...in london that i love. spice of life pub in soho is wonderful - it was where the the sunday jazz session was held. the venue was intimate, the musicians heart-achingly good...it was mostly improv jazz where if you wanted to play you'd sign up beforehand and then bring your instrument, an "open mic night" if you will. let me just say though, these "amateurs" had SKILL man, buckets of it.
i can't adequately describe how good the musicians were - i wish you all in canada/usa could fly over here and listen for yourself! - everyone who performed just picked up their instrument and the vibes just flowed; it was like listening and watching a river of sweet-ass music being created. VERY zen and VERY cool.
there was also one particular drummer that made my heart skip a little - a tall guy of mixed ethnic origin (asian and something else, mmm mmm good) - who was so good-looking and so talented (this is why musicians get so much play, on the stage and off!). alas, there was an equally tall, equally good-looking girl that he hung out with between sessions that looked as if she was his girlfriend.
the kindly old man was there albeit a bit late (we were about to leave when he showed up); we had a really good chat and he said to come again next sunday, which i will gladly do! apparently this sunday afternoon jazz event only occurs on the first and last sunday of every month, though the pub itself has jazz and other music performances throughout the week.
sillyhead, you would LOVE it! you and sweetiehead should get your butts over here soon.
halloween party: on saturday night vij, gabby, business woman and i got dressed up for gabby's co-worker's halloween house party. i wore a sweet, 60's vintage dress i found for only £7! gabby wore her flamenco dress while vij dressed up as a teacher.
the party was great - you paid a small fee but it was unlimited food and booze, shishas/hookahs too! - you can be sure i took FULL advantage of it! the house and backyard were beautiful and everyone was dressed up to the nines.
slight downer: i was chatting to this guy dressed up as a bloody butcher with a hockey/jason mask on; he mentioned he has a girlfriend (she was standing across the garden from us). i was pretty drunk by this point but still managed to notice that his hand was on my leg the entire time we were talking, though i was too drunk to do anything about it...then when i got up to join vij, he groped my ass! what a sleaze!
slight accident: i was well-boozed by the time the gaggle of us girls took the bus home. i wasn't stumbling around like a fool or anything, as i was really concentrating on stopping the world from spinning, but suddenly my ankle gave out and i hit the ground hard. scraped my knee good - i haven't had a scrape like that on my knee since i was little! - and ruined my sexy, white, thigh-high stockings with lace trim. argh! my right ankle smarted pretty badly too.
all in all a pretty damn good weekend.
CET :o)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
kindness via mobile phone
okay, so my story involves a man...a seventy year-old man! i know you may be thinking "geez CET, you sure are bucking your current trend of younger men, eek!" but it's not like that at all. so...
...i was on the bus on tuesday heading down to chelsea to meet business woman for a wander. i fell asleep during the journey, knackered as i was; when i came to i looked at the seat beside me and saw a mobile phone - it must've fell out of someone's pocket as they sat next to me. i got off the bus as i saw a gentleman get off too who i thought was the one sat next to me. i ran after him and asked if it was his phone but he said no! hmmm, so what now?
i met up with business woman and we examined the phone; it had some phone numbers (probably important to the owner) taped to the back of the phone. it was also in a clear case with a slip of paper tucked inside; i opened it up and written in pencil were instructions on how to turn the phone on and off. clue: owner of phone is not a tech-savvy person.
i concluded from the various clues that this phone must belong to a man, and an older man at that; it looked like a mobile phone that an elderly person would have - like my grandma's phone! sure enough i was right, after calling one of the numbers and having the woman tell me that it was indeed an elderly man's phone. he called me later and we arranged to meet the next day.
i know there is definitely a level of suspicion when it comes to meeting a stranger who "says" it's their phone, so of course we met at king's cross train station in the middle of the afternoon. it was so funny because i was trying to describe to him the night before what i look like so that he could recognise me; he was very hard of hearing and so on a crowded bus while talking to him i'm screaming "i'm chinese! i'll be wearing glasses and a long coat! i'm CHINESE!!!"
i immediately spotted him and knew he was the one because he said he was a seventy year-old black man and he was the only one sitting there at the designated place. he looked so sweet and kind, and while he was a stranger i think your intuition tells you a lot; i came up to him and gave him a big hug. he was so so grateful and kept saying "god bless you; i had given up hope!" i gave him back his phone and we chatted a bit while walking out of the station; turns out he used to work as a promoter of jazz musicians. he didn't have time to tell me about all the places he's been to and the people he's met, but he did invite me to a jazz club this sunday afternoon! i thought it must be serendipity because business woman loves jazz and we had wanted to check a jazz club out.
for those worried about my safety it's okay - the club he told us about is on a major street and c'mon, he's my height and he's seventy, i can take him out if necessary. :o)
so there you go, talk about a funny way of meeting people! i am quite excited about this jazz club and getting to know him better - i'm sure he's got lots of cool stories to share. i mean, can you imagine if he's met and worked with the likes of miles davis and john coltrane??? wow...
CET :o)
...i was on the bus on tuesday heading down to chelsea to meet business woman for a wander. i fell asleep during the journey, knackered as i was; when i came to i looked at the seat beside me and saw a mobile phone - it must've fell out of someone's pocket as they sat next to me. i got off the bus as i saw a gentleman get off too who i thought was the one sat next to me. i ran after him and asked if it was his phone but he said no! hmmm, so what now?
i met up with business woman and we examined the phone; it had some phone numbers (probably important to the owner) taped to the back of the phone. it was also in a clear case with a slip of paper tucked inside; i opened it up and written in pencil were instructions on how to turn the phone on and off. clue: owner of phone is not a tech-savvy person.
i concluded from the various clues that this phone must belong to a man, and an older man at that; it looked like a mobile phone that an elderly person would have - like my grandma's phone! sure enough i was right, after calling one of the numbers and having the woman tell me that it was indeed an elderly man's phone. he called me later and we arranged to meet the next day.
i know there is definitely a level of suspicion when it comes to meeting a stranger who "says" it's their phone, so of course we met at king's cross train station in the middle of the afternoon. it was so funny because i was trying to describe to him the night before what i look like so that he could recognise me; he was very hard of hearing and so on a crowded bus while talking to him i'm screaming "i'm chinese! i'll be wearing glasses and a long coat! i'm CHINESE!!!"
i immediately spotted him and knew he was the one because he said he was a seventy year-old black man and he was the only one sitting there at the designated place. he looked so sweet and kind, and while he was a stranger i think your intuition tells you a lot; i came up to him and gave him a big hug. he was so so grateful and kept saying "god bless you; i had given up hope!" i gave him back his phone and we chatted a bit while walking out of the station; turns out he used to work as a promoter of jazz musicians. he didn't have time to tell me about all the places he's been to and the people he's met, but he did invite me to a jazz club this sunday afternoon! i thought it must be serendipity because business woman loves jazz and we had wanted to check a jazz club out.
for those worried about my safety it's okay - the club he told us about is on a major street and c'mon, he's my height and he's seventy, i can take him out if necessary. :o)
so there you go, talk about a funny way of meeting people! i am quite excited about this jazz club and getting to know him better - i'm sure he's got lots of cool stories to share. i mean, can you imagine if he's met and worked with the likes of miles davis and john coltrane??? wow...
CET :o)
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
am i that bad?
so i was having a conversation in the kitchen last night with vij and business woman; we were talking about how apparently, my "man-radar" is completely non-existent.
vij says: when a man is attracted to me and sends out signals, i don't seem to pick up on them AT ALL; i automatically assume his signals are due to
a) him just being a friendly guy, and/or
b) he's just joking and doesn't mean it.
i just don't seem to know or aren't aware when someone fancies me. i always conclude that they don't. she says that marvin the martian and i aren't sexual twins because whereas he's completely aware of when girls like him (he just chooses not to do anything), i am completely unaware that men like me, and am actually surprised when i find out they do.
oh, and when a man jokes about marriage with you, is that an obvious sign of attraction? i want to know your opinion.
it's not like i think i'm not worthy of being fancied (on the contrary!), and there have been instances in the past where i knew pretty quickly that someone liked me...perhaps it's just lately? maybe my radar's out of sync and needs to be re-tuned? i don't know.
wow, talk about crap swirling around in your head.
CET :o)
vij says: when a man is attracted to me and sends out signals, i don't seem to pick up on them AT ALL; i automatically assume his signals are due to
a) him just being a friendly guy, and/or
b) he's just joking and doesn't mean it.
i just don't seem to know or aren't aware when someone fancies me. i always conclude that they don't. she says that marvin the martian and i aren't sexual twins because whereas he's completely aware of when girls like him (he just chooses not to do anything), i am completely unaware that men like me, and am actually surprised when i find out they do.
oh, and when a man jokes about marriage with you, is that an obvious sign of attraction? i want to know your opinion.
it's not like i think i'm not worthy of being fancied (on the contrary!), and there have been instances in the past where i knew pretty quickly that someone liked me...perhaps it's just lately? maybe my radar's out of sync and needs to be re-tuned? i don't know.
wow, talk about crap swirling around in your head.
CET :o)
Monday, October 23, 2006
nothing says a good weekend...
...like having to clean someone else's vomit off your flamenco dress the day after a housewarming costume party (the vomit came from some random girl on the bus on the way home, nice);
...like cooking a kick-ass dinner with vij for kiwigirl, her sis and marvin the martian (note: i can cook keema now, and i also share the same inseam measurement as marvin, in addition to being his sexual twin);
...like having business woman arrive in london for two weeks; picked her up and after a rest we went for sausages and mash at S&M cafe (as you do), followed by shopping at spitalfields. coffee shop hottie was working that day but i didn't go inside. it's really damn annoying being a poor student at your most favourite market in the world, but i guess there are worse things. note: had just about the most orgasmic (yes people, ORGASMIC) chocolate brownie in the world - not a word of a lie - rich as hell, moist as fuck, oh yes, OH YES (!!!), my eyes rolled back and CET was somewhere in heaven :o)
pet peeve: the "sprucing up" of camden and spitalfields markets, i.e. let's put all these glass and metal structures up around and in the existing marketspace, thereby killing any grunginess, grimey-ness, atmosphere and general CHARACTER that was what made these places beautiful. ARGH! modern architecture is nice but it has no place in markets over a hundred years old.
back to my lab write-up!
CET :o)
...like cooking a kick-ass dinner with vij for kiwigirl, her sis and marvin the martian (note: i can cook keema now, and i also share the same inseam measurement as marvin, in addition to being his sexual twin);
...like having business woman arrive in london for two weeks; picked her up and after a rest we went for sausages and mash at S&M cafe (as you do), followed by shopping at spitalfields. coffee shop hottie was working that day but i didn't go inside. it's really damn annoying being a poor student at your most favourite market in the world, but i guess there are worse things. note: had just about the most orgasmic (yes people, ORGASMIC) chocolate brownie in the world - not a word of a lie - rich as hell, moist as fuck, oh yes, OH YES (!!!), my eyes rolled back and CET was somewhere in heaven :o)
pet peeve: the "sprucing up" of camden and spitalfields markets, i.e. let's put all these glass and metal structures up around and in the existing marketspace, thereby killing any grunginess, grimey-ness, atmosphere and general CHARACTER that was what made these places beautiful. ARGH! modern architecture is nice but it has no place in markets over a hundred years old.
back to my lab write-up!
CET :o)
Friday, October 20, 2006
book, phone and beauty
book: so i ended up choosing option number 1 - girlwithaonetrackmind's book signing in angel. i got to the bookstore a bit early and so bought the book and read for a bit. in all honesty i must say i like her blog much better than the book so far, but i will hold off on judgement until i'm done. she read a few passages from her book and then answered some questions before signing; i thought it hilarious that they put her right beside the children's section of the bookstore - it is a sex memoir, after all - but she handled the evening with humour, grace and charm. and i must say, she is quite beautiful - not in the boring, skinny, archetype-of-beauty-thrust-in-your-face-by-the-media-way - but in a wonderfully curvaceous, real-woman way. she has really nice breasts!
i did speak to her when she signed my book; i have a tendency to clam up and come across like a total idiot in front of famous/semi-famous people, but i did manage to squeak out my name (which she thought was pretty) and congratulate her on her success and how she's managed being "outed" by the media very well. i hope i didn't sound too stupid!
went to kiwigirl's for a debrief afterwards, then headed home for dinner...
phone: after my dinner of a turkey ham and pickle sandwich along with some weetabix (dinner of champions), i thought i'd surpise a friend in t.o. by calling her out of the blue. she was at work (poor girl, spending every night this week at work until 10pm or later!) - she told me to hold on for a second and then suddenly, a deep, male voice came on the phone and said "hello?" it was office boy! my first reaction was to laugh and laugh and laugh - he was a tad bit confused, as he didn't recognize my laugh - so i said "it's me you idiot." we then had a pretty good chat, of which i'm very happy about.
beauty: i don't know what it is, but london seems very beautiful today. i woke up to clouds and rain, but it cleared by the time i left the house. the mottled clouds, in various shades of grey, against a background of emerging blue sky and sunshine, really struck me as i walked to my bus stop.
my bus route to school takes me through the heart of the financial district; a huge flock of pigeons flew by as i passed by the royal exchange. the arc of the birds' flight, to the top of the exchange with its victorian architecture, made for a dazzling sight.

CET :o)
i did speak to her when she signed my book; i have a tendency to clam up and come across like a total idiot in front of famous/semi-famous people, but i did manage to squeak out my name (which she thought was pretty) and congratulate her on her success and how she's managed being "outed" by the media very well. i hope i didn't sound too stupid!
went to kiwigirl's for a debrief afterwards, then headed home for dinner...
phone: after my dinner of a turkey ham and pickle sandwich along with some weetabix (dinner of champions), i thought i'd surpise a friend in t.o. by calling her out of the blue. she was at work (poor girl, spending every night this week at work until 10pm or later!) - she told me to hold on for a second and then suddenly, a deep, male voice came on the phone and said "hello?" it was office boy! my first reaction was to laugh and laugh and laugh - he was a tad bit confused, as he didn't recognize my laugh - so i said "it's me you idiot." we then had a pretty good chat, of which i'm very happy about.
beauty: i don't know what it is, but london seems very beautiful today. i woke up to clouds and rain, but it cleared by the time i left the house. the mottled clouds, in various shades of grey, against a background of emerging blue sky and sunshine, really struck me as i walked to my bus stop.
my bus route to school takes me through the heart of the financial district; a huge flock of pigeons flew by as i passed by the royal exchange. the arc of the birds' flight, to the top of the exchange with its victorian architecture, made for a dazzling sight.

CET :o)
office boy,
Thursday, October 19, 2006
i spent the entire afternoon yesterday at the coffee shop admiring my hottie (discreetly of course - well at least i hope so). oh, and have a cuppa with my evil hypnotist.
when i first got there it was pretty quiet; i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to chat him up and perhaps ask him out. it then dawned on me (i'm not sure why i didn't realise it before) that if anything were to happen and if it all turned to shit, i wouldn't be able to go back to my favourite coffee shop anymore! the horror! i guess this means i will be but a distant admirer from now on.
i think it's illegal to have such gorgeous brown eyes as his. mmm, mocha sweetness...
so many things i could do today; girlwithaonetrackmind is having a booking signing and i really want to go...classmate T invited me to drinks with some of her old work colleagues...whitechapel art gallery is open late on thursdays with free admission too...forro night is tonight as well...what should CET do? it's like those old "choose your own adventure" books - what will happen next? only you can decide...
CET :o)
when i first got there it was pretty quiet; i thought this would be the perfect opportunity to chat him up and perhaps ask him out. it then dawned on me (i'm not sure why i didn't realise it before) that if anything were to happen and if it all turned to shit, i wouldn't be able to go back to my favourite coffee shop anymore! the horror! i guess this means i will be but a distant admirer from now on.
i think it's illegal to have such gorgeous brown eyes as his. mmm, mocha sweetness...
so many things i could do today; girlwithaonetrackmind is having a booking signing and i really want to go...classmate T invited me to drinks with some of her old work colleagues...whitechapel art gallery is open late on thursdays with free admission too...forro night is tonight as well...what should CET do? it's like those old "choose your own adventure" books - what will happen next? only you can decide...
CET :o)
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
one lap, two lap...
marvin the martian bailed on running last night and kiwigirl wanted to run later than usual, so i ended up doing laps around the park in front of my school for about forty minutes last night! i must say i'm pretty proud of myself for having that much discipline :o). i alternated between running a few laps and walking a few laps - definitely more my pace and my style. and i didn't hurt so much today, yay!
okay, so i caved and e-mailed office boy again. he sent me an e-mail right before i left canada that kind of did my head in; i sent a reply and have not heard from him since. i e-mailed him yesterday just letting him know how i was and asking how he was doing, i mean, he did say he was looking forward to hearing about me and london, right? sigh. it's times like these that i wish i could bundle up all my emotions and throw them in the garbage can!
off for home as my landlord's coming by with my new curtains. no more changing in the living room!
CET :o)
okay, so i caved and e-mailed office boy again. he sent me an e-mail right before i left canada that kind of did my head in; i sent a reply and have not heard from him since. i e-mailed him yesterday just letting him know how i was and asking how he was doing, i mean, he did say he was looking forward to hearing about me and london, right? sigh. it's times like these that i wish i could bundle up all my emotions and throw them in the garbage can!
off for home as my landlord's coming by with my new curtains. no more changing in the living room!
CET :o)
Monday, October 16, 2006
wine, women (men too) and song
what a weekend!
friday: caught up with my lovely evil hypnotist before checking out his friend's band, pieces of mary. highlight: a rowdy rock n' roll rendition of marvin gaye's "i heard it through the grapevine". sweet.
saturday: afternoon exploration of brick lane (lamb keema, mmm) and a tea stop at my favourite coffee house in spitalfields. no coffee shop hottie that day. evening was spent at kiwigirl's; we had a classic girls' night in. watched "bridget jones' diary" (a perennial favourite) and "how to lose a guy in 10 days" (oh my god that sucked ass so large); much pizza was consumed and much girl talk was exchanged (you think?).
sunday: dinner and a song at sarastro restaurant, an absolutely gorgeous place where a violin quartet and opera singers entertain you while you eat. it was magical! my belly was full of food, my heart full of song, my spirit floating up in the rafters; words don't do it justice so here's a pic from their website:

beautiful, eh?
busy busy week ahead before the arrival of business woman to london on saturday. must get as much as i can done beforehand. am running with kiwigirl and marvin today too - hopefully today's run will be better than last week's!
CET :o)
friday: caught up with my lovely evil hypnotist before checking out his friend's band, pieces of mary. highlight: a rowdy rock n' roll rendition of marvin gaye's "i heard it through the grapevine". sweet.
saturday: afternoon exploration of brick lane (lamb keema, mmm) and a tea stop at my favourite coffee house in spitalfields. no coffee shop hottie that day. evening was spent at kiwigirl's; we had a classic girls' night in. watched "bridget jones' diary" (a perennial favourite) and "how to lose a guy in 10 days" (oh my god that sucked ass so large); much pizza was consumed and much girl talk was exchanged (you think?).
sunday: dinner and a song at sarastro restaurant, an absolutely gorgeous place where a violin quartet and opera singers entertain you while you eat. it was magical! my belly was full of food, my heart full of song, my spirit floating up in the rafters; words don't do it justice so here's a pic from their website:

beautiful, eh?
busy busy week ahead before the arrival of business woman to london on saturday. must get as much as i can done beforehand. am running with kiwigirl and marvin today too - hopefully today's run will be better than last week's!
CET :o)
Friday, October 13, 2006
your forro or mine?
so apparently i can pick up forro better than i can pick up capoeira.
it wasn't as raunchy like lambada as i thought it would be, though i'm sure you can take it that far. it was really fun learning and my instructor and his band played magnificently.
diss: so i was listening to the music and loving it, and really wanting someone to ask me to dance. i thought "what the hell, i'll just ask a stranger," and so asked a gentleman that i had seen dancing earlier that i thought would be nice enough to dance with a beginner like me. OH NO GIRLFRIEND, i got rejected!!! he mumbled something about not feeling well, though later on he was dancing happily with someone more experienced. WHATEVER YOU FORRO SNOB!
later on a guy asked me to dance, and we danced several times. he was a very good teacher and i picked it up easily after dancing with him for a while. it is good fun and the forro style itself is more laidback and relaxed compared to its salsa cousin.
comparison: CET gets rejected by Mr. Forro Snob; vij gets picked up by the best dancer in the room. sigh. she was in a trance watching him bust his moves - i guess it paid off because he soon crossed the room and asked her to dance!
anyhoo, it was a brilliant night filled with great music and fancy dance moves - i'm definitely going again next thursday.
CET :o)
it wasn't as raunchy like lambada as i thought it would be, though i'm sure you can take it that far. it was really fun learning and my instructor and his band played magnificently.
diss: so i was listening to the music and loving it, and really wanting someone to ask me to dance. i thought "what the hell, i'll just ask a stranger," and so asked a gentleman that i had seen dancing earlier that i thought would be nice enough to dance with a beginner like me. OH NO GIRLFRIEND, i got rejected!!! he mumbled something about not feeling well, though later on he was dancing happily with someone more experienced. WHATEVER YOU FORRO SNOB!
later on a guy asked me to dance, and we danced several times. he was a very good teacher and i picked it up easily after dancing with him for a while. it is good fun and the forro style itself is more laidback and relaxed compared to its salsa cousin.
comparison: CET gets rejected by Mr. Forro Snob; vij gets picked up by the best dancer in the room. sigh. she was in a trance watching him bust his moves - i guess it paid off because he soon crossed the room and asked her to dance!
anyhoo, it was a brilliant night filled with great music and fancy dance moves - i'm definitely going again next thursday.
CET :o)
Thursday, October 12, 2006
tartar and forro
now that i have to blog from school, i wonder if the people sitting beside and around me in the computer lab will notice what i'm doing, and log onto my blog site after i've left...
had lunch today with old flatmate S - she's cool to hang out with now that i don't have to live with her boyfriend, ugh. we had fish and chips at a local cafe, with homemade tartar sauce, mmm...i think that's my favourite thing about eating fish and chips, the tartar sauce! i dip both the fish and the chips in it - i swear i eat more sauce than anything else.
i borrowed a can opener from a neighbour downstairs the other day, when i realised we don't have one at the flat; must get a can opener on the way home today.
my capoeira instructor's playing with his band (i think?) at a brazilian night at a bar on brick lane tonight; they have classes beforehand on a dance known as forro. apparently this dance is danced in pairs, so we shall see who i end up with as a partner! i just googled forro under "images" - it looks like some form of sexy dance, like lambada! eek!
CET :o)
had lunch today with old flatmate S - she's cool to hang out with now that i don't have to live with her boyfriend, ugh. we had fish and chips at a local cafe, with homemade tartar sauce, mmm...i think that's my favourite thing about eating fish and chips, the tartar sauce! i dip both the fish and the chips in it - i swear i eat more sauce than anything else.
i borrowed a can opener from a neighbour downstairs the other day, when i realised we don't have one at the flat; must get a can opener on the way home today.
my capoeira instructor's playing with his band (i think?) at a brazilian night at a bar on brick lane tonight; they have classes beforehand on a dance known as forro. apparently this dance is danced in pairs, so we shall see who i end up with as a partner! i just googled forro under "images" - it looks like some form of sexy dance, like lambada! eek!
CET :o)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
resuming the fancy
my academic tutor gave a lecture to my class today - he is such an engaging lecturer, and i'm not saying this because i fancy him - and then i saw him for a brief chat afterwards. sigh. he has a framed photo on his wall of him playing sports back in the day when he was young and dapper - hot damn, he had a nice set of pipes - there were four gentlemen in the picture and i asked "which one is you?" to which he replied "isn't it obvious? the good-looking one." then i said "no, it's not obvious at all!" :o)
wednesdays are half-days at school; i've been out of class since 1pm. i have capoeira at 6pm so i stayed at school and did some homework (wow!). i'm getting my internet fix now as vij and i decided not to get internet at home until the new year.
hey, i took some pictures of our flat! check it out:

that's my room!

the kitchen (the lighting's a little dim and it looks a bit small, but i like it!)

the bathroom (great power shower although it doesn't look it)

the living room (along with my drying laundry - like the sushi pjs?)
CET :o)
wednesdays are half-days at school; i've been out of class since 1pm. i have capoeira at 6pm so i stayed at school and did some homework (wow!). i'm getting my internet fix now as vij and i decided not to get internet at home until the new year.
hey, i took some pictures of our flat! check it out:

that's my room!

the kitchen (the lighting's a little dim and it looks a bit small, but i like it!)

the bathroom (great power shower although it doesn't look it)

the living room (along with my drying laundry - like the sushi pjs?)
CET :o)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
pant pant
ran with marvin, kiwigirl and one of their colleagues yesterday. holy mother.
i think i did pretty well as i haven't ran like that in ages; we ran for about 35 minutes during which i stopped 4 times, each time for a couple of minutes. pretty good considering we were going at a pretty brisk pace (well, brisk for me). i'm quite proud of myself! thanks be to marvin and kiwigirl for letting a slow-poke like me run with them and for being so encouraging, even if i walked up the hill at the end instead of running up it. :o)
when i went back to my locker to get my stuff there was a guy standing there; he asked me how to use the lockers (coin deposit system) and so i showed him. i think he was trying to pick me up because he tried to make conversation, asking me if i was coming from aerobics class or something; i was looking so nasty, my face all red and my clothes all soaked from sweat, i just told him i went running with friends then grabbed my stuff and left. i know i should've been friendlier, and i think it's pretty cool that as gross as i was feeling and looking i was still being picked up, but i felt as though i was going to keel over and didn't have enough energy to form words that would make up a decent conversation. next time i'll be more prepared!
and i don't know if i've mentioned this in a previous post or not, but i love london the most when it's nighttime. we ran along the embankment by the river and the view was gorgeous, the buildings and trees all lit up, twinkling like thousands of stars on earth. riding the bus at night, you can fully appreciate the varied architecture in the city, and in general the feeling is more peaceful and calm. here are some pics:

see what i mean? i can see the rocket-like building (aka "the gherkin") from my bedroom window.

hungerford bridge near the southbank (imagine my sweaty self running along this bridge).
CET :o)
p.s. both images are courtesy of www.imagelondon.com.
i think i did pretty well as i haven't ran like that in ages; we ran for about 35 minutes during which i stopped 4 times, each time for a couple of minutes. pretty good considering we were going at a pretty brisk pace (well, brisk for me). i'm quite proud of myself! thanks be to marvin and kiwigirl for letting a slow-poke like me run with them and for being so encouraging, even if i walked up the hill at the end instead of running up it. :o)
when i went back to my locker to get my stuff there was a guy standing there; he asked me how to use the lockers (coin deposit system) and so i showed him. i think he was trying to pick me up because he tried to make conversation, asking me if i was coming from aerobics class or something; i was looking so nasty, my face all red and my clothes all soaked from sweat, i just told him i went running with friends then grabbed my stuff and left. i know i should've been friendlier, and i think it's pretty cool that as gross as i was feeling and looking i was still being picked up, but i felt as though i was going to keel over and didn't have enough energy to form words that would make up a decent conversation. next time i'll be more prepared!
and i don't know if i've mentioned this in a previous post or not, but i love london the most when it's nighttime. we ran along the embankment by the river and the view was gorgeous, the buildings and trees all lit up, twinkling like thousands of stars on earth. riding the bus at night, you can fully appreciate the varied architecture in the city, and in general the feeling is more peaceful and calm. here are some pics:

see what i mean? i can see the rocket-like building (aka "the gherkin") from my bedroom window.

hungerford bridge near the southbank (imagine my sweaty self running along this bridge).
CET :o)
p.s. both images are courtesy of www.imagelondon.com.
Monday, October 09, 2006
gobble gobble run run
i will be celebrating thanksgiving today by going on a run with kiwigirl and marvin the martian. yes i know, i'm CRRRRRAZY! all i have to say is "help me" - i'll be happy just keeping up with them half of the time.
the flamenco party i went to with gabby last night wasn't as good as i thought. we got there near the end - the musicians only performed two more songs (for sevillanas) and then they turned on the latin music - not flamenco at all! oh well, at least gabby and i got to dance a little bit of flamenco before it was all shakira and gypsy kings. we really miss our flamenco teacher, who moved back to spain last year.
okay, i should really get some studying done before going running. wish me luck!
CET :o)
p.s. check out this article forwarded to me by a friend - scientific study or not, i think it's leaning slightly on the bullcrap side...
i will be celebrating thanksgiving today by going on a run with kiwigirl and marvin the martian. yes i know, i'm CRRRRRAZY! all i have to say is "help me" - i'll be happy just keeping up with them half of the time.
the flamenco party i went to with gabby last night wasn't as good as i thought. we got there near the end - the musicians only performed two more songs (for sevillanas) and then they turned on the latin music - not flamenco at all! oh well, at least gabby and i got to dance a little bit of flamenco before it was all shakira and gypsy kings. we really miss our flamenco teacher, who moved back to spain last year.
okay, i should really get some studying done before going running. wish me luck!
CET :o)
p.s. check out this article forwarded to me by a friend - scientific study or not, i think it's leaning slightly on the bullcrap side...
Sunday, October 08, 2006
sexual twin
so apparently i have more than one twin; it appears that i have a "sexual twin" in the form of marvin the martian!
vij and i had dinner last night with kiwigirl, her sister, and marvin. as always the topic of the evening was sex; marvin and i were recounting some of our respective stories and it seems as though we're pretty similar in many respects when it comes to relationships, dating and sex. i won't go into exactly what was said, but marvin made the "sexual twin" comment and it made me laugh.
thinking about it on the bus ride home, i didn't know whether having a "sexual twin" was a good thing or a bad thing. i guess it's not anything really, just an observation. he's my sexual doppleganger if you will.
at one point we went around the room and everyone had to state the most important physical feature they notice about someone (other than the eyes, because EVERYONE ALWAYS says eyes), and then state the most important non-physical feature they notice. here they are in no particular order - can you guess who said what?
1. smile; intelligence
2. broad chest; a touch of arrogance
3. butt; sense of humour
4. skinniness; geekiness
5. thigh-to-butt ratio; a touch of bitch
well, you can figure who said number 5... :o)
other notes: capoeira - holy mother i was in pain the next day but man, was it fun! i'm really rusty and will have to re-learn some of the moves, but i enjoy it very much! i'm already looking forward to this wednesday's class, plus the brazilian night down on brick lane on thursday that my instructor's a part of.
post-grad party at vij's school - it was good times! we were packed liked sardines in this tiny underground bar; there was dancing (which i was happy about) and although i was sore from capoeira, i did get my groove on pretty well, as evidenced by the fact that one of vij's new-found friends commented "you've got the moves, girl, you've got the moves!!!"
e-mail's brief stopover in london - it was sooooo good to see her, albeit briefly. we went to a breakfast place renowned for its bread (le pain quotidien), then stopped in a chocolate shop afterwards (rococo chocolates) and bought some truffles. particular favourites included the chili chocolate truffle, and the gin and lemon truffle. funny moment: we stopped in the middle of the street to savour the truffles, then realised we were standing in front of the london diabetes centre! e-mail took a picture of me gorging on truffles in front of the diabetes sign.
exhale...i feel a lot better now having blogged...all this stuff i wanted to get out but didn't have the time or the internet access to do so! ahhh...
p.s. kiwigirl made an excellent roast last night - yes, she really can cook! :o)
vij and i had dinner last night with kiwigirl, her sister, and marvin. as always the topic of the evening was sex; marvin and i were recounting some of our respective stories and it seems as though we're pretty similar in many respects when it comes to relationships, dating and sex. i won't go into exactly what was said, but marvin made the "sexual twin" comment and it made me laugh.
thinking about it on the bus ride home, i didn't know whether having a "sexual twin" was a good thing or a bad thing. i guess it's not anything really, just an observation. he's my sexual doppleganger if you will.
at one point we went around the room and everyone had to state the most important physical feature they notice about someone (other than the eyes, because EVERYONE ALWAYS says eyes), and then state the most important non-physical feature they notice. here they are in no particular order - can you guess who said what?
1. smile; intelligence
2. broad chest; a touch of arrogance
3. butt; sense of humour
4. skinniness; geekiness
5. thigh-to-butt ratio; a touch of bitch
well, you can figure who said number 5... :o)
other notes: capoeira - holy mother i was in pain the next day but man, was it fun! i'm really rusty and will have to re-learn some of the moves, but i enjoy it very much! i'm already looking forward to this wednesday's class, plus the brazilian night down on brick lane on thursday that my instructor's a part of.
post-grad party at vij's school - it was good times! we were packed liked sardines in this tiny underground bar; there was dancing (which i was happy about) and although i was sore from capoeira, i did get my groove on pretty well, as evidenced by the fact that one of vij's new-found friends commented "you've got the moves, girl, you've got the moves!!!"
e-mail's brief stopover in london - it was sooooo good to see her, albeit briefly. we went to a breakfast place renowned for its bread (le pain quotidien), then stopped in a chocolate shop afterwards (rococo chocolates) and bought some truffles. particular favourites included the chili chocolate truffle, and the gin and lemon truffle. funny moment: we stopped in the middle of the street to savour the truffles, then realised we were standing in front of the london diabetes centre! e-mail took a picture of me gorging on truffles in front of the diabetes sign.
exhale...i feel a lot better now having blogged...all this stuff i wanted to get out but didn't have the time or the internet access to do so! ahhh...
p.s. kiwigirl made an excellent roast last night - yes, she really can cook! :o)
Thursday, October 05, 2006
happy 1st birthday!
it was a year today that i decided to start this blog. i hope it has provided some sort of humour/entertainment/insight to anyone who has stop by to read it, whether everyday (thanks loyal readers!) or just once. as always, i am open to suggestions/criticisms of any kind, as long as they're constructive!
oops, tutorial starts now! will try to blog more later!
CET :o)
oops, tutorial starts now! will try to blog more later!
CET :o)
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
the skies are gonna clear up...
hi ho, hi ho, it's off to job hunt i go...
in the computer lab at the moment...should be printing off my resume/CV but am blogging instead.
today i woke up and it felt like a good day; just feeling a bit more refreshed and ready to tackle the world. i hope this feeling lasts!
ran into my academic tutor today, prof b. still very good-looking, yet over-worked as usual. it's funny because everyone that knows about my crush doesn't think he's handsome at all...what does that say about my tastes??? oh well, we'll have to see what happens (if anything) this year! i think i'm destined to be only an admirer.
sue: ha ha ha, i'd like to know what kind of stripper names you'd come up with for me - what would be yours, hmmm???
jason: i'm not as good at capoeira as you are at your breakdancing, so i think our initial face-off you'd win hands down. give me time jason, give me time...
styxxx: capoeira (pronouced 'cap-oh-where-ah', sort of) is a form of brazilian dance/martial arts. it's kind of hard to explain, best to google it.
pretty busy the rest of the week - capoeira tonight, a party at vij's school thursday, e-mail's stopping over on her way to south africa on saturday, dinner on saturday night with kiwigirl and marvin the martian, then a flamenco party with gabby on sunday. where is there time to do homework?
CET :o)
in the computer lab at the moment...should be printing off my resume/CV but am blogging instead.
today i woke up and it felt like a good day; just feeling a bit more refreshed and ready to tackle the world. i hope this feeling lasts!
ran into my academic tutor today, prof b. still very good-looking, yet over-worked as usual. it's funny because everyone that knows about my crush doesn't think he's handsome at all...what does that say about my tastes??? oh well, we'll have to see what happens (if anything) this year! i think i'm destined to be only an admirer.
sue: ha ha ha, i'd like to know what kind of stripper names you'd come up with for me - what would be yours, hmmm???
jason: i'm not as good at capoeira as you are at your breakdancing, so i think our initial face-off you'd win hands down. give me time jason, give me time...
styxxx: capoeira (pronouced 'cap-oh-where-ah', sort of) is a form of brazilian dance/martial arts. it's kind of hard to explain, best to google it.
pretty busy the rest of the week - capoeira tonight, a party at vij's school thursday, e-mail's stopping over on her way to south africa on saturday, dinner on saturday night with kiwigirl and marvin the martian, then a flamenco party with gabby on sunday. where is there time to do homework?
CET :o)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
everything's harder
folly after folly of errors, whether it be finding a flat, securing a flat, setting up a landline, even catching the bus to get to school on time...NOTHING has been easy so far, sheesh...oh, and i found out yesterday that the part-time pharmacy job i thought i had when i came back is no longer mine...long story...gotta find a job and find it STAT. i can understand why women turn to stripping to make rent... :o(
school's going well, though i'm already up to my neck in homework. i'm excited about this year though because the topics we're covering sound so interesting and it's just better than first year.
i'm going to try a capoeira class tomorrow - i used to do it a few years ago, and have been itching to take it up again - i'm excited!
school's going well, though i'm already up to my neck in homework. i'm excited about this year though because the topics we're covering sound so interesting and it's just better than first year.
i'm going to try a capoeira class tomorrow - i used to do it a few years ago, and have been itching to take it up again - i'm excited!
Monday, October 02, 2006
move in, moving up
holy shit. it's been a crazy three days.
flat: dealing with letting agents (i.e. real estate agents) suck. i went through enough stress and drama with ours on friday and saturday (i will not get into it here, too much bitching and typing required); moved in on sunday and that's all that matters. i love our new place! really feels like a home.
funny: i live near curry house central (brick lane) but guess who i have at home to make me the best indian food? vij! it's awesome - our first dinner at the flat was a yummy rice/lentil concoction and a potato dish - three helpings later i was a happy CET.
school: crazy first day, but that's to be expected. this year is about applying myself - for real this time! it was great to see everyone and get back into the swing of things.
matchmaking take two: didn't end up making it to the pharmacy to meet my elusive match, will do so today...
will blog more when i can!
CET :o)
flat: dealing with letting agents (i.e. real estate agents) suck. i went through enough stress and drama with ours on friday and saturday (i will not get into it here, too much bitching and typing required); moved in on sunday and that's all that matters. i love our new place! really feels like a home.
funny: i live near curry house central (brick lane) but guess who i have at home to make me the best indian food? vij! it's awesome - our first dinner at the flat was a yummy rice/lentil concoction and a potato dish - three helpings later i was a happy CET.
school: crazy first day, but that's to be expected. this year is about applying myself - for real this time! it was great to see everyone and get back into the swing of things.
matchmaking take two: didn't end up making it to the pharmacy to meet my elusive match, will do so today...
will blog more when i can!
CET :o)
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