Tuesday, January 09, 2007


...to a grey, wet and blustery londontown, not to mention impending, soul-killing exams. oh joy!

my luggage did not arrive with me alas, it is somewhere in the deep void known as LOST LUGGAGE HELL...i hope it finds its way home soon!

what can i say but that i NEEDED that winter break? i LOVED being home and it was great to see everyone again.

blogging might be light (as if it isn't already) because CET needs to study her ass off. i have a few things to talk about but it will have to wait until i'm a little less jet-lagged and my brain is fully functional once again. ahhh, a fully functional brain...

zoning out,
CET :o)


J.L said...

lamest secret ever!!!!

Anonymous said...

did you have anything important in your luggage? has it arrived yet? that sucks...i hate airlines sometimes because of this.

hope london is warmer than toronto right now. temperatures are dropping quickly, but still no snow :(

thanks for passng by on saturday. it was great to see you.