Friday, September 22, 2006

pond skipping

many thoughts and emotions are running through my head and heart 48 hours i will be leaving on a jet plane, ready to tackle another year of school and general craziness.

high school reunion: it was a lot less painful than i expected! i had a really good time chatting with just about everyone in the room; no one's changed much physically in the last ten years. i don't know what i was expecting but it was quite comforting to see everyone remain relatively the same, perhaps a bit paunchier than the last time i saw them. however, two people saw me and didn't recognize me at all - i wonder what that means? i hope it's a good thing and not a bad thing; my god-awful bangs/fringe are gone so i'll say it's a good thing :o) everyone's doing quite well for themselves, and it was great catching up with them all.

i've spent this week running around town everyday, having lunches, coffees and dinners with friends i haven't seen all year. there never seems to be enough time. when you were young the days stretched on endlessly; now there's always something that needs to get done, someone to see, something on your checklist to tick off, along with the millions of other things that need to get done, people to see, items to check off. growing up and responsibility sucks!

i've been spending the afternoons just wandering around the city, wrapping it around me like a thick, warm blanket. i walk the streets letting the sights, sounds and smells absorb into my skin. i don't want to lose the feeling of my toronto. i know, i know, i'm off to oh-so-exciting london, which it is (!), but my heart belongs here. this feeling has to last me until the next time i'm home, so i'm trying to gather as much of this feeling as i can.

i guess i'm also a little frustrated at how people can find their way under your skin, whether or not you want them there, and try as you might you can't shake loose of them. i don't like knowing someone has a hold over you; they're distant and casually nonchalant while wish you were a stronger person.



J.L said...

be strong. Your new life is awaiting you across the Atlantic.

Anonymous said...

Toronto will miss you. And will accept you back into its arms when you're ready to come back.