Monday, October 09, 2006

gobble gobble run run


i will be celebrating thanksgiving today by going on a run with kiwigirl and marvin the martian. yes i know, i'm CRRRRRAZY! all i have to say is "help me" - i'll be happy just keeping up with them half of the time.

the flamenco party i went to with gabby last night wasn't as good as i thought. we got there near the end - the musicians only performed two more songs (for sevillanas) and then they turned on the latin music - not flamenco at all! oh well, at least gabby and i got to dance a little bit of flamenco before it was all shakira and gypsy kings. we really miss our flamenco teacher, who moved back to spain last year.

okay, i should really get some studying done before going running. wish me luck!

CET :o)

p.s. check out this article forwarded to me by a friend - scientific study or not, i think it's leaning slightly on the bullcrap side...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving CET!!! I made roasted chicken with stuffing and mashed sweet potatoes, yum...looking forward to the leftovers.

Good luck with the running - props to you!