i've been trying since last night to upload pictures of my day yesterday, but these two are the only ones that uploaded! that's okay though, because they're the most important ones; they're of the meal that i cooked yesterday, rack of lamb seasoned with garlic, rosemary and thyme, on a bed of roasted potatoes and garlic, served with red currant jelly. i bought the rack of lamb from the taste east london festival happening at spitalfields yesterday, as part of the east london festival going on this week; there was a butchering demonstration where the butcher was selling the cuts of meat as he was demonstrating how to cut them. the lovely, fresh cut of lamb inspired me to flex my culinary skills, which for some reason this past year has not been flexed often.
festival highlights:
- a stall where they had three HUGE paella pans set up with mounds and mounds of mouth-watering, chorizo-and-seafood-filled paella;
- the bollywood brass band and klezmania;
- two people dressed as lobsters walking around on stilts;
- all the different samples of food on offer, from wild boar chorizo to apple and mango chutney
i wish i could post the pics!
CET :o)
You know I'm lovin' the food porn on your blog right now, but...new post, new post!!! And I feel like we haven't talked in a while (although it's only been a few days) - I miss you! Let's talk soon ;o)
Bitchin'! Good lookin' meal there CET...though too bad about the pics of stilted lobsters. Loves me some stilted lobsters.
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