Tuesday, November 22, 2005

busy but not really

it's funny how i have a gazillion little things to do, and plenty of time to do them (technically), but i don't get anything done!

had a run-in with another teacher yesterday, the infamous "dr. growler". i swear, he cultivates the mean bastard persona like a farmer cultivates corn. what a fucker. he must have been bullied as a kid, and he's making up for it now as an adult. that's what classmate t says, to quote, "he doesn't have much going for him other than his brains." and you know someone's really getting on your nerves when you daydream about telling them off, as i do now with him.

had my academic tutor meeting with prof. b. his handsome-ness is fading a bit. he is such a busy guy, i think he's being run ragged and it shows. had a nice tie on though.

oh, i've had this in my head for a while and have been meaning to get it out: i was on the bus one evening and passed by a hair salon called "Mo Betta Cutz". nice. that's for my Skinnes.

meeting kiwigirl today for dinner and a long-overdue catch-up. can't wait.



Anonymous said...

"Mo Betta Cutz"? Classic!!! Skinnes holla! Hahaha ;o)

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

i know, i almost doubled over with laughter when i saw that sign...we need to open up our own "mo betta cutz" one day...