i'm sorry blog, i've neglected you for a long time. and my readers! well, the ones i have left anyway. for a while now i've stopped looking at my counter at the bottom because i don't really want to know that no one is reading this anymore. i don't blame them really, seeing as how i've been so shite about blogging. i always seem to find other bloggers articulating SO WELL the stuff i've also been feeling that i'm like "what's the point of repeating it in a less articulate, less witty fashion?" i don't want to add to the absolute crap out there in the blogosphere but then i feel guilty for not posting. dumb thing is i always make mental notes to "blog about this or blog about that" but then i never do it! argh.
and if blogging wasn't enough, what's up with this twitter business? i seriously don't understand the obsession with it. a blog and a facebook profile should be MORE THAN ENOUGH to let the whole world know how you're feeling/what you're thinking every minute of everyday, why bombard them with more status messages? i suppose though that people who follow twitter actually want to follow it so who am i to judge, right? well, i'm judging anyway.
and can i just say that facebook is just TOO MUCH INFORMATION sometimes. "in a relationship" becomes "it's complicated" becomes "in an open relationship" becomes "single", all in the space of a few hours, let alone a few days or even months! i really need to turn that stupid option off on my newsfeed.
so, HAPPY NEW YEAR! i hope everyone had a lovely holiday and spent it eating lots and growing their bums and muffin tops. that's what i did. pictures taken at the beginning of december show CET's well-defined jawline; pictures taken after new year's show that the jawline is now missing and has been replaced with a roll of chin fat. nice. i suppose because of this, losing weight should on my list of new year's resolutions but a) i don't have a list and b) at this point i don't think i need to exercise to lose weight - the sheer stress of deadlines and exams looming alone should cause enough weight to fall off. and i don't think i need to change my diet because a) i'm a student which means b) i'm poor which means c) i don't buy a lot of food which means d) my daily caloric intake will be far less than in the last month which means e) by default i should lose some weight. that's sound logic, no?
before flying home to canada for the holidays, a friend of mine came over to visit and we took a four-day trip to prague together! as this is my last year in london i made a list of places in europe i would like to visit before i fly home for good; prague was at the top of my list. when i lived in london years ago with my sister, canadians needed a visa to get into the czech republic, so we never really exerted the time, money or effort to visit when so many other places could be explored without the hassle of a visa. skip to present day and canadians no longer need a visa to visit, so off i went! i think i picked the best time to go to prague too - right before christmas; this meant christmas markets in all the town squares were in full swing! oh it was so beautiful. if you weren't taking thousands of pictures of the stunning architecture you were drinking in the atmosphere of christmas and of happiness, and stuffing your face with yummy things like trdelniks and hot chocolate that gave you instant orgasms. mmm. here are a few of my favourite pics:
ahhh, my ode to the czech pilsner. cheaper than juice!
the baroque church of st. nicholas, with horses and carriage in the foreground.
walking down from petrin hill; i like to call this pic the "czech montmartre".
looking through into the old jewish cemetery. bodies buried in some places twelve people deep, because jews were not allowed to be buried outside the jewish quarter back in the day.
the "obecni dum" or municipal house, a visual symphony dedicated to art nouveau. LOVED IT. and finally...
a trdelnik! dough wrapped around metal poles rotisseried over an open pit, then coated with sugar and spices. drooooooool. i had one everyday (of course).
i have loads more pictures but my computer's taking bloody forever to upload these things so i will stop here. off to scavenge for food and then it's an early night i think (the jet lag's starting to get to me).
welcome back (hopefully!)
CET :o)
1 comment:
I think twitter is more (well for me) about who I follow - than writing my own updates (which I assume nobody reads!). I follow the economist, NZ papers, cricket blogs etc. and I love all the updates through tweetdeck.
xxx K
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