Thursday, June 15, 2006

i'm rick james' bitch

no, make that chili's.

yup, i wake up, take him for a walk, check email, look for jobs, make chili's lunch, have my own lunch, play with chili, take him to the backyard to play with his neighbour, kilo, take him for another walk, then he's my mom's responsibility as soon as she gets home.

i need a job, stat! if anyone's got any leads, give me a shout out! i'll pretty much do anything at this point...

here's something i've been meaning to blog about ever since i heard it, but haven't had time until now. a bunch of classmates and i were reminiscing about cartoons we used to watch as kids; over in the uk they had a show called captain pugwash - apparently the cast of characters included 'master bates' and 'seaman staines!' the classmate who told me about this swore that it was true, but upon investigation i now believe it to be an urban cartoon myth. check this out!

those brits are so funny. :o)



Anonymous said...

it is true. I'm too young myself to remember but my collagues used to watch it!!

kiwigirl said...

Right - I am imposing a no more reading of Evil Twin's blog - until you stop talking about your dog!

I love dogs! Seriously I do.

But my dear - enough is enough!

PS - Londontown hot! Miss you!

xxxxxxx K

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

i would stop talking about dogs if i was employed at the moment, but seeing as i'm not, and all i do is take care of chili, then blogging about dogs it is!

actually, i was just going to post about not blogging about chili anymore when i read your comment kiwigirl - i must admit i'm getting sick of it myself! not of chili of course, but of blogging about him.


kiwigirl said...

I was just giving you shit :)

I'm sure you will find a job soon honey!

I've finished work too! YAH!

xxx K