Thursday, August 10, 2006

wanted to jot this down...

- funny cottage moment: all of us were in the water and we were playing this game where one person would grab your left foot, another person would grab your right foot, and then the two people would launch you out of the water, causing you to fly through the air and into the water like a canonball. mr. bing and her brother's fiancee were trying to launch her brother out of the water, which was hard to do considering he's a tall, strapping lad. they each had one of his legs in hand; i wade over to help them out and the brother says "what the hell are you going to hold on to?" it was tooooooo funny...

- on the radio on the way home the dj was saying how the film editors at 'america's next top model' have to go through 200 hours of footage to put together a 41 minute show - if that's not what hell is like then i don't know what is...

- there was an extremely pushy, mean and bitchy woman on the subway today, barrelling through people, stepping on toes and not apologizing, muttering under her breath, that sort of thing. she stood beside me and when the seat in front of me became free, she proceeded to squish into it while i was in the process of sitting down, thereby causing me to sit on her lap. i turn around and do you know what i said to her? 'do you HAVE to be such a bitch?' she simply says 'yes', all the while avoiding eye contact. i could've made a scene and yelled at her some more but it wouldn't have done any good; she's just one of those people that go through life angry with everyone and everything. all the people on the subway glowered at her as they were annoyed with her too, and when i said what i said to her the gentleman beside me looked at me and smiled.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

You go girl!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rude people suck...but at least karma works in a good way. If they're mean to the world, the world will be 3 times (or more) meaner back to them. Just a thought for the day.