- brought back fresh lobster from halifax - canuckian, our dad and i had a seafood feast! absolutely magnificent.
- skating at harbourfront centre with canuckian - right by lake ontario, lots of space, not too many people and best of all it's free! loved it.
- helped canuckian out at the harbourfront centre on wednesday, making paper masks with a bunch of grade schoolers - check out my paper mask! it's suppose to be a phoenix rising from the flames.
- was suppose to go skating again on thursday with two guy friends, but ended up spending the afternoon drinking at a pub. had some great laughs. one of the best feelings is to be laughing with friends.

the view of the lake from the skating rink.

huge christmas tree downtown, bay and wellington

my phoenix mask!

chili wearing my mask.
love CET :o)
Hey darling :)
So glad you are having such a good time at home....and so excited your lovely twin is coming to visit in February :)
xx K
Missed you at the party last night, but hopefully I'll see you before you head back.
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