Sunday, March 09, 2008

floundering in the snow

yet another snowstorm to hit toronto is right on top of us at the moment...have already been outside twice to shovel the snow (thank god for snowblowers)...this weather event has resulted in CET, along with most people in the city, being shut up in their homes hibernating/willing the snow to go away. i actually don't mind all the snow, i just hate being stuck at home on the weekend!

research project: a bit slow-going but it's getting there, just waiting on some data to come in. the supervisor who i'm in awe of is actually based in the states so i won't have too much contact with's all good now as he doesn't intimidate me as much anymore, not after i had to tell him who justin timberlake was...funny story that. anyhoo, i'm deep in the middle of research for my literature review and i must say, lit reviews are not a favourite of mine.

musing: this past week and a half has seen me meet up with two friends of mine (separately), each with the news that they have found "the one". i am in awe of this because these two women are not the "typical" women who believe in the one and actively seek him out - if anything they don't believe in the one at all - but BAM! it happened, when they never expected it to.

i don't believe in "the one" or "your soulmate". why can't your soulmate be your twin, your friend, a family member? why can't you have more than one soulmate? why is there always such an emphasis on romantic love and not familial love or friendship love? and how come people always conveniently seem to find their soulmate at a time when they (according to society) should get married? i'm not saying it's not genuine for my two friends (and i am sooo happy for them both); yes i'm cynical but perhaps i'm also feeling the societal pressure of finding "my match", especially when i see it happening to people around me. a friend of mine said we need to "get our crap together, hurry up and track down our guys". i don't know about that.

i guess i'm somewhat conflicted because on one hand i find you always meet someone when you least expect it (i know i have), so a part of me thinks i should just do my thing and it'll happen when it happens. another part of me though knows you can't sit around waiting for that person to come along, you have to be pro-active about it, so putting yourself out there, whether it be joining an online dating site or just being more forward in approaching people (i.e. do whatever works for you), is definitely a good thing.

so which is it? one or the other or a little of both? if it does happen when you least expect it, then actively seeking people out will mean you DO expect it, so then perhaps it won't happen? who the fuck knows.

anyhoo, that's my musing for the day. thoughts and comments always welcome. i think i'm experiencing a bit of cabin fever.

word up!

CET :o)


Jack said...

I agree that there's way too much focus on finding romantic love.

I am EXACTLY as conflicted. I think that it should happen naturally, I shouldn't need to try so hard and I should just stay focused on my own thing. At the same time, I know it wouldn't kill me to try a little bit harder.

Like you say, who the fuck knows. :D

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

hey jack, thanks for dropping by and commenting! :o)

Anonymous said...

It's all about fate or luck or whatever you want to denote these life paths. I believe everything works out if you just focus on being a good person, achieving everything for which you are capable, and treating people well. Those things get noticed and will always gravitate others towards you.

JEEEEEEEEEEZ, it seems every time I check in here I have to go shoot my mouth off...gotta stop drinking at breakfast...

CET, let me know when the snow melts! It has disappeared from this side of the lake--fingers crossed!

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

"I believe everything works out if you just focus on being a good person, achieving everything for which you are capable, and treating people well. Those things get noticed and will always gravitate others towards you."

hmmm, i don't know about that. i know plenty of people who are and do what you describe above and yet they have yet to find romantic love. there are also plenty of bad people out there who are shitty to others and underachieve in their lives and yet they manage to find someone who loves and adores them. how do you explain that?

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

oh, and the snow's finally melting here, though temperatures are still a little below normal. roll on spring, roll on!