Monday, September 25, 2006

it wouldn't be london without the rain

holy torrential downpour batman! seriously. jeans were soaked from the cuffs to my ass. and my ass is not droopy. and that was WITH an umbrella.

flat hunting day one: saw an okay place, a studenty place, then a really great place but a bit far for my liking. i was in the greenwich area around lunchtime so i stopped for a lovely helping of pie in my most favourite place in london after the coffee shop near spitalfields - well, they're more tied for first but anyway - goddard's pie house near the cutty sark. mmm mmm mmm, chicken and mushroom pie with a side of mash and near waterfall of gravy. the mash was a little bland today but the pie was oh so good. their desserts are where it's at though; a blackcurrent and apple pie, along with a rhubarb pie, made its way home with me today (they will be gone as soon as i am done this post).

walking in the rain, though wet, is thoroughly enjoyable; it was one of the things office boy and i had in common. oh office boy, sigh. i really need to move on - seriously! and canuckian, don't leave a comment like "yeah get over him, for real!" because I KNOW! love and miss you canuckian :o)

okay, i've been staring at the computer for long enough, willing an email from office boy to appear. off to eat pie.

holy, the torrential rain is starting up again! it's SO loud, banging on the windows!

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a safe trip back. And the food references start again....yumm...i'm so hungry now. Maybe it's not good to read your blog on an empty stomach.

Anonymous said...

Ah, you know me so well! I love you and miss you too! Mmm, pie...I can't wait to chat soon - it's now midnight and I'm having a job-hunting crisis! Can someone please give me a job that pays decent and is somewhat challenging, please?

Anonymous said...

glad to hear you made it safely back without incident!!

Loving your blogs already...can't wait to hear more about your day to day adventures...sigh, I'm soo jealous!
xoxo Sue

J.L said...

Did someone say PIE? I love pie, salty sweet, wutevuh!

What's a cutty sark?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

cutty sark is the name of a famous ship moored along the thames by greenwich.

CET :o)

J.L said...

I thought it was like wiskey or gin.