i didn't realize the slide would be so steep and so bumpy! as i shot down i felt the effects of gravity on my chest, like the feeling you get when you're coming down a really steep incline on a roller coaster; i have a tendency to swear when angry, scared or exhilarated, so on the way down i screamed "HOLY SHIT MOTHERFUCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!"
i got to the bottom and my friends were there pissing themselves laughing - i didn't seem to realize that the slides were not sound-proof, and EVERYONE in the HUGE hall (including mothers and their impressionable young children) had heard me swearing like a sailor. oops. oh well, they all have to learn swear words at some point.
i can't wait to go back another day to do the 4th and 5th floor slides (see picture). imagine the filth coming out of my mouth while sliding down the 5th floor slide!?! i should issue a warning before going down...
CET :o)
p.s. that last sentence sounds really bad if you didn't know i what i was talking about...
That looks SO FUN!
They probably made it so steep so that people wouldn't get stuck.
Wow, a fun art gallery...who knew it was possible? Granted, I have slid down many a banister in even the most serene of galleries (the security staff at the AGO love it!), but this installation is on a totally different level.
Nice work tutoring all the kiddies to swear; they will be ready for next year's Talk Like a Pirate Day.
"Arrrr...this slide be high, says I."
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