...hell no i can't slow down! respect to maestro :o)
ahhh yes, my "talk" with j. first of all, i just want to say thank you to all my friends for your comments and support; if i had no one to rant to i think i would go absolutely mad, so thank you for listening to me again and again and again...
secondly, living with difficult people makes me realise and appreciate how good i had it in third and fourth year in waterpoo with my lovely sue! we got on like a house on fire, and never had any problems. you rock sue! by the way, you won't be sleeping in his room, just his mattress in my room, though when the brown goddess arrives one of you will be sleeping with me while the other sleeps on the mattress. no worries girl, it will work!
so, i'm in the middle of eating dinner when i hear his key turn the lock on the door; he comes in and after exchanging hellos i tell him i received his e-mail today, and when he's ready and settled in, i would like to speak to him about it. see, i can be calm.
when he's ready i pull up the e-mail on my computer and take it line by line. even though i was very angry (obviously), i knew anger wasn't going to work on him, and that we needed to discuss this honestly and openly (helen: i agree with everything you say, and was thinking all that when i was dealing with him). i basically told him/covered the following:
- i did ask, and did not ASSUME to borrow the mattress
- in the e-mail he said he would have been "unimpressed" if i woke him up to ask to borrow the sleeping bag, and yet he was equally (if not more so) unimpressed that i took it without asking. it seems to me that this is a no-win situation, hmmm???
- him having a "rough time of it lately at work" in no way should affect his tone or attitude to me. i don't care if he gets shat on at work by a herd of elephants; when he comes home he is NOT to take it out on me, as i certainly DO NOT deserve it. he can fume in his room and yell at the walls for all i care, just don't direct all that crap onto me, thank you very much. i mean really, cry me a river, j!
- he has more neuroses than my fingers and toes can count, and whether he lives with me or anyone else, he is going to have to learn to adjust and compromise, and know that everyone is different and has different living styles to him. i have so far been extremely accommodating with his neuroses, but he is going to have to cut me some goddamn slack if i happen to leave a pot of water in the sink - it's called I'M HUMAN. figures he would go ape-shit over the one wrong thing i do, when 99% of the time i do it right.
when i'm done my schpiel do you know what he says? he says that for a long time he feels like i've been taking advantage of him, because he bought tupperware for the flat and has not seen me contribute (monetarily) to the flat. WTF? he also goes on to say that if i play host to any of my friends that come over, i have to do so with my own resources (i.e. my own mattress, blanket, bedsheets etc.) - it's not his problem. he says they can sleep on the couch or the floor, so there's no need to ask for his SPARE MATTRESS. can you believe it? for a guy who claims to be so damn generous, he would rather have people sleep on the floor than to let them use a mattress that he NEVER uses, just because it's in HIS room and therefore belongs to HIM (when it actually belongs to the landlord, but whatever)!!! that's real generous...
he then turns it completely around, and says that given enough sufficient notice, he will let me use the mattress. again, WTF? so i say "okay j, my friends are coming to visit in a month's time, can i borrow your mattress?" he says "sure! no problem!" i mean really, this guy is seriously demented.
i basically told him then how sad it is that he is so anal, carrying a mental tally of everything he's bought, brought, belongs to him, etc. for months and months now, letting it build up, being passive-aggressive about everything, only for it to spill out like this. i said next time, have enough balls to say it to my face as soon as it happens. and as for paying for stuff in the flat, i don't feel i should pay for anything if it's not agreed on by all the flatmates in the first place; he bought the tupperware without consulting me, so don't expect me to pay for a third of it. we already had tupperware so i don't think we even needed it. also, don't assume i think like you and know when you expect to get paid and when you don't. ASSUMPTIONS MAKE AN ASS OUT OF YOU.
so, it started out calmly enough. got a little heated but hey, under the circumstances i'm surprised i didn't rip his head off - i did verbally, just not physically. i'm really glad it's all out in the open now; i have no qualms telling him he's an anal-retentive, neurotic drama queen to his face. i'm sure i've left out bits of the exchange, but you get the idea.
as mary j blige says, "NO MORE DRAMA!"
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
i wish this wasn't a rant...
...but it is. oh yes baby, it is.
so i had an absolute blast at the ball last night. drank lots of champagne and danced the night away, first to a live band in which all the members were very cute, and then to a dj (the school's social rep and the crappiest dj i've ever heard, but anyway). my friend lizzie was there, and long story short, she had to stay over at my place when the night was over. i texted flatmate j to ask if he could take the spare mattress and my bedsheets for that mattress out from his bedroom (note: he doesn't sleep in his own room, he sleeps with flatmate s), so that it'll be there for lizzie to use when we got home. he happily obliges and sure enough, when we got home AT 3AM IN THE MORNING, the mattress and sheets were there, ready to use, except...
...i had forgotten that i only have one blanket! of course i gave my blanket to lizzie, then popped into j's room (that he's not sleeping in) to grab his sleeping bag - it was 3AM IN THE MORNING - i did not want to disturb them by waking them up just to ask if i could borrow his sleeping bag. i saw a tubular sack that looked like it could have a sleeping bag in it, and yes, it did. then lizzie and i went to sleep.
this morning lizzie gets up to leave, and j's in the kitchen making breakfast. she heads out and i proceed to go to the bathroom, making small talk along the way by asking how he's feeling (he's had the flu all week), and to THANK HIM for taking out the mattress and sheets last night. what the fuck does he do? he bitches me out. he says "can you PLEASE not talk to me right now? i'm very angry that you took my sleeping bag." i'm sorry you high maintenance little bitch, but WHAT THE FUCK??? so i look at him like he's absolutely crazy (which he is) and go into the bathroom to have my shower.
honestly, i've never met a person as moody, bitchy, anal-retentive, more-neuroses-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-at than j. i mean, i can understand that some people have issues with their room and their privacy, but did he really have to react the way that he did? NO! all he needed to say was something like "i don't mind if you took my sleeping bag, but next time, just ask me first, even if it's 3AM IN THE MORNING." flatmate s i don't really have a problem with; it's been j and his high-maintenance ways that have caused nothing but tension ever since we all moved in.
he expects me to accommodate his various "quirks", but does nothing to make me feel welcome in my own flat. i don't want to feel like i have to walk on eggshells every time i'm at home, and yet that's been the case all this time. well no more. he can kiss my ass for all i care now. in fact, he should be so happy to have a flatmate who has been as accommodating as i am. other less patient/tolerant people would have told him to fuck off by now. he expects me to compromise and yet he has not reciprocated in the least.
and now i know that if i was in the flat, dying of hypothermia because i didn't have a blanket, he would be the LAST person i would turn to. no wait, i wouldn't turn to him at all because he's more concerned with his possessions and his precious privacy than to offer a blanket to me.
when he's "ready to talk" about it, he had better be ready for some words.
and yes, i do swear a lot when i'm angry, if you haven't noticed.
i cannot deal with such melodramatic people!
so i had an absolute blast at the ball last night. drank lots of champagne and danced the night away, first to a live band in which all the members were very cute, and then to a dj (the school's social rep and the crappiest dj i've ever heard, but anyway). my friend lizzie was there, and long story short, she had to stay over at my place when the night was over. i texted flatmate j to ask if he could take the spare mattress and my bedsheets for that mattress out from his bedroom (note: he doesn't sleep in his own room, he sleeps with flatmate s), so that it'll be there for lizzie to use when we got home. he happily obliges and sure enough, when we got home AT 3AM IN THE MORNING, the mattress and sheets were there, ready to use, except...
...i had forgotten that i only have one blanket! of course i gave my blanket to lizzie, then popped into j's room (that he's not sleeping in) to grab his sleeping bag - it was 3AM IN THE MORNING - i did not want to disturb them by waking them up just to ask if i could borrow his sleeping bag. i saw a tubular sack that looked like it could have a sleeping bag in it, and yes, it did. then lizzie and i went to sleep.
this morning lizzie gets up to leave, and j's in the kitchen making breakfast. she heads out and i proceed to go to the bathroom, making small talk along the way by asking how he's feeling (he's had the flu all week), and to THANK HIM for taking out the mattress and sheets last night. what the fuck does he do? he bitches me out. he says "can you PLEASE not talk to me right now? i'm very angry that you took my sleeping bag." i'm sorry you high maintenance little bitch, but WHAT THE FUCK??? so i look at him like he's absolutely crazy (which he is) and go into the bathroom to have my shower.
honestly, i've never met a person as moody, bitchy, anal-retentive, more-neuroses-than-you-can-shake-a-stick-at than j. i mean, i can understand that some people have issues with their room and their privacy, but did he really have to react the way that he did? NO! all he needed to say was something like "i don't mind if you took my sleeping bag, but next time, just ask me first, even if it's 3AM IN THE MORNING." flatmate s i don't really have a problem with; it's been j and his high-maintenance ways that have caused nothing but tension ever since we all moved in.
he expects me to accommodate his various "quirks", but does nothing to make me feel welcome in my own flat. i don't want to feel like i have to walk on eggshells every time i'm at home, and yet that's been the case all this time. well no more. he can kiss my ass for all i care now. in fact, he should be so happy to have a flatmate who has been as accommodating as i am. other less patient/tolerant people would have told him to fuck off by now. he expects me to compromise and yet he has not reciprocated in the least.
and now i know that if i was in the flat, dying of hypothermia because i didn't have a blanket, he would be the LAST person i would turn to. no wait, i wouldn't turn to him at all because he's more concerned with his possessions and his precious privacy than to offer a blanket to me.
when he's "ready to talk" about it, he had better be ready for some words.
and yes, i do swear a lot when i'm angry, if you haven't noticed.
i cannot deal with such melodramatic people!
Saturday, February 25, 2006
so after riding the tube with the friday night drunks and stepping over pools of vomit, i am finally home from watching evil hypnotist's film premiere! it was very, very, very well done. i loved the humour, but that's just evil hypnotist's own humour shining through, and i've always loved his sense of humour. i had already seen a rough edit of the film a little over a year ago, but it's really come together - the music (all original pieces by the hypnotist's sidekick) suited the film perfectly. it's moments like these that make me wish so much that evil hypnotist "makes it" in the business, and can make films for a living.
went shopping along oxford street this afternoon for a few accessories to go with my dress for tomorrow's midsessional ball. my dress is dark blue with tiny white polka dots, made of silk and with a halter neckline. all my accessories are fire-engine red: earrings, bracelets and red flowers for my hair. can't wait (especially for the food)!
oh, and it was really strange to see the faces of the people i used to work with at the science museum...i'll write more on that later, my bed beckons...
went shopping along oxford street this afternoon for a few accessories to go with my dress for tomorrow's midsessional ball. my dress is dark blue with tiny white polka dots, made of silk and with a halter neckline. all my accessories are fire-engine red: earrings, bracelets and red flowers for my hair. can't wait (especially for the food)!
oh, and it was really strange to see the faces of the people i used to work with at the science museum...i'll write more on that later, my bed beckons...
Thursday, February 23, 2006
so i'm going to a ball...
...this saturday night! our midsessional ball is coming up and at first i didn't even consider going, mainly because the tickets are 50 pounds (yeah, ouch). besides, these things are mostly for fourth years, even though it's open to everyone. then today i got an email from one of my old co-workers at the registry asking if i wanted to come - they had an extra ticket. it's dinner included so i was like "sure, why not?" it's always the offer of free food that convinces me :)
tomorrow is a VERY important day for my friend, the evil hypnotist. it's the premiere of his first full-length feature film! i saw a rough edit of it a little over a year ago. it's called "the wake" - check it out at www.evilhypnotist.co.uk
it's being held at the science museum, where i used to work when i lived here a few years ago. that place holds such good and bad memories for me. you know how there are places where when you step into them it's like stepping back in time? that's what the science museum is for me. i'm so excited and happy for my evil hypnotist, but it'll be strange going back to that place indeed...
i was a sleepyhead today, woke up late for my first class and then fell back asleep, missing the rest of them! hee hee hee, oops!
tomorrow is a VERY important day for my friend, the evil hypnotist. it's the premiere of his first full-length feature film! i saw a rough edit of it a little over a year ago. it's called "the wake" - check it out at www.evilhypnotist.co.uk
it's being held at the science museum, where i used to work when i lived here a few years ago. that place holds such good and bad memories for me. you know how there are places where when you step into them it's like stepping back in time? that's what the science museum is for me. i'm so excited and happy for my evil hypnotist, but it'll be strange going back to that place indeed...
i was a sleepyhead today, woke up late for my first class and then fell back asleep, missing the rest of them! hee hee hee, oops!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
hockey good and bad
i watched the women's gold medal game on monday, and i got emotional when they played our national anthem.
i watched our men's team lose today and shook my head in disbelief.
our canadian women ROCK! the men...
it's so bittersweet.
i watched our men's team lose today and shook my head in disbelief.
our canadian women ROCK! the men...
it's so bittersweet.
my girl, my girl, my girl...
...talking about, my girl - my girl!
went to the a student pub with some classmates tonight - the boyfriend of one of the girls is visiting from overseas - had typical bar fare (lots of crap food for a cheap price! yeah!) and played pool. i had a "pool shark" moment where i sunk four balls in a row and thereby cleaned the table, SWEET! felt way proud of myself. i think i play pool better when a little bit boozed...i think less about my shots and just go with it.
ooo, chatted with model boy a lot tonight. he was my pool partner (we were playing teams) when i made all those good pool shots - when we won he kissed my hand! HA! so cute...
there was a dj spinning some records, but then he turned on the karaoke machine and started belting out the tunes! how random is that? the evening then became a "student karaoke night" - the most hilarious part was four guys singing "two become one" by the spice girls. they had me in stitches. another guy sang "my girl," hence the title of this post. it's still playing in my head...
tomorrow is a full day of work and school, oh joy!
here's the latest picture of my dear chili dog - he went to get groomed on saturday and looks pretty spiffy, all nice, white and clean. i miss him to bits. my mom says he can do lots of tricks now, like give you his paws one by one, rollover, sit, stand on his hind legs, etc...i call him our "king puppy" because he's treated like royalty - just the other day my cousin bought him three new toys, and my aunt made yet another big fleece pillow for him to snuggle into when keeping my grandma company by the sofa.

what an absolute cutie!
went to the a student pub with some classmates tonight - the boyfriend of one of the girls is visiting from overseas - had typical bar fare (lots of crap food for a cheap price! yeah!) and played pool. i had a "pool shark" moment where i sunk four balls in a row and thereby cleaned the table, SWEET! felt way proud of myself. i think i play pool better when a little bit boozed...i think less about my shots and just go with it.
ooo, chatted with model boy a lot tonight. he was my pool partner (we were playing teams) when i made all those good pool shots - when we won he kissed my hand! HA! so cute...
there was a dj spinning some records, but then he turned on the karaoke machine and started belting out the tunes! how random is that? the evening then became a "student karaoke night" - the most hilarious part was four guys singing "two become one" by the spice girls. they had me in stitches. another guy sang "my girl," hence the title of this post. it's still playing in my head...
tomorrow is a full day of work and school, oh joy!
here's the latest picture of my dear chili dog - he went to get groomed on saturday and looks pretty spiffy, all nice, white and clean. i miss him to bits. my mom says he can do lots of tricks now, like give you his paws one by one, rollover, sit, stand on his hind legs, etc...i call him our "king puppy" because he's treated like royalty - just the other day my cousin bought him three new toys, and my aunt made yet another big fleece pillow for him to snuggle into when keeping my grandma company by the sofa.

what an absolute cutie!
Monday, February 20, 2006
prisoner: GUILTY!!!
friday: did said task and went to Pop Bar in Soho and shook my booty. model boy was there looking very cute; chatted with him for a while. too bad he doesn't dance! left around midnight and took the night bus home - had an early start the next day...
saturday: went to warwick castle with a couple of friends who work at the school. on the train ride there we were shrouded in fog - we were afraid we wouldn't be able to see the castle! upon nearing our destination the fog broke and sunshine poured through...the rest of the day was as lovely as could be.
warwick castle was great! they had actors walking around in period costume, performing pantomimes (pantomimes are performances where audience participation is essential; if they say "prisoner", you say "GUILTY!", etc.); a torture table, and an armoury where you got to try on metal helmets; a peacock garden with real peacocks; extensive gardens and a conservatory (i.e. greenhouse), etc...there was so much to see and do! we climbed to the top of every turret, and ventured into every room...they were decorated in different time periods, and had wax figures of the people that used to live there and who they used to entertain. all in all a very good day!
sunday: slob day. i woke up late and vegged all day. laid like broccoli.
ex-T: things are better. an understanding has been reached.
i don't have class until 2pm today, woohoo! america's next top model's on tonight too, so i'm excited.
have a good week!
saturday: went to warwick castle with a couple of friends who work at the school. on the train ride there we were shrouded in fog - we were afraid we wouldn't be able to see the castle! upon nearing our destination the fog broke and sunshine poured through...the rest of the day was as lovely as could be.
warwick castle was great! they had actors walking around in period costume, performing pantomimes (pantomimes are performances where audience participation is essential; if they say "prisoner", you say "GUILTY!", etc.); a torture table, and an armoury where you got to try on metal helmets; a peacock garden with real peacocks; extensive gardens and a conservatory (i.e. greenhouse), etc...there was so much to see and do! we climbed to the top of every turret, and ventured into every room...they were decorated in different time periods, and had wax figures of the people that used to live there and who they used to entertain. all in all a very good day!
sunday: slob day. i woke up late and vegged all day. laid like broccoli.
ex-T: things are better. an understanding has been reached.
i don't have class until 2pm today, woohoo! america's next top model's on tonight too, so i'm excited.
have a good week!
Thursday, February 16, 2006
drama with a side of roast vegetables
i don't even know if i want to get into this on my blog, but when it comes to ex-T and love:
a) i think i am the stupidest girl in the world
b) i know what i need to do but am afraid to do it
c) this love thing is so goddamn confusing!
this post has come about because i had dinner with him last night.
i don't want to say anymore about this, but needless to say my heart is in turmoil at the moment.
in other news, i worked yesterday and this afternoon at the pharmacy. they don't get much business so it was pretty quiet both days, but i didn't mind and busied myself learning the names of all the over-the-counter medicines (in canada we don't have a lot of the brand names they have here) and solving sudoku puzzles in the book my cousin got me for christmas. i might also have a possible tutee whereby i'll be tutoring her in math (they call it "maths" here) so that's a little more money in my pocket.
i was walking to the tube station this afternoon when there was a sudden downpour of ice pellets! a fierce hailstorm swept by - thank goodness my umbrella was already open because of the rain - i actually laughed out loud and quite enjoyed it, while people were cursing under their breaths and running for cover. something unexpected in the day.
a classmate of mine is having his birthday party at a bar tomorrow...he invited me along with some other students, the "cool and smart" clique if you will - i call them that because although they're all very nice they do come across as know-it-alls and i'm-too-cool-for-school - i'm debating whether or not to go. i want to go because i get to boogey down, but i'm not too sure about the company. i mean, they're okay and all but i feel like i'm 18 in first-year university again, where you join a group just so you have people around you and don't look like a complete loser. oh well, i think i'll just go and dance my ass off.
a) i think i am the stupidest girl in the world
b) i know what i need to do but am afraid to do it
c) this love thing is so goddamn confusing!
this post has come about because i had dinner with him last night.
i don't want to say anymore about this, but needless to say my heart is in turmoil at the moment.
in other news, i worked yesterday and this afternoon at the pharmacy. they don't get much business so it was pretty quiet both days, but i didn't mind and busied myself learning the names of all the over-the-counter medicines (in canada we don't have a lot of the brand names they have here) and solving sudoku puzzles in the book my cousin got me for christmas. i might also have a possible tutee whereby i'll be tutoring her in math (they call it "maths" here) so that's a little more money in my pocket.
i was walking to the tube station this afternoon when there was a sudden downpour of ice pellets! a fierce hailstorm swept by - thank goodness my umbrella was already open because of the rain - i actually laughed out loud and quite enjoyed it, while people were cursing under their breaths and running for cover. something unexpected in the day.
a classmate of mine is having his birthday party at a bar tomorrow...he invited me along with some other students, the "cool and smart" clique if you will - i call them that because although they're all very nice they do come across as know-it-alls and i'm-too-cool-for-school - i'm debating whether or not to go. i want to go because i get to boogey down, but i'm not too sure about the company. i mean, they're okay and all but i feel like i'm 18 in first-year university again, where you join a group just so you have people around you and don't look like a complete loser. oh well, i think i'll just go and dance my ass off.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
VD and other crap
happy VD! that pretty much sums up how i feel about valentine's day (i.e. VD = venereal disease - do i have to spell it out for you?)
my heart is a slow-burning pit of anger at the moment, i had yet ANOTHER run-in with a professor today. honestly, most of the teachers here all seem to have a giant and extremely sour pickle stuck up their butt, rendering them completely incapable of being remotely nice and/or helpful; instead they are rude, condescending, and would generally rather be picking their nose or gouging their own eye out with a dull and rusty spoon, than helping out a first-year student.
i won't go into details of the actual run-in, but afterwards i went to see the course director to give him a piece of my mind. this particular course director (we have a different one for each term) is really, really nice; he truly is a diamond amongst the many lumps of coal. he's always been very patient and heard me out while i ranted and raved; at the end of it he said he'd make a note of it and when the time was right he would bring it up. i understand it's hard for him to enact change in people when they don't want to change and think they are right, especially as these professors are his own colleagues, but it just made me feel better knowing there was someone who listened. anyhoo, my lab partner has a class at the moment but she's going to speak to the course director as well, as she needs to rant as much as i do! we will see what will become of this...
much love (and simmering anger) from across the pond...
my heart is a slow-burning pit of anger at the moment, i had yet ANOTHER run-in with a professor today. honestly, most of the teachers here all seem to have a giant and extremely sour pickle stuck up their butt, rendering them completely incapable of being remotely nice and/or helpful; instead they are rude, condescending, and would generally rather be picking their nose or gouging their own eye out with a dull and rusty spoon, than helping out a first-year student.
i won't go into details of the actual run-in, but afterwards i went to see the course director to give him a piece of my mind. this particular course director (we have a different one for each term) is really, really nice; he truly is a diamond amongst the many lumps of coal. he's always been very patient and heard me out while i ranted and raved; at the end of it he said he'd make a note of it and when the time was right he would bring it up. i understand it's hard for him to enact change in people when they don't want to change and think they are right, especially as these professors are his own colleagues, but it just made me feel better knowing there was someone who listened. anyhoo, my lab partner has a class at the moment but she's going to speak to the course director as well, as she needs to rant as much as i do! we will see what will become of this...
much love (and simmering anger) from across the pond...
Monday, February 13, 2006
pseudo bridget jones...
well, it wasn't exactly the scene where bridget was having dinner with all the married couples, but it was pretty close...
i went to an ex-co-worker's party in honour of her baby on sunday...i say hi to my friend and her baby and am introduced to my friend's mother. the first thing she says to me after "hello" is "so where's your little one?" i just about choked on my own spittle. i said "nowhere as far as i'm concerned thank goodness!" then she says "oh sorry, i just thought everyone here around your age would have kids," or something to that effect. she didn't mean to be rude so i wasn't offended, just amused really.
i went to a flamenco show later that evening, featuring the famous dancer, sara baras. wow, i was impressed. what a show! her feet moved with the speed of a hummingbird's wings. her performance blew me away. it made me miss my flamenco instructor all the more, as she has not been back in london since christmas; i think she's moved back to spain because she couldn't find a job here. my flamenco shoes are now gathering dust in a corner :( hopefully my friend and flamenco-partner-in-crime, gabby, can find another instructor for us.
can i just say, the show "frasier" cracks me up. i watch it often now, as it's on the comedy channel here. that, and the series "scrubs". so funny.
ooooo, i've almost left out some exciting news: i actually have plans for valentine's day! well, i'm having dinner at kiwigirl's place, but her friend "marvin the martian" might be there, and he's really cute. i had dinner with kiwigirl and him once before, but at the time he was in a long-distance relationship with someone in the states. not anymore... ;)
i went to an ex-co-worker's party in honour of her baby on sunday...i say hi to my friend and her baby and am introduced to my friend's mother. the first thing she says to me after "hello" is "so where's your little one?" i just about choked on my own spittle. i said "nowhere as far as i'm concerned thank goodness!" then she says "oh sorry, i just thought everyone here around your age would have kids," or something to that effect. she didn't mean to be rude so i wasn't offended, just amused really.
i went to a flamenco show later that evening, featuring the famous dancer, sara baras. wow, i was impressed. what a show! her feet moved with the speed of a hummingbird's wings. her performance blew me away. it made me miss my flamenco instructor all the more, as she has not been back in london since christmas; i think she's moved back to spain because she couldn't find a job here. my flamenco shoes are now gathering dust in a corner :( hopefully my friend and flamenco-partner-in-crime, gabby, can find another instructor for us.
can i just say, the show "frasier" cracks me up. i watch it often now, as it's on the comedy channel here. that, and the series "scrubs". so funny.
ooooo, i've almost left out some exciting news: i actually have plans for valentine's day! well, i'm having dinner at kiwigirl's place, but her friend "marvin the martian" might be there, and he's really cute. i had dinner with kiwigirl and him once before, but at the time he was in a long-distance relationship with someone in the states. not anymore... ;)
Saturday, February 11, 2006
pillow adventures
stayed over at kiwigirl's last night, as it was late and the tube had stopped running. i still can't believe that a busy and metropolitan city like london has a transit system that shuts down at 12:30am - ridiculous! anyhoo...
we watched the opening ceremonies and cheered when team canada and team new zealand came out. our outfits were the best! roots always does such a great job designing the olympic team gear. team usa's gear looked pretty good too, but that's because roots designed it as well, HA!
my favourite part (after the parade of countries) is the lighting of the olympic flame. i love how over the years the lighting of the flame has gotten more and more creative. my all-time favourite has to be the archer shooting the olympic flame into the cauldron, when the games were held in barcelona. can you tell i'm an olympic freak?
today we went down to oxford circus as kiwigirl and luce had to buy a few things for their flat. i ended up getting a pair of flip flops and a pillow, as my old flip flops broke and my current pillow is absolutely horrible; everyday i wake up with a sore neck. i'm blogging from their flat but will probably go home in a bit; i'm excited to try my new pillow!
my booty still feels like dancing...
we watched the opening ceremonies and cheered when team canada and team new zealand came out. our outfits were the best! roots always does such a great job designing the olympic team gear. team usa's gear looked pretty good too, but that's because roots designed it as well, HA!
my favourite part (after the parade of countries) is the lighting of the olympic flame. i love how over the years the lighting of the flame has gotten more and more creative. my all-time favourite has to be the archer shooting the olympic flame into the cauldron, when the games were held in barcelona. can you tell i'm an olympic freak?
today we went down to oxford circus as kiwigirl and luce had to buy a few things for their flat. i ended up getting a pair of flip flops and a pillow, as my old flip flops broke and my current pillow is absolutely horrible; everyday i wake up with a sore neck. i'm blogging from their flat but will probably go home in a bit; i'm excited to try my new pillow!
my booty still feels like dancing...
Friday, February 10, 2006
nurse maid
i LOVE waking up at 11:30am, ahhh...
woke up, showered, had breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, had lunch, and now i'm blogging from kiwigirl's flat. she is feeling like poo at the moment, so i am here to keep her company/play her nurse maid. well, i haven't really done anything to help her feel better except update her on all the latest gossip!
tonight luce is going out to party and i don't know if i want to go or not. i saw mary j. blige on tv today and listening to the beats made me realise how much i miss dancing, and the fact that i haven't danced in ages! i want to get my groove on, but i'm not in the mood to get all skanked up to go to a bar just to dance. it seems like there's no place here where you can just dress casual and boogey down :(
then again, i think the opening ceremonies for the winter olympics are on tonight, so i may just stay in and watch! my sister and i are the biggest olympic junkies i swear; we live, eat and breathe the olympics when they're on.
have a great weekend everyone!
woke up, showered, had breakfast, cleaned the kitchen, had lunch, and now i'm blogging from kiwigirl's flat. she is feeling like poo at the moment, so i am here to keep her company/play her nurse maid. well, i haven't really done anything to help her feel better except update her on all the latest gossip!
tonight luce is going out to party and i don't know if i want to go or not. i saw mary j. blige on tv today and listening to the beats made me realise how much i miss dancing, and the fact that i haven't danced in ages! i want to get my groove on, but i'm not in the mood to get all skanked up to go to a bar just to dance. it seems like there's no place here where you can just dress casual and boogey down :(
then again, i think the opening ceremonies for the winter olympics are on tonight, so i may just stay in and watch! my sister and i are the biggest olympic junkies i swear; we live, eat and breathe the olympics when they're on.
have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
sleepy eyes...
YAWN, i'm tired. it's been a long day.
re-cap: monday - dan flavin exhibition, awesome. at the end of the day it's just a bunch of fluorescent lights, the way stonehenge is just a bunch of rocks, but it's what he does with the lights, and the way his ideas are expressed in them, that's amazing. anyhoo, don't want to sound too artsy-fartsy...at the very least, it gives me ideas for lighting, perhaps when i have a place of my own one day...
tuesday - a waste of a day, except when i met up with tannymofo for lunch! she was in london for the day (from dublin) for a job interview. it was so good to see her! she sounds completely irish now. but yeah, i got wrapped up in red tape at the canadian embassy - don't even ask. almost made me miss seeing tan, the buggers. anyhoo, that's where i'll be tomorrow.
today - first day at the pharmacy! it wasn't all that busy so at times was kind of boring, but i really don't care because i'm getting paid! sounds bad but it's true. i'm so glad i'm finally paying my way (at least a little) through school - the less i have to rely on loans, the better. after work i had dinner with kiwigirl and luce (wagamama's for the third time in six days), then saw "walk the line." really enjoyed it; the three of us were crying simultaneously at one point. i loved the music too. never really listened to johnny cash til now, but i think i might be hooked.
again it's past 1:30am and i'm blogging, and again there's still so much to tell but i am beat. oh, and jason l. - no i haven't tried getting high on DM cough syrup, but let me tell you that if pharmacists wanted to get high, there's PLENTY behind the counter to get high on, not just the cheap DM stuff! and no, i'm not speaking from experience! :D
and mr. sillyhead, you make me laugh. besides, i have to pay MY bills before i start paying yours, and i'm only in my first year, so you have a bit of time to wait yet...you'll probably be a world famous crystallography expert, making millions solving unsolvable crystal structures, before i'm even licenced to deal drugs. if anyone's paying my bills it's you!
here's a geeky chemistry joke, "if you're not a part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
re-cap: monday - dan flavin exhibition, awesome. at the end of the day it's just a bunch of fluorescent lights, the way stonehenge is just a bunch of rocks, but it's what he does with the lights, and the way his ideas are expressed in them, that's amazing. anyhoo, don't want to sound too artsy-fartsy...at the very least, it gives me ideas for lighting, perhaps when i have a place of my own one day...
tuesday - a waste of a day, except when i met up with tannymofo for lunch! she was in london for the day (from dublin) for a job interview. it was so good to see her! she sounds completely irish now. but yeah, i got wrapped up in red tape at the canadian embassy - don't even ask. almost made me miss seeing tan, the buggers. anyhoo, that's where i'll be tomorrow.
today - first day at the pharmacy! it wasn't all that busy so at times was kind of boring, but i really don't care because i'm getting paid! sounds bad but it's true. i'm so glad i'm finally paying my way (at least a little) through school - the less i have to rely on loans, the better. after work i had dinner with kiwigirl and luce (wagamama's for the third time in six days), then saw "walk the line." really enjoyed it; the three of us were crying simultaneously at one point. i loved the music too. never really listened to johnny cash til now, but i think i might be hooked.
again it's past 1:30am and i'm blogging, and again there's still so much to tell but i am beat. oh, and jason l. - no i haven't tried getting high on DM cough syrup, but let me tell you that if pharmacists wanted to get high, there's PLENTY behind the counter to get high on, not just the cheap DM stuff! and no, i'm not speaking from experience! :D
and mr. sillyhead, you make me laugh. besides, i have to pay MY bills before i start paying yours, and i'm only in my first year, so you have a bit of time to wait yet...you'll probably be a world famous crystallography expert, making millions solving unsolvable crystal structures, before i'm even licenced to deal drugs. if anyone's paying my bills it's you!
here's a geeky chemistry joke, "if you're not a part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
much to tell...
but it's 1:34am and i have work in seven and a half hours! it's my first day at the pharmacy, so i'll have to be on the ball and impress them with my drug dealing skills. it's gonna be a long day too, from 9 to 6, then dinner perhaps with kiwigirl and company. i will blog as soon as i can, but now it's time for some winks.
Monday, February 06, 2006
one hundredth post!
wow, one hundred posts...i think it's a bit of a milestone! to everyone that reads it, i hope you've enjoyed my blog so far, and have found it somewhat interesting!
today has been a "non-day" of sorts but i've loved it. my first real day to do absolutely nothing but let the time go by. all i've done today is:
- eat
- watch "america's next top model" re-runs
- check e-mail
- nap for a couple of hours
- eat
- msn with friends
- watch "moulin rouge" on tv
- chat with my family
- eat
did i mention eating?
i got an email today from a girl i know that's getting married in september. i've mentioned her before (she's in the states, her fiance's in canada). all this wedding stuff has put me in a funk for what i think are the following reasons:
a) a wedding is such an obvious declaration of love, and reminds me that i don't have any;
b) it means that my friends are growing up, and i don't want to grow up;
c) society puts such pressure on you to get married before an imaginary "expiry date", and i hate that;
d) why does it feel like women are desparate to get married, while men can take their good old time?
e) weddings are expensive not only for the happy couple, but for the guests! and i am a dirt-poor student, so enough said.
don't get me wrong, i am VERY happy for everyone i know who are engaged and/or getting married. it's wonderful that they can find someone to share their life and be happy with. i don't know why, but all this marriage talk just leaves me feeling...weird. my sister told me a great term she got from a friend...i need to put on my "cosmic prophylactic" to protect me from all this wedding stuff.
anyhoo, enough of that. this week is my week off, and i'm starting it tomorrow with a trip to the hayward gallery with the evil hypnotist. we're going to see a retrospective on dan flavin, the same retrospective at the national gallery of art in DC when my sister was working there! can't wait.
"love is like couture...if it doesn't fit it is a disaster."
(thanks to robs723 for that)
today has been a "non-day" of sorts but i've loved it. my first real day to do absolutely nothing but let the time go by. all i've done today is:
- eat
- watch "america's next top model" re-runs
- check e-mail
- nap for a couple of hours
- eat
- msn with friends
- watch "moulin rouge" on tv
- chat with my family
- eat
did i mention eating?
i got an email today from a girl i know that's getting married in september. i've mentioned her before (she's in the states, her fiance's in canada). all this wedding stuff has put me in a funk for what i think are the following reasons:
a) a wedding is such an obvious declaration of love, and reminds me that i don't have any;
b) it means that my friends are growing up, and i don't want to grow up;
c) society puts such pressure on you to get married before an imaginary "expiry date", and i hate that;
d) why does it feel like women are desparate to get married, while men can take their good old time?
e) weddings are expensive not only for the happy couple, but for the guests! and i am a dirt-poor student, so enough said.
don't get me wrong, i am VERY happy for everyone i know who are engaged and/or getting married. it's wonderful that they can find someone to share their life and be happy with. i don't know why, but all this marriage talk just leaves me feeling...weird. my sister told me a great term she got from a friend...i need to put on my "cosmic prophylactic" to protect me from all this wedding stuff.
anyhoo, enough of that. this week is my week off, and i'm starting it tomorrow with a trip to the hayward gallery with the evil hypnotist. we're going to see a retrospective on dan flavin, the same retrospective at the national gallery of art in DC when my sister was working there! can't wait.
"love is like couture...if it doesn't fit it is a disaster."
(thanks to robs723 for that)
Sunday, February 05, 2006
waitangi day pub crawl
i've been partying with all the kiwis in london today. yup, every single one of them.
monday is waitangi day, a public holiday in new zealand to celebrate the signing of the treaty of waitangi, new zealand's founding document, on that date in 1840 (thanks to wikipedia for that). they celebrate that here with a pub crawl at all the stops along the circle line (or as many as you can manage before you throw up). you go from pub to pub (or end up loitering on the street with a beer can in your hand, as all the pubs end up full) until 4pm, when everyone congregates in front of the parliament buildings in westminster. the kiwi men then proceed to take off their tops (woohoo!) and do a haka dance.
holy crap, i have never seen so many kiwis in all my life! it seems like there are more here than in new zealand! kiwigirl and luce gave me a kiwi top to wear - i was kiwi for the day - but i felt like an imposter, as everyone knew all the words to the kiwi songs that they sang while we were squished onto the tube, and here i was thinking "what the heck are they singing?" i did know the words to a crowded house song, so i guess i blended in a little.
highlights: the number of hot guys everywhere, a bunch of them dressed up as sheep, or elvis, or completely naked - yes, we had a streaker run down the road at one point. we did indeed take pictures, so hopefully once i get them from kiwigirl i can post them here.
anyhoo, much beer was drunk and much fun was had. kiwigirl and i passed out on her bed for about a couple of hours, waking up to a post-pub-crawl-drunk-off-your-butt headache. don't worry, i feel better now.
came home and watched "interview with a vampire" on tv. i have a funny memory of going to see the movie in the theatre; canuckian and i ditched mr. bing and brown goddess for surround sound, as our tickets were in the theatre with surround sound and their tickets were not. ha ha ha, good times...
thanks be to kiwigirl and luce for letting a canadian tag along today!
monday is waitangi day, a public holiday in new zealand to celebrate the signing of the treaty of waitangi, new zealand's founding document, on that date in 1840 (thanks to wikipedia for that). they celebrate that here with a pub crawl at all the stops along the circle line (or as many as you can manage before you throw up). you go from pub to pub (or end up loitering on the street with a beer can in your hand, as all the pubs end up full) until 4pm, when everyone congregates in front of the parliament buildings in westminster. the kiwi men then proceed to take off their tops (woohoo!) and do a haka dance.
holy crap, i have never seen so many kiwis in all my life! it seems like there are more here than in new zealand! kiwigirl and luce gave me a kiwi top to wear - i was kiwi for the day - but i felt like an imposter, as everyone knew all the words to the kiwi songs that they sang while we were squished onto the tube, and here i was thinking "what the heck are they singing?" i did know the words to a crowded house song, so i guess i blended in a little.
highlights: the number of hot guys everywhere, a bunch of them dressed up as sheep, or elvis, or completely naked - yes, we had a streaker run down the road at one point. we did indeed take pictures, so hopefully once i get them from kiwigirl i can post them here.
anyhoo, much beer was drunk and much fun was had. kiwigirl and i passed out on her bed for about a couple of hours, waking up to a post-pub-crawl-drunk-off-your-butt headache. don't worry, i feel better now.
came home and watched "interview with a vampire" on tv. i have a funny memory of going to see the movie in the theatre; canuckian and i ditched mr. bing and brown goddess for surround sound, as our tickets were in the theatre with surround sound and their tickets were not. ha ha ha, good times...
thanks be to kiwigirl and luce for letting a canadian tag along today!
Friday, February 03, 2006
vacation day 1
didn't even sleep in today, as i had to go to the embassy to renew my passport. came home, bought groceries, and have been doing loads of neglected laundry.
on the bus on the way home i noticed a white van with the "how's my driving?" sticker stuck to the rear window, only it was a little different...
"well driven? probably not. who you gonna call, ghostbusters?"
it made me smile.
am waiting for the last load before dashing off to meet kiwigirl for dinner. we have a BIG pub crawl tomorrow, i can't wait. it's the "circle line pub crawl", where you literally get off at every station on the circle line, go to a pub, and drink. we're having a big english breakfast before we go, as our stomach will need the extra-greasy lining.
i have some good news...i think i pretty much have a part-time job! when i say "i think" it's because the pharmacist (yes, it's at a pharmacy not too far from my school) wants to do a trial period to see if they really need me the way they think they do now (if that makes any sense). i mean, the last thing they want to do is to pay me to sit on my ass doing nothing. so anyhoo, i am very excited and very glad that at least it's something - it'll pay for my groceries every week (if it pans out), and perhaps my entertainment money too. every little bit helps!
okay, laundry time. have a great weekend everyone!
on the bus on the way home i noticed a white van with the "how's my driving?" sticker stuck to the rear window, only it was a little different...
"well driven? probably not. who you gonna call, ghostbusters?"
it made me smile.
am waiting for the last load before dashing off to meet kiwigirl for dinner. we have a BIG pub crawl tomorrow, i can't wait. it's the "circle line pub crawl", where you literally get off at every station on the circle line, go to a pub, and drink. we're having a big english breakfast before we go, as our stomach will need the extra-greasy lining.
i have some good news...i think i pretty much have a part-time job! when i say "i think" it's because the pharmacist (yes, it's at a pharmacy not too far from my school) wants to do a trial period to see if they really need me the way they think they do now (if that makes any sense). i mean, the last thing they want to do is to pay me to sit on my ass doing nothing. so anyhoo, i am very excited and very glad that at least it's something - it'll pay for my groceries every week (if it pans out), and perhaps my entertainment money too. every little bit helps!
okay, laundry time. have a great weekend everyone!
oh yeah baby, EXAMS ARE DONE! WOOHOO! i am so ready for my week off.
a bunch of us went to a pub called "dirty dicks" afterwards for a pint, then we headed back to this one girl's place for food and more drinks. she had "the little mermaid" on tape; everyone had seen it except for this one guy. so what did we do? drank, ate pizza, and watched "the little mermaid". are we hard core party-ers or what?
lordy, i haven't seen that film in over ten years, and yet i still know all the words to all the songs. that sebastian is HILARIOUS. better yet, if you look closely at the priest when he's about to marry eric and the sea witch (ursula rocks), you'll notice the animators drew him with a hard-on! NO JOKE! seriously, if you have a copy of the movie (and i'm sure some of you do, even if you won't admit to it), fast forward to that part and you'll see it, clear as day!
i am home now at the flat and slightly boozed. need sleep.
i'm done exams, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
a bunch of us went to a pub called "dirty dicks" afterwards for a pint, then we headed back to this one girl's place for food and more drinks. she had "the little mermaid" on tape; everyone had seen it except for this one guy. so what did we do? drank, ate pizza, and watched "the little mermaid". are we hard core party-ers or what?
lordy, i haven't seen that film in over ten years, and yet i still know all the words to all the songs. that sebastian is HILARIOUS. better yet, if you look closely at the priest when he's about to marry eric and the sea witch (ursula rocks), you'll notice the animators drew him with a hard-on! NO JOKE! seriously, if you have a copy of the movie (and i'm sure some of you do, even if you won't admit to it), fast forward to that part and you'll see it, clear as day!
i am home now at the flat and slightly boozed. need sleep.
i'm done exams, wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
another exam bites the dust
it went really well today, except for the DUMBEST mistake i made on one of the questions...i won't go into it as it's chemistry and most people will read it and think "wuh?" - not to say my readers don't know chemistry, but it's really a moot point. anyhoo, i'm glad another one is over!
SO typical: so i'm standing outside the exam room with a friend; out of the corner of my eye i see "oprah" studying furiously, trying to read and cram as much as possible. i just KNEW she would come up to me and ask me questions, and sure enough, she taps me on the shoulder and launches into "what's this and this and how do you know this and this, and BLAH BLAH BLAH..."
now, i don't mind helping people AT ALL, but there's a difference between helping someone who is nice to you, and helping someone who has bitched you out once before, and is only talking to you because you know the answers and she doesn't. i don't want to be used like that. so i answered her as quickly and succinctly as possible, then my friend and i made a dash for the bathroom. when i left she said "sorry, am i freaking you out?" and i'm thinking "no, unlike you i know my shit, i just don't want to help you when, at this point, you can't be helped." if this comes across as bitchy then so be it - i think she, of all people, deserves some of my bitchiness.
my last exam is tomorrow, WOOHOO! pharmacology and physiology. bring it on...
SO typical: so i'm standing outside the exam room with a friend; out of the corner of my eye i see "oprah" studying furiously, trying to read and cram as much as possible. i just KNEW she would come up to me and ask me questions, and sure enough, she taps me on the shoulder and launches into "what's this and this and how do you know this and this, and BLAH BLAH BLAH..."
now, i don't mind helping people AT ALL, but there's a difference between helping someone who is nice to you, and helping someone who has bitched you out once before, and is only talking to you because you know the answers and she doesn't. i don't want to be used like that. so i answered her as quickly and succinctly as possible, then my friend and i made a dash for the bathroom. when i left she said "sorry, am i freaking you out?" and i'm thinking "no, unlike you i know my shit, i just don't want to help you when, at this point, you can't be helped." if this comes across as bitchy then so be it - i think she, of all people, deserves some of my bitchiness.
my last exam is tomorrow, WOOHOO! pharmacology and physiology. bring it on...
chemical judgement day
so my chemistry exam is in two hours...should've woken up earlier to study for a bit, but i was having quite a nice dream in which my very, very first boyfriend (from high school) kept wanting to get back together with me for some reason (maybe because he realised what a dick he was and just how fabulous a person i am? hehehe). anyhoo, the dream was fun and i think i stayed in bed a little longer to keep dreaming it.
okay, must eat and cram and head out the door!
p.s. i'll leave it up to the people who know who i'm talking about to come up with a nickname for this ex-boyfriend of mine...you know who you are ladies...let the fun begin!!!
okay, must eat and cram and head out the door!
p.s. i'll leave it up to the people who know who i'm talking about to come up with a nickname for this ex-boyfriend of mine...you know who you are ladies...let the fun begin!!!
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