here's the richard serra sculpture near liverpool street station, just a half hour walk from my flat.
yes i did go to the coffee shop and yes i had a brief verbal exchange with CSH and one of his co-workers actually (in which i might've slightly flirted), but no i will not say anything until i have indeed gotten his name and/or have asked him out!
wandered around spitalfields afterwards (as per usual) and visited my favourite gallery at the moment, kinetica. viewed their latest exhibition and absolutely loved it - this really is art from and for the 21st century. check out the link for more on their "luminaries and visionaries" show.
had dinner tonight at classmate T&A's place; T cooked yummy yummy chinese food and my belly was happy happy for it.
today was exactly what my soul needed.
CET :o)
is this like your reading week now that you've completed the important stuff?
i love how all of your friends are always cooking...is it hard? i want to learn soon.
no it's not my reading week, i just have the next four thursdays off (a quirk in my schedule).
cooking's not hard, it just takes practice. don't get discouraged in the beginning when you're burning things and not getting it quite right; it'll come with time. i thought you already knew how to cook?
CET :o)
New post, new post!
Nice symmetry in the sculpture...
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