weekend i suppose. went out with t&a on friday for drinks and dinner - ended up getting drunk on a concoction that was suppose to be a long island ice tea but tasted like pure tequila. fell asleep on the coach. classy.
saturday was a morning of homework followed by an afternoon wandering around greenwich park and market. had a freshly shucked french oyster for about a pound. mmm, delicieux! :o) spent the evening watching NCSI, CSI las vegas, law and order: special victims unit, and criminal minds. if that's not an exciting, party-filled saturday night then i don't know what is. :o)
sunday was spent wandering around camden with nunuk. great weather, lots of cute eye candy, good food and good company - a lovely way to spend a very rare, lovely fall day in londontown.

CET :o)
i justify it in my brain because i have FIVE weddings already in the books to attend next summer (one in may, two in june, one in august and one in september) - a girl's gotta have a kick-ass dress, right?
that's what i keep telling myself.
a bit of a quiet weekend i suppose. went out with t&a on friday for drinks and dinner - ended up getting drunk on a concoction that was suppose to be a long island ice tea but tasted like pure tequila. fell asleep on the coach. classy.
saturday was a morning of homework followed by an afternoon wandering around greenwich park and market. had a freshly shucked french oyster for about a pound. mmm, delicieux! :o) spent the evening watching NCSI, CSI las vegas, law and order: special victims unit, and criminal minds. if that's not an exciting, party-filled saturday night then i don't know what is. :o)
sunday was spent wandering around camden with nunuk. great weather, lots of cute eye candy, good food and good company - a lovely way to spend a very rare, lovely fall day in londontown.

CET :o)
Friday, October 12, 2007
on my way to school this morning...
hungerford bridge in the morning light:

getting off the train at charing cross station:

this is the park by my school. it looks like the branch is about to tap the man on the head!

my feet in the leaves. i like taking pictures of my feet in different locations. weird, i know.

the soccer/football field across from the park:

CET :o)

getting off the train at charing cross station:

this is the park by my school. it looks like the branch is about to tap the man on the head!

my feet in the leaves. i like taking pictures of my feet in different locations. weird, i know.

the soccer/football field across from the park:

CET :o)
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
the view from my window
this is the view from my window now:
compared to last year:

what a difference, eh? i'm obviously living in a part of london now that is a little quieter, more suburban than the hustle and bustle of east london. i do miss the organized chaos and the grittiness (not to mention being within walking distance to spitalfields, brick lane, and my favourite coffee shop), but i am starting to appreciate the space, the green and the trees, as well as breathing in (relatively) cleaner air when i step outside on my way to school, compared to the sludge they call air in the central part of the city.
coffee shop: i went last friday with my evil hypnotist and coffee shop hottie wasn't there. two new people were there instead. hmmm. this was the first time i stepped in since i've been back here so i'm not panicking just yet; i plan to pop by tomorrow so we shall see if i'm lucky enough to run into him...
it's so funny because tonight classmate T and her fiance A and i were talking about potential suitors for me amongst their friends. i honestly don't know what i want at the moment, or whether i'm even actively looking; perhaps it's a lull brought on by lack of action in that department, or indifference, i don't know, but i feel like my life's too full at the moment with other things to concentrate on finding a mate. perhaps that's a cop out, i don't know, but it just doesn't feel like one of my priorities at the moment. maybe i just haven't been "swept up" by anyone yet.
CET :o)
compared to last year:

what a difference, eh? i'm obviously living in a part of london now that is a little quieter, more suburban than the hustle and bustle of east london. i do miss the organized chaos and the grittiness (not to mention being within walking distance to spitalfields, brick lane, and my favourite coffee shop), but i am starting to appreciate the space, the green and the trees, as well as breathing in (relatively) cleaner air when i step outside on my way to school, compared to the sludge they call air in the central part of the city.
coffee shop: i went last friday with my evil hypnotist and coffee shop hottie wasn't there. two new people were there instead. hmmm. this was the first time i stepped in since i've been back here so i'm not panicking just yet; i plan to pop by tomorrow so we shall see if i'm lucky enough to run into him...
it's so funny because tonight classmate T and her fiance A and i were talking about potential suitors for me amongst their friends. i honestly don't know what i want at the moment, or whether i'm even actively looking; perhaps it's a lull brought on by lack of action in that department, or indifference, i don't know, but i feel like my life's too full at the moment with other things to concentrate on finding a mate. perhaps that's a cop out, i don't know, but it just doesn't feel like one of my priorities at the moment. maybe i just haven't been "swept up" by anyone yet.
CET :o)
coffee shop hottie,
Monday, October 08, 2007
hello everyone!
big apologies for the hiatus from the blogsphere, as per usual my life consisted of a whirlwind of activity in toronto right up to my flight back to london, and as per usual my time in london has consisted of settling into my new digs, catching up with old friends and yeah, school. this term is going to be a doozy.
right before i left for the uk i took a short break outside of toronto to visit with friends. it was a trip that was both amazing and frustrating at the same time. i'll try to make this short, because although you perhaps haven't heard the story, i have recounted it to various friends numerous times, and at this point i'm just sick of the whole thing. here we go...
one of the friends on this trip, let's call her squiggle, is a very difficult person to like, let alone travel with. she's young, immature, self-righteous, snobby, self-absorbed and frankly annoying. my other friend, let's call him muscle, his generally a good guy but a little on the intense side; he gets riled up easily.
basically, these two friends on a trip together made for some serious head-butting and guess who was caught in the middle? yup, me. muscle would rant at me about squiggle, squiggle would be completely oblivious to her annoying effect on people, and i had to put up with this for the entire trip. thank god for our tour guide and new-found friend, a local named guppy. he was cute, funny as hell and was what basically kept me sane for the entire time. we hit it off right away - there was some definite flirting between us - so at least when i wasn't getting pissed off at the other two i was laughing and flirting it up with him.
i thought the flirting was going somewhere, but during my one off day when i really couldn't take anyone anymore (and walked off), squiggle proceeded to move in on guppy and pretty much flirted with him shamelessly for the rest of the trip.
thanks, squiggle, thanks. that's called being a friend.
so while the vistas were amazing along with most of the people i met on this trip, it was definitely tainted by this whole squiggle/muscle/guppy fiasco. i was quite gutted about guppy, only because he made me laugh like no one else in a long time, and i thought i would at least get a snog out of it! "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" - i would say that the way to my heart is through my funny bone, and guppy sure knew how to hit it.
CET :o)
big apologies for the hiatus from the blogsphere, as per usual my life consisted of a whirlwind of activity in toronto right up to my flight back to london, and as per usual my time in london has consisted of settling into my new digs, catching up with old friends and yeah, school. this term is going to be a doozy.
right before i left for the uk i took a short break outside of toronto to visit with friends. it was a trip that was both amazing and frustrating at the same time. i'll try to make this short, because although you perhaps haven't heard the story, i have recounted it to various friends numerous times, and at this point i'm just sick of the whole thing. here we go...
one of the friends on this trip, let's call her squiggle, is a very difficult person to like, let alone travel with. she's young, immature, self-righteous, snobby, self-absorbed and frankly annoying. my other friend, let's call him muscle, his generally a good guy but a little on the intense side; he gets riled up easily.
basically, these two friends on a trip together made for some serious head-butting and guess who was caught in the middle? yup, me. muscle would rant at me about squiggle, squiggle would be completely oblivious to her annoying effect on people, and i had to put up with this for the entire trip. thank god for our tour guide and new-found friend, a local named guppy. he was cute, funny as hell and was what basically kept me sane for the entire time. we hit it off right away - there was some definite flirting between us - so at least when i wasn't getting pissed off at the other two i was laughing and flirting it up with him.
i thought the flirting was going somewhere, but during my one off day when i really couldn't take anyone anymore (and walked off), squiggle proceeded to move in on guppy and pretty much flirted with him shamelessly for the rest of the trip.
thanks, squiggle, thanks. that's called being a friend.
so while the vistas were amazing along with most of the people i met on this trip, it was definitely tainted by this whole squiggle/muscle/guppy fiasco. i was quite gutted about guppy, only because he made me laugh like no one else in a long time, and i thought i would at least get a snog out of it! "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" - i would say that the way to my heart is through my funny bone, and guppy sure knew how to hit it.
CET :o)
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