Monday, March 13, 2006

inspiring action and other thoughts

i went to see anita roddick (founder of the body shop) speak tonight at the british library, as part of their 'beautiful minds' series of lectures. wow. she is one inspirational lady! she makes you want to go out and join a protest. i went with kiwigirl and she asked me if i had ever protested anything before, and to my embarrassment and slight shame i realised i have never been part of a protest. i have signed petitions and have gone on walks/runs for good causes; on a personal note i have always protested injustice to myself and/or my immediate friends/co-workers/classmates, but i have never been a part of a political protest. i feel bad.

i remember the protests here in london a few years ago against the iraq war. mutton face and miss ruckus were visiting from t.o. and even DURING their vacation, jet-lagged and all, they joined the march. me? i was too lazy to leave my flat. well not anymore!

on another note, thanks be to styxxx for pointing out my obvious obsession with food! it's funny because i wrote that blog entry without even making the connection that i was talking about food for a good half of it. i guess that shows how much food is a part of my life and psyche, when it creeps into my sub-conscious and comes out in my blog!

speaking of food, i 'accidentally' had a full english breakfast today and boy was it good! in my opinion it's pretty easy to whip up an english breakfast, but it's difficult to make it GOOD. today's breakfast was just right; the eggs were runny but well-formed, the back bacon was tasty and cooked just so, with the right amount of crispiness, and the toast was perfectly buttered. the most important aspect of the meal was that everything was piping hot! mmm, perfection.

oh, and check out a couple of new links i've added on the side; my favourite blog at the moment is 'daily dose of imagery' by sam javanrouh - he's a photographer based in toronto. everyday he posts an image that he has shot himself; most of the pictures are of people and places in toronto, though he has done a photo series of oxford and london. i absolutely LOVE his pictures of toronto - he captures our city so beautifully, both the good and the bad; i get my daily t.o. 'fix' when i check out what he's posted for the day. he makes me love and miss home so much, in addition to my family, friends and chili dog of course!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Uh, reading about your English brekkie makes me hungry! Yummy...God, I love food!

I'm not the protesting kind either, sad to say. I avoided the big anti-war protest last fall because this is the evil empire and there are eyes everywhere...besides, hippies smell ;o)

I'm totally loving the daily dose of imagery. Ah, my T.O. fix!