Wednesday, November 01, 2006

my fancy gives a lecture

so the handsome prof b. gave a lecture to my class's so funny because quite a few people now know i find him highly attractive, so throughout class i was subjected to many sly looks, giggles and snickers...i don't mind though, as it spices up my day! speaking of which...

vij proposed that in my last year of school, right before i leave england, i give coffee shop hottie a note to let him know that over the last 4 years, i have enjoyed coming to the coffee shop in large part due to him. would this be creepy or cute? please keep in mind:

a) i don't expect anything from him - i just want him to know i appreciate him (and his yummy mocha eyes of course)
b) point a) is proven by the fact that i would be about to leave town when the note would be given
c) wouldn't it brighten up your day immensely to know that you've had such a positive effect on someone?
d) doing this would let him know how i feel without sabotaging my coffee shop visiting rights

what do you think? i still have another 2.5 or so years to mull this idea over.

CET :o)


J.L said...

2-5 years?!?!?

Why not just get it overwith.

Tell him "I think you have nice eyes. Give me a large mocha. kplzthxbye"...

The next time he sees you, He'll be even nicer and maybe he'll even strike up a conversation.

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

not 2 to 5 years, 2.5 years!

i will ask him out eventually, just let me try to say something more than "hi" first...

CET :o)

Anonymous said...

Let me think about it for 2.49 years and I'll get back to ya...