Thursday, February 23, 2006

so i'm going to a ball...

...this saturday night! our midsessional ball is coming up and at first i didn't even consider going, mainly because the tickets are 50 pounds (yeah, ouch). besides, these things are mostly for fourth years, even though it's open to everyone. then today i got an email from one of my old co-workers at the registry asking if i wanted to come - they had an extra ticket. it's dinner included so i was like "sure, why not?" it's always the offer of free food that convinces me :)

tomorrow is a VERY important day for my friend, the evil hypnotist. it's the premiere of his first full-length feature film! i saw a rough edit of it a little over a year ago. it's called "the wake" - check it out at

it's being held at the science museum, where i used to work when i lived here a few years ago. that place holds such good and bad memories for me. you know how there are places where when you step into them it's like stepping back in time? that's what the science museum is for me. i'm so excited and happy for my evil hypnotist, but it'll be strange going back to that place indeed...

i was a sleepyhead today, woke up late for my first class and then fell back asleep, missing the rest of them! hee hee hee, oops!


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