Thursday, July 27, 2006


thank you for all your suggestions and advice folks, i really appreciate it!

what am i going to do, you ask? well, some people say that if i tell him how i feel i might be 'burning bridges' so to speak, as things might end up getting really awkward, leaving me without a relationship or even a friendship! muttonface said i should just relax and be myself around him (which i wasn't really, at least not 100%, because of this crush), and get to know him more as a person...things might not work out this summer (or at all in fact), but at least i'll have gained a friend.

we had lunch today and it was nice; we didn't head back up to the office right away but instead walked around downtown a little. i like how we can talk but there are times where we're silent and it's comfortable. perhaps this is a generalization, but i do find that with a lot of guys i've met, they do have a tendency to talk about themselves and never ask questions to the person their speaking to. it's always me asking the questions, creating the conversation, moving it along...maybe it's because i tend to talk a lot while others don't? perhaps they're just narcissistic? can you tell i like using that word, and that this post is starting to sound like crap? i feel like i'm writing in my strawberry shortcake diary from when i was little, spewing nonsense about my silly, schoolgirl crush...must stop before i make myself barf...BLAHHHHH...

i still find myself daydreaming about him for the rest of the day though, sigh...

CET :o)


Anonymous said...

Yup, guys do talk about themselves and rarely reciprocate conversation-I second that notion!

Anonymous said...

I tend to ask the other person the questions.

Anonymous said...

I've always enjoyed your blog more than anyone else's. Oh believe me I've gone through similar "crush" phases and I feel hearing about someone else's not only is interesting but perceptive. So you go Girl!!!