Sunday, October 08, 2006

sexual twin

so apparently i have more than one twin; it appears that i have a "sexual twin" in the form of marvin the martian!

vij and i had dinner last night with kiwigirl, her sister, and marvin. as always the topic of the evening was sex; marvin and i were recounting some of our respective stories and it seems as though we're pretty similar in many respects when it comes to relationships, dating and sex. i won't go into exactly what was said, but marvin made the "sexual twin" comment and it made me laugh.

thinking about it on the bus ride home, i didn't know whether having a "sexual twin" was a good thing or a bad thing. i guess it's not anything really, just an observation. he's my sexual doppleganger if you will.

at one point we went around the room and everyone had to state the most important physical feature they notice about someone (other than the eyes, because EVERYONE ALWAYS says eyes), and then state the most important non-physical feature they notice. here they are in no particular order - can you guess who said what?

1. smile; intelligence
2. broad chest; a touch of arrogance
3. butt; sense of humour
4. skinniness; geekiness
5. thigh-to-butt ratio; a touch of bitch

well, you can figure who said number 5... :o)

other notes: capoeira - holy mother i was in pain the next day but man, was it fun! i'm really rusty and will have to re-learn some of the moves, but i enjoy it very much! i'm already looking forward to this wednesday's class, plus the brazilian night down on brick lane on thursday that my instructor's a part of.

post-grad party at vij's school - it was good times! we were packed liked sardines in this tiny underground bar; there was dancing (which i was happy about) and although i was sore from capoeira, i did get my groove on pretty well, as evidenced by the fact that one of vij's new-found friends commented "you've got the moves, girl, you've got the moves!!!"

e-mail's brief stopover in london - it was sooooo good to see her, albeit briefly. we went to a breakfast place renowned for its bread (le pain quotidien), then stopped in a chocolate shop afterwards (rococo chocolates) and bought some truffles. particular favourites included the chili chocolate truffle, and the gin and lemon truffle. funny moment: we stopped in the middle of the street to savour the truffles, then realised we were standing in front of the london diabetes centre! e-mail took a picture of me gorging on truffles in front of the diabetes sign.

exhale...i feel a lot better now having blogged...all this stuff i wanted to get out but didn't have the time or the internet access to do so! ahhh...


p.s. kiwigirl made an excellent roast last night - yes, she really can cook! :o)

1 comment:

kiwigirl said...

ha ha ha

Anyone that reads my blog would know which one on the list was me :) HA HA

I had leftover roast last night - was good!

xxx K