Wednesday, February 01, 2006

chemical judgement day

so my chemistry exam is in two hours...should've woken up earlier to study for a bit, but i was having quite a nice dream in which my very, very first boyfriend (from high school) kept wanting to get back together with me for some reason (maybe because he realised what a dick he was and just how fabulous a person i am? hehehe). anyhoo, the dream was fun and i think i stayed in bed a little longer to keep dreaming it.

okay, must eat and cram and head out the door!


p.s. i'll leave it up to the people who know who i'm talking about to come up with a nickname for this ex-boyfriend of know who you are ladies...let the fun begin!!!


Anonymous said...

Ooo, how exciting! He's such an enigma, he doesn't have a name, just a movement of the hand up and over the eyes. But if we must give him a name (for what's in a name?), I propose "moody cow" or "Reznor wannabe". Let the games begin!

Anonymous said...

the hand movement over the eyes...
His name is "swoosh"