LOTR: have i ever written on this blog how much i love "the lord of the rings"? my university boyfriend first turned me onto the books; i remember borrowing "the hobbit" from the library, devouring the words and falling head-first into middle earth with abandon. I LOVED IT. the LOTR trilogy followed shortly after along with "the silmarillon" and tolkien's "unfinished tales". you know you're obsessed when you read "the silmarillion" - seriously, it's the history of middle earth before any of the events of LOTR take place - i even read the APPENDICES where tolkien explains the different elvish dialects - yes people, i was obsessed. fast forward to when the films came out; i followed the making of the film online, bought the special edition of each film (the editions that came with the models of the pillars of argonath, gollum and minas tirith), and even tried to hunt down the action figures they sold at burger king, hoping to collect them all!
wow. that's pretty scary, isn't it? i hope i haven't lost any readers. HA! :o)
you know, i still get teary-eyed when gandalf falls in the mines of moria, and when sam finds frodo trying to slip away alone at the end of the film. yep, that's me.
so much to update you on and here i am blogging about LOTR!
well needless to say i'm in london now; this week was a flurry of activity. a day after arriving i was back on the road on my way to glasgow, for an interview with the NHS (another post about all that later). i get back to londontown on thursday night, view a flat to possibly rent (i am staying at a friend's while trying to find a place), followed by a few hours' of sleep before T&A's wedding. today's the first day where i feel like i can breathe.
T&A's wedding was so freakin' lovely! class and style all the way, as only A would have it. he wore a CRAVAT for christ's sake - heck, their wedding "carriage" was a rolls royce! damn. and T was so freakin' beautiful it was absolutely ridiculous - gorgeousness and smiles the whole day long.
A and i have always had this running joke where he's the snobby, upper class corporate yuppie all about the "finer things in life" (like travelling first class, or at the very least business class) while i'm the leftist, bleeding heart liberal commoner who schleps it in economy. what i thought was ironically hilarious was a number of events during their wedding day that proves just what a classy girl i am:
- saying things like "for christ's sake" and "jesus christ!" in the ROMAN CATHOLIC church where they got married;
- giggling during the ceremony, when a baby next to me was getting burped after feeding and promptly upchucked the recently-ingested milk all over the stone floor;
- chasing the waiters carrying the trays of hor d'oeuvres because CET is HUNGRY AND NEEDS TO EAT (might i just add i had a partner in crime who was equally as hungry);
- taking the bride's fruity champagne glass off the tray for myself, only to be told to put it back because it wasn't meant for me (hey, how was i to know? it was free booze on a tray in front of my face! what do you expect a girl to do?);
- digging into my lamb dinner only to spray gravy all over myself, the table cloth and the two ladies sitting immediately to my right.
ahhh, it's always class and style with CET, isn't it?
i will have you know that i am, hands down, THE DANCING QUEEN. the music started after dinner and CET did not leave that dance floor except to get drinks or go to the loo; i was breakin' it down until the last bloody song. good times indeed.
anyhoo, ending this post here. these next few weeks are going to be hellish as i have two more interviews, the continuing agony that i call writing my lit review, and the never-ending search for a place to call home.
here's a pic of the lovely rolls:
CET :o)
Lovely car.
And it is a great British tradition to behave badly at weddings - well done for assimilating so well ;-)
i think i fell a little in love with the car. at one point i had more pictures of the car on my camera than of the wedding itself!
good thing the gravy stains were easily removed from my dress...
CET :o)
All class, never trash, my dear CET ;o)
Awesome. I have a wedding to attend this weekend and am ready to spray my gravy all over 'da ladies.
Seriously sweet matrimonial havoc there CET.
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