Friday, December 30, 2005

end-of-year musings

hello everybody,

nothing much to report other than a) i still haven't started studying, b) loving chili more and more everyday, and c) i wish i didn't have to go back to london and write exams! i know there's no point in wishing for impossible things (one of my fave cure songs), but sometimes i really wish i didn't have to go back to school for another four years in order to become a pharmacist. i want to start practising as a pharmacist NOW. a part of me wants these next four years to fly by quickly, but another part of me knows that these next four years might be the best experience in my life, and by the end of it i'll wish it hadn't gone by so fast.

what to say about 2005? emotionally tumultuous. my relationship/ex-relationship with t, and all the highs and lows associated with it, is enough to make me emotionally spent. getting fucked over by u of t - again - and finally knowing where i'll be doing my pharmacy degree - that was emotional upheaval too. moving to another country two-thirds into the year, starting a new chapter and a new life. meeting new people that i wouldn't have met if all this didn't happen, and reuniting with old friends. all very strange, exciting, scary and new.

i am looking forward to 2006. there's something about a new year that's so special, the absolute promise of endless possibilities. all i hope for is the continued happiness and health of my loving family and friends.



lady in the street said...

Good for you CET, I'm sure you'll blow them all away wherever you are. Happy new year to you, to Canukian and to especially to Chilli!

kiwigirl said...

When are you home miss CET?

PS - you should never ever put clothes on a dog!!!! SO demeaning! HA!

xxxx K

PS - in non-smoking hell right now :( so may be a little grumps for a while.

Anonymous said...

Just feed kiwigirl chocolate, that'll get her out of her grumps!

kiwigirl said...

NO NO NO - I refuse to gain ANY weight from giving up smoking. So for the most part - chocolate is banned from my current diet!!! HA!!! And I'm not too grumpy (well only sometimes....)
