don't get me wrong, i think kids are great, but i've realized that my yearly baby shower quota stands at one. one and one only per year thank you; that's all i think i can tolerate.
yes, baby clothes are cute - so tiny and soft like the babies that wear them - but after the millionth "awwwww" over a onesie or towel or bib with an animal of some sort stitched on it i think i was ready to scream.
it seems like you need a whole shitload of things to care for a baby nowadays; people back in the day raised kids with barely more than a rag and they survived - does one really need a top-of-the-line stroller that's as big as a SUV? or a bassinette made of some quality wood or strips of wood or whatever the fuck they make bassinettes with? seriously!
this post isn't meant to sound bitter so i apologize if it does; i personally think baby showers are a big to-do when it's not necessary. i'm not a mom but if there are any moms out there that read this blog (i can think of one), can you tell me if you prefer yet another baby outfit or diapers to last you the month? if i was a mom i know which one i'd prefer.
in other news, it was halloween on friday! i had to work at the bar but dressed up as a cat. here is a pic of my tail, as that's the only pic where you can't see my face:

it was a good night but i got verbally slaughtered by my fellow barman and another friend, who could not stop with the "pussy" jokes because they're mature like that. i knew (too late) that i would be subject to their merciless teasing but oh well! what i could not tolerate was this one student who came up to the bar and screamed "PUSSY!" to get my attention so that i could serve him drinks; i told him to shut the fuck up, as he screamed this in full earshot of my professors who were also at the bar! dickwad.
anyhoo, in addition to my bar work i'm starting a part-time pharmacy job this week; i slightly regret taking this job as it means even less time for schoolwork, but i know i'd regret it if i didn't take it as it's money that's (always) needed. this is the prime difference between me and the other foreign students at my school - they spend their halloween getting VIP table service at a high-end london nightclub (no joke) while i work the bar. :o/
have a great week everyone!
Mr. Bing says:
i'm pretty sure i am the 'mom' that you speak of.
diapers for sure - HANDS DOWN - NO CONTEST!!
yes you're the mom i'm referring to - you're the only mom i know that reads this blog!
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