Friday, October 28, 2005


i got an email today from t regarding a mutual friend who is stopping over in london on her way home to canada from south africa next week; we're all to meet at yet another friend's house for a coffee and a chat. he was responding to my initial email letting him know the time and place. he was very direct and to the point, and other than mentioning the logistics of meeting up with this friend, he said "hope the course is going OK and that you're well." kinda cold, but what should i expect after breaking his heart? well, you can read it as being kind of cold on one hand, but then you can read it and perhaps sense hidden warmth/concern in there? god, am i a girl or what, bloody over-analyzing an email. i don't know, while it's understandable for him to be distant, it still makes me sad.

then my ex-boyfriend, previous to t (and yes, i know you're reading this but i'm going to tell the world anyway!) emailed me to say, jokingly, that "...I never saw you applying your "scientific, analytical side" to "emotions and love", and i'm pretty sure that's because i learned it from him!

gearing up for halloween this weekend...hope the party turns out well! most of my friends cannot make it or haven't confirmed with me yet, poo poo to them! yay yay to those who have said yes and will be there with bells on!


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