tidbits i've been meaning to tell but got sidetracked with the whole crush thing:
- canuckian's home! she arrived yesterday. she'll be home until after mr. bing's wedding, at which point her life is, as of this moment, undecided. i am very glad to have my sister home, not to mention chili's very happy too, as this is the first time since we got him back in december that both of his sisters have been home together. we just finished celebrating the completion of her masters with some cake. congratulations canuckian!!! :o)

- i was wearing my "Rock How To" t-shirt from Threadless one day on the streetcar (see above) when two guys i was standing across from starting to motion to me with their hands. i realized they were both deaf and had noticed my t-shirt. the one guy asked me, through mouthing the words and signing, whether i knew any sign language. i only remember one phrase that brown goddess had taught me when she was learning how to sign, "my name is ________", so i signed it for them and they were very impressed! we then proceeded to fumble through a conversation in sign language and reading lips! i must say i was the one that did most of the fumbling, as they could comprehend me but i couldn't comprehend them very well. we managed to establish each other's names, where we all lived, where we all were heading, why i knew only that one phrase, and the fact that the one guy was flirting with me, saying i had a very pretty smile and a beautiful face :o) it was really cool to be able to converse with them, and lovely that such a random occurence could happen out of the blue.
- mr. bing's stagette party: two words pretty much sum up that evening - MALE STRIPPER. where do i even begin? ahhh yes, we begin with a "fireman" showing up at our door and being led to the bride-to-be to put out her "fire". the stripping music begins and we are treated to quite the show and smell, as this guy must've bathed in his cologne before coming over. PEEEE-YEW! he did his dance around the bride while the rest of us were hooting and hollering and taking pictures. when he was naked except for his g-string (yikes), he then turned to us and proceeded to LAY HIS BODY ON US, one by one, while taking our hands and rubbing them down his chest and smacking his behind. OHHHHHHH MY! then came the full monty, though you couldn't see too much of his bits because he kept hiding behind a little towel. not that i wanted a close up of his bits - he was just a tad too smarmy for my liking! i didn't let him do this to me, but apparently with one of the girls he LAY HIS PENIS ON HER CHEST and gyrated to the music! EEK! one of the other girls and i were clutching each other in half-fear when he came over to us; he proceeded to stand on the sofa, his bits dangling in our faces (though mine was buried in the sofa pillows), swinging his hips to and fro. hmmm...needless to say, by the time he left, each of us had memories (mentally etched and scarred) to last a lifetime :o) oh, and we also had his stench on us too, which i was only too happy to wash off when i got home! GOOOOOD TIMES...
- i'm in pain at the moment because i had my first dragonboat practice on thursday since last year; holy muscle spasm, batman! i was impressed with my stamina (because let's face it folks, CET is not the most active person in the world) but the next day i was feeling it big time. it was even worse the day after that, as business woman and i went to the beaches international jazz festival and proceeded to walk along queen street for three and a half hours. ouch.
- canuckian, brown goddess and i are heading to mr. bing's cottage this coming long weekend, can't wait! our last reconnaissance together before mr. bing becomes a wife :o)
1 comment:
I hope your engaged friend had a blast and now only ever wants to be with her husband to be and never ever see another male stripper around. Hahahahaha.
That sign language story is awesome. I would love to learn it one day because it's the coolest language around. No accents, no pronuonciation, just hand movements.
And thanks for the congrats.
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