Monday, May 01, 2006

bank holiday beach vendetta

this weekend was a long weekend here, something they call a "bank holiday". spent the whole weekend with classmate T and her boyfriend A (remember from previous posts, T&A?). had some of T's homecooked comfort food on saturday, mmm (thanks T!), followed by watching "the last of the mohicans" on tv. remember that film, with madeleine stowe and daniel day lewis? i love that film. it's so romantic and action-packed; the music is sweeping and the cinematography majestic - one of the first CDs i bought (when CDs were a new thing - how old am i???) was the soundtrack to the film. ANYHOO...

we drove to canterbury on sunday, less than two hours' drive southeast of london, near the north kent coast. it's a lovely little town, very quaint and english; visited the famous canterbury cathedral, where we got in for free (by accident, hehehe) - twice! had a yummy sunday roast at a local pub, followed by a short drive to the seaside town of margate. i think that was the best part of the day; we kicked off our shoes, rolled up our trousers and ran around in the surf for a while. i collected seashells (as i always do); lovely conch shells of all shapes and colours. we saw a couple of dead fish on the beach, and little crabs here and there; T&A tried skipping stones along the water but the surf was a bit too rough for that. we climbed the rocks along the sea wall (rocks we weren't suppose to climb, but oh well!); 'A' jumped off the rocks onto the beach, doing a front roll to break the otherwise hard landing; 'T' was suppose to take a picture of the action but she didn't quite get all of it! we had ice cream and sugared donuts by the boardwalk (can we say "diabetes in a ring"?), then walked back to the car, soaking in the fresh sea air and the setting sun. just what T and i needed i think, as exams are fast approaching...

woke up to yummy soft-boiled eggs today, courtesy of 'A'; we dipped pieces of toast in the runny egg yolk - it's called 'solders', like soldering two metal joints together. i think it's an english thing, as i've had solders at ex-T's house too.

came home from T&A's, then headed out again to catch a movie with "date guy" from a couple of fridays ago. i now know for a FACT that he is OH SO NOT MY TYPE - he votes conservative! eek! ugh! blech! we watched "V for Vendetta" and were discussing the film afterwards (as you do); as the film is all about the government and politics, i soon learn that he is conservative-leaning, and thinks stephen harper is a "relatively honest guy". ummm, WHAT??? i then ask him what he likes about the current conservative government and he says something about the changes to income tax and the softwood lumber dispute. no thanks. i didn't stick around with him after the film, as i have a lab report to do (and have yet to start!); he said he'd call me sometime this week but i would not be the least bit disappointed if he didn't. people might think me harsh for not liking a guy because of his politics, but (in addition to that) the kicker for me was that he did not know hugo weaving (who played 'V' in the movie) was also elrond in "the lord of the rings" - anyone that knows me knows how much i love the books and the films...if that's not a deal breaker then i don't know what is. moving right along...

i was msning with 'french-canadian' guy tonight, and it looks like we're to meet up saturday for an activity of some sort! before your mind dips into the gutter, i meant rock climbing, or horseback riding in hyde park...we were trying to decide on a cool and fun date activity, other than your usual drinks at a bar. we might just end up wandering around a park, as the two previously mentioned activities are a little on the expensive side. as always, i will keep you in da loop!



Anonymous said...

poor guy, where will he venture in life without knowing hugo! i feel you there :)

i had a friend who went out on holiday with a girl who he didn't really fancy (was not his type at all). one morning, as he was shaving, she asks him: where do you usually go for a good cup of cofee? my friend replied: at the X cafe
she replied: what's that?
he turned to the mirror, looked at his half shaved face and mumbled: how can someone who doesn't know X be good?

and the thing is, he really meant it. it meant a lot to him. a few days later he never called her again... and no regrets.

so i feel you there!

Anonymous said...

How about playing frisbee? I know it sounds very grade 2, but it's active, cheap, and provides lots of laughter. And then when you get bored, you can walk...

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

sleepless dream: thanks for your comment! i'm glad you get where i'm coming from with the whole 'hugo' thing...

welcome to my blog! i think your blog is great.

styxxx: i was actually thinking about that, as frenchie said it would be alright too if we just ended up at the park in the afternoon...i was thinking picnic and frisbee perhaps? thoughts?