i did speak to her when she signed my book; i have a tendency to clam up and come across like a total idiot in front of famous/semi-famous people, but i did manage to squeak out my name (which she thought was pretty) and congratulate her on her success and how she's managed being "outed" by the media very well. i hope i didn't sound too stupid!
went to kiwigirl's for a debrief afterwards, then headed home for dinner...
phone: after my dinner of a turkey ham and pickle sandwich along with some weetabix (dinner of champions), i thought i'd surpise a friend in t.o. by calling her out of the blue. she was at work (poor girl, spending every night this week at work until 10pm or later!) - she told me to hold on for a second and then suddenly, a deep, male voice came on the phone and said "hello?" it was office boy! my first reaction was to laugh and laugh and laugh - he was a tad bit confused, as he didn't recognize my laugh - so i said "it's me you idiot." we then had a pretty good chat, of which i'm very happy about.
beauty: i don't know what it is, but london seems very beautiful today. i woke up to clouds and rain, but it cleared by the time i left the house. the mottled clouds, in various shades of grey, against a background of emerging blue sky and sunshine, really struck me as i walked to my bus stop.
my bus route to school takes me through the heart of the financial district; a huge flock of pigeons flew by as i passed by the royal exchange. the arc of the birds' flight, to the top of the exchange with its victorian architecture, made for a dazzling sight.

CET :o)
This is the first I've heard of girlwithaonetrackmind...I can't believe there was any debate about where you would go for entertainment that night! Was the rest of the crowd comprised of men with loose pants; perhaps holding broad packages over their crotches while sitting down? Did you notice many of the audience's eyes closed while the author was reading excerpts? Pursed lips? Tongues bitten? Beads of sweat on foreheads and all that?
Hey, when you're done reading the book, be sure to mail it over here for the Puritans to read! In the meantime, I've got years and years of sensuous blogging to peruse...
ha ha ha sillyhead, you are too funny.
yes, there were more men than women in the audience and yes, they all looked pretty shifty except one - he was tall, dark and extremely dashing - he stood in the back and when he asked a question during the Q&A i'm sure all the women in the audience felt a bit of a flutter...
i'm halfway through the book now and i must say it's pretty steamy at parts...check out her blog and let me know what you think!
CET :o)
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