my tulips are in bloom! so lovely...
it's almost 2am; vij brought some friends home and we watched an ultra-cheesy yet classic hindi film from the 70's, hilarious. they're still watching it actually; i'm tired and want to go to bed, yet here i am blogging.
before they came home i watched "message in a bottle" (kevin costner, robin wright-penn) on tv. some of the scenes were definitely barf-worthy (like when they were having sex) but funny enough when costner's character died i was peeved; i caught myself actually wanting the hollywood ending!
i want to write more but my brain's too muddled to find the right words. much to sort out in this cranium of mine.
i don't have any classes tomorrow, woohoo! i think a trip to the coffee shop is in order, followed by dinner at classmate T's.
goodnight/good morning,
CET :o)/:o(
Say hi to coffee shop hottie for me! Tell him I miss his mocha-coloured eyes already, HA!
Kisses ;o)
they are soooo "spring-y". love it!
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