and it's now mid-november.
house: i'm enjoying living in my new place; the landlord and i are getting along and it's been fun having his little boy around the house and two cats that like to be cuddled. i might not be the only tenant though...
a little while ago i had a very scary dream. i don't have nightmares often but when i do they're pretty vivid and pretty frightening. i won't go into the details but suffice it to say it involved ghosts. i woke up so scared that i turned on all the lights and slept with them on until morning. when i went downstairs to the kitchen the next day my landlord asked why i had the lights on so late at night, as he saw light coming through the cracks around the door when he woke up to use the loo. i felt kind of silly telling him it was because i had a dream about ghosts, but my embarrassment grew into fear when he said he believes ghosts do "live" on the premises. WHAT??? he said him and his ex-wife always had a strange feeling about the house and that previous tenants have mentioned the same feeling. uh-oh, this didn't sound good. thank goodness it's only been strange feelings so far and nothing visual - feelings i can handle but visuals? oh HELL no.
anyhoo, i was pretty scared for the rest of that week but things have somewhat settled and i'm fine with it all now, whether or not they do exist. half the time i think it's just my imagination as my mind can get carried away pretty quickly; case in point: while reading a blog i came across a picture of a zombie for literally a millisecond, but it was enough for me to have ANOTHER bad dream, this time involving zombies, knives, blood and murder. talk about taking something and running with it!
job: i started my new part-time pharmacy job last week. even less time for coursework but the money is much needed. it's pretty good as i'm learning a lot and it's a busy pharmacy so the day just flies by. between my pharmacy job and bar job i'm on my feet for almost twenty hours a week...they are pretty sore by the time my shift's done.
barack obama: WOOHOO!!! GO BARACK! i was overjoyed when he won the election. i hate the election coverage and couldn't stand to watch it, plus we're five hours ahead here of washington and it would've been 4am by the time the results came in; i ended up going to bed and then checking the news online the moment i woke up. sheer happiness. i, along with many people - dare i say most of the world - were beaming and giddy with hope for the rest of that day. a black (bi-racial) president in my lifetime. sweetness.
westfield: a new
mall opened up in west london recently; malls are largely a north american phenomemon but it's been catching on in these parts in the last few years. on wednesday i went with a couple of friends to check it out/window shop/procrastinate. i must say it's a pretty nice mall, all shiny and new. the support beams have been made to look like trees, all wrapped in fairy lights; we were hoping they'd turn them on while we were shopping there but they didn't. highlights included trying on hideous-looking dresses at topshop, inhaling a limited edition, cookies and cream cupcake from the
buttercup cupcake stand, and snatching up a pretty cool hoodie for ten quid from
republic. lowlights included a toilet seat that wasn't even screwed on and no hooks in the stall to hang your coat or purchases. boo.
body mass index: so during a quiet period at the pharmacy one day i decided to check my bmi. i got a bit of a shock as it's on the borderline between "okay" and "overweight", for someone of my height. i'm a little weary of bmi's being a true marker of one's weight/general health but even so, it threw me a little. i mean to look at me you wouldn't see an obviously overweight person - at all - but knowing me and even through reading this blog you would know that i do love my food and can never really say no to another helping of dinner or another biscuit or chocolate bar. heck, i ate a limited edition, cookies and cream cupcake without even blinking. hmmm. it's going to be hard but i'm going to try to lay off the sweets a bit and eat more fruits and vegetables. on the fruit and veggie front i'm actually doing pretty good - i add fresh fruit to my cereal in the mornings and at times i'll eat a bowl full of berries, yoghurt and honey - i think the challenge for me will be limiting my sugar intake. CET LOOOOOVES SUGAR. LOOOOOOOOOOVES IT. it's going to be hard.
ball committee: i joined the midsessional ball committee at school. back in high school i was on the ball committee as well. i think i joined it so i can make sure the ball won't suck. i think that's a good reason to join, don't you? we're hoping to hold it somewhere cool like a museum or something, instead of your run-of-the-mill hotel, but these places are pretty pricey so we'll see what we end up with (probably a run-of-the-mill hotel).
have a great week people!
CET :o)