Tuesday, January 30, 2007

not too bad i think...

wrote the first exam this morning...went pretty well i think! save for a few muck-ups here and there i answered pretty much everything in full. hand was cramping up a few times, there's that much writing to be done, but i feel good about it!

headed to my coffee shop afterwards for a long, relaxing lunch. a cause for alarm (somewhat): coffee shop hottie wasn't working today, and i noticed they had put up a "help wanted" sign - i hope this doesn't mean he's left??? will have to go back a few more times to see if this is indeed the case...

wandered around spitalfields for a bit before walking home. i wish i could describe to you what living in east london feels like; books like "brick lane" by monica ali, "salaam brick lane" by tarquin hall, or "the east end" by alan palmer try to invoke the sights, sounds and smells of the community but i say you just have to come here and experience it for yourself! it's chaotic, gritty, lively and real and i love it.

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

of all the places i lived in london (white city, camberwell, leytonstone..), i liked east london best. i was living in limehouse.

Anonymous said...

Hey CET...just got back from a long weekend in Manhattan. Hard to beat that island, I must say. I suppose more time must be spent in Londontown, but Berlin will be hard to beat for hosting my all-time-favourite-night-outs. I guess people play a big factor. We'll have to plan a boozerific tour of Brick Lane one of these years.

Damn wide oceans.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, um...have you asked the Scot about who the chick was he was with when you first, like um...met him? If I remember correctly, there was some like um...awkwardness, becaus you like um...sort of gave your number to him, um...like, in front of another chick? Ya'know?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

helen: i'm just a ten minute walk from limehouse! yeah, east london's the best!

sillyhead: i did indeed ask him who the chick was...just a friend that he practices his japanese with (yes, he's a scot that speaks fluent japanese...).

CET :o)

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

oops, i meant shadwell, i'm ten minutes from shadwell and two minutes from whitechapel...

CET :o)