Sunday, October 30, 2005


so, i'm at g's flat right now, as i stayed over after the party last night. they don't have internet access at all, but someone in their vicinity has wireless internet so bonus for me.

all day saturday g and i prepped for the party. decorations, food, drinks, more drinks, even more drinks...we had to make two trips to the market, as we had so much to carry. we gave ourselves the whole day, but inevitably we were rushing in the end, which ended up being unnecessary as everyone showed up very "fashionably" late!

decorating the flat was good fun, especially stretching out the cotton/synthetic cob-webby things, over lamps, windows, doors, chandeliers, basically everything. i know you don't want to read about me decorating, so onto the party!

about twenty people showed up, of which only three were my friends :( that sucked, royally. i know if i threw the party in t.o. ALL my friends would come, because you're awesome. so i mostly chatted with the evil hypnotist and his girlfriend, when i wasn't doing hostess stuff. the music (or, my laptop) was giving me problems which was annoying, in the end we just busted out the old stereo.

it's funny because it was only when most of the people left that the fun really began! a bunch of latin (i.e. el salvador, columbia, mexico) girls were still here, so we cranked up the latin music and started dancing. the one girl, n, was showing us all these moves but i sucked royally. i consider myself a pretty good dancer, but my hips just cannot move that way! it was like her hips were disconnected from her legs and each were moving to their own rhythm that complemented each other. when the girls left and it was just the flatmates hanging out, we started doing tequila shots and holy crap, INSTANT drunken state achieved. this weekend is where we move our clocks back one hour, so that meant an extra hour of drinking, well, for them anyway, not me, as i feel asleep on the sofa after that. i woke up and moved to the bed, and that was pretty much it for me.

i'm surprised that i don't feel as crappy as i thought i'd feel. we had a lovely breakfast of fruit, yogurt, honey and tea so i think that helped.

overall, the party was alright. not too bad on a week's notice. i'm just glad i saw a few of my friends and got to twirl around in a lovely red flamenco dress. :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww, sounds like you had an awesome time! As for my halloween shenanigans, after a full day at the conference and two more days to go, I couldn't stay out late to party ;o( And people were like so what are you suppose to be? I was like, hello, a 60s girl! Geez, doesn't anyone recognize a vintage dress when they see one? I was so happy I scored that dress so whatever, poo poo to them. I'm totally beat now so I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love you! PS Yeah, T.O. friends would have totally represented!