Thursday, February 16, 2006

drama with a side of roast vegetables

i don't even know if i want to get into this on my blog, but when it comes to ex-T and love:

a) i think i am the stupidest girl in the world
b) i know what i need to do but am afraid to do it
c) this love thing is so goddamn confusing!

this post has come about because i had dinner with him last night.

i don't want to say anymore about this, but needless to say my heart is in turmoil at the moment.

in other news, i worked yesterday and this afternoon at the pharmacy. they don't get much business so it was pretty quiet both days, but i didn't mind and busied myself learning the names of all the over-the-counter medicines (in canada we don't have a lot of the brand names they have here) and solving sudoku puzzles in the book my cousin got me for christmas. i might also have a possible tutee whereby i'll be tutoring her in math (they call it "maths" here) so that's a little more money in my pocket.

i was walking to the tube station this afternoon when there was a sudden downpour of ice pellets! a fierce hailstorm swept by - thank goodness my umbrella was already open because of the rain - i actually laughed out loud and quite enjoyed it, while people were cursing under their breaths and running for cover. something unexpected in the day.

a classmate of mine is having his birthday party at a bar tomorrow...he invited me along with some other students, the "cool and smart" clique if you will - i call them that because although they're all very nice they do come across as know-it-alls and i'm-too-cool-for-school - i'm debating whether or not to go. i want to go because i get to boogey down, but i'm not too sure about the company. i mean, they're okay and all but i feel like i'm 18 in first-year university again, where you join a group just so you have people around you and don't look like a complete loser. oh well, i think i'll just go and dance my ass off.




lady in the street said...

Oh CET, don't be too hard on yourself about being in turmoil over ex-T. Love is a tough puddle of muck to climb out of, and a very tempting one to fall back into. Just don't torment yourself by giving into urges you think could hurt your long-term mental health. Believe me, I speak from experience...

Anonymous said...

You're not stupid! Loves plays around with our minds, and when you find what you need, love will be there to heal.