Monday, October 31, 2005


hey party people,

just wanted to wish everyone a happy halloween. i know we're all adults here and it's not like we'll be going door to door trick-or-treating, but there's something to be said for dressing up once in a while and gorging yourself on candy.

nothing much to report really. i left g's place and stopped by kiwigirl's place for a tea and a chat; i wanted to make sure i saw her before she left for her vacation to DC. after that i took a long-ass subway ride out to ealing to have sunday roast with my friend, oz girl, and her boyfriend. it was spectacular: roast chicken, roast potatoes with bacon bits, beans, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, caramelized onions with raisins, gravy, top it off, for dessert she made a chocolate cake with chocolate sauce on the bottom! it was DEFINITELY worth the trip to ealing (like the old hide house is worth the drive to acton). YUMMMMMY. my belly was in a really happy place after that.

i'm going home now for lunch. two classes today and that's it. i'm going to try to get more rest, as my sore throat is now not sore, but itchy and phlegmy. yay, phlegm.

have a spooky one,

Sunday, October 30, 2005


so, i'm at g's flat right now, as i stayed over after the party last night. they don't have internet access at all, but someone in their vicinity has wireless internet so bonus for me.

all day saturday g and i prepped for the party. decorations, food, drinks, more drinks, even more drinks...we had to make two trips to the market, as we had so much to carry. we gave ourselves the whole day, but inevitably we were rushing in the end, which ended up being unnecessary as everyone showed up very "fashionably" late!

decorating the flat was good fun, especially stretching out the cotton/synthetic cob-webby things, over lamps, windows, doors, chandeliers, basically everything. i know you don't want to read about me decorating, so onto the party!

about twenty people showed up, of which only three were my friends :( that sucked, royally. i know if i threw the party in t.o. ALL my friends would come, because you're awesome. so i mostly chatted with the evil hypnotist and his girlfriend, when i wasn't doing hostess stuff. the music (or, my laptop) was giving me problems which was annoying, in the end we just busted out the old stereo.

it's funny because it was only when most of the people left that the fun really began! a bunch of latin (i.e. el salvador, columbia, mexico) girls were still here, so we cranked up the latin music and started dancing. the one girl, n, was showing us all these moves but i sucked royally. i consider myself a pretty good dancer, but my hips just cannot move that way! it was like her hips were disconnected from her legs and each were moving to their own rhythm that complemented each other. when the girls left and it was just the flatmates hanging out, we started doing tequila shots and holy crap, INSTANT drunken state achieved. this weekend is where we move our clocks back one hour, so that meant an extra hour of drinking, well, for them anyway, not me, as i feel asleep on the sofa after that. i woke up and moved to the bed, and that was pretty much it for me.

i'm surprised that i don't feel as crappy as i thought i'd feel. we had a lovely breakfast of fruit, yogurt, honey and tea so i think that helped.

overall, the party was alright. not too bad on a week's notice. i'm just glad i saw a few of my friends and got to twirl around in a lovely red flamenco dress. :)


Friday, October 28, 2005


i got an email today from t regarding a mutual friend who is stopping over in london on her way home to canada from south africa next week; we're all to meet at yet another friend's house for a coffee and a chat. he was responding to my initial email letting him know the time and place. he was very direct and to the point, and other than mentioning the logistics of meeting up with this friend, he said "hope the course is going OK and that you're well." kinda cold, but what should i expect after breaking his heart? well, you can read it as being kind of cold on one hand, but then you can read it and perhaps sense hidden warmth/concern in there? god, am i a girl or what, bloody over-analyzing an email. i don't know, while it's understandable for him to be distant, it still makes me sad.

then my ex-boyfriend, previous to t (and yes, i know you're reading this but i'm going to tell the world anyway!) emailed me to say, jokingly, that "...I never saw you applying your "scientific, analytical side" to "emotions and love", and i'm pretty sure that's because i learned it from him!

gearing up for halloween this weekend...hope the party turns out well! most of my friends cannot make it or haven't confirmed with me yet, poo poo to them! yay yay to those who have said yes and will be there with bells on!


Thursday, October 27, 2005

bridging the distance

i got an email today from a friend i hadn't heard from in a while. she lives in the states while her boyfriend lives in alberta. he's in film; she's studying to be a teacher. she said she'll probably move up there next year to teach and to be with him.

my flatmate s is doing her phd here; her boyfriend j (my other flatmate) moved here in september, primarily to be with her.

a part of me envies people who can just pick up and move some place to be with the person they love. another part of me though has absolute no idea why people would be willing to change so much of their life to be with someone. i mean, if you're on a certain path and then someone comes along that might divert you from your path, should you take it? yes, i know, "the road less travelled by makes all the difference", blah blah blah but still. a part of what bothered me about getting back together with t (if we were to get back together) is that him, being english, might divert me from my path. i told him from DAY ONE of our relationship that i was going to settle in canada; it wasn't me being selfish, it was me having a preference, for many, many reasons which i won't get into here. and may i just make clear that my love for him was never "conditional", based on the fact that i wanted to live in canada; i'd like to think it was completely unconditional - i mean, why can't a girl just have a preference on where to live?

over dinner last night ms. journalist said "but what if he's the one?" i'm sorry, but "the one" is complete bull crap. if you're talking about soulmates i think one person can have many soulmates; my sister is my soulmate, my close friends are my soulmates. maybe i'm just not at that point where i'd be willing to do anything for someone i loved (and i mean in a romantic sense, as i would do pretty much anything for my sister and my close friends!).

anyhoo, while i'm extremely happy for my friends and support their decisions, it just left me feeling a little bit sad. my mom says i'm too practical sometimes when it comes to matters of the heart; flatmate j said i can't apply my "scientific, analytical side" to emotions and love. and i say "why not?"

i want to know your opinions on this subject, so email me or leave a comment!


Wednesday, October 26, 2005

feeling a wee bit better...

my throat's still a little sore but my muscles are less achy which is good...i came home yesterday, took two tylenol and crashed out for an hour and a half. woke up, ate, vegged (as i can't really do homework given my physical state, right?), and then crashed out again. i had better be in tip-top shape by the time my halloween party comes around on saturday!

look at where my priorities are: stay healthy to keep up with schoolwork: NO; stay healthy to party hardy on saturday: YES.

had lunch today with "Mrs. Black" - i'll call her that because she ALWAYS wears black - i used to work with her when i was in london last. i don't know what it is about a good, proper girl chat that makes me feel so much better. we had noodles at the local chinese place near the school. ahhh, noodles...udon noodles...slid down my sore throat like butter...

i'm meeting my friend "Ms. Journalist" (because that's what she does) for dinner tonight in camden. i haven't seen her since christmas! another good catch-up/girl talk to look foward to!

"oprah" still hasn't replied to my halloween invite, hmmm...i'm being nice and extending the hand of friendship, but if she's determined to hold a grudge against me over the next four years we're in school together, then there's not much i can do.

must go home now and do some semblance of homework before heading out to camden.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

i feel like!

so i think i'm getting sick.

last night i came home from flamenco with a sore throat and achy muscles, not a good sign. i drank cups and cups of some chinese herbal stuff and went to bed at a decent hour and even got a full night's rest, without the upstairs neighbours waking me up like they usually do. i woke up today and the sore throat has lessened but is still there, along with the achy muscles. crap.

i CAN'T get sick, as g and i are throwing a halloween party this saturday! g's letting me borrow her flamenco dress as my costume, well, provided i'm able to fit into it. i've invited alot of the canadians at school (including "oprah"), but we'll see if she comes. i doubt it! see, am i a nice person or what?

i found out from the girl who marked my pharmacology test last friday that i did really well. in your face dr. p! stick it where the sun don't sunshine, along with my lab report!!!

i have a biochem lab in less than an hour, we're extracting DNA from onion. should be interesting...


Monday, October 24, 2005

the weekend

yes, original title, i know.

hung out with my flatmates on saturday; we went walking around hampstead heath (think big park), did a bit of shopping around muswell hill, then had dinner at a pub near euston (tube station). i had a "toad in a hole" - basically a dough/bread bowl with mash, peas, pork sausages and gravy inside. mmm, pork...

had a late coffee/meet-up with kiwi girl and g, then home.

sunday the flatmates and i checked out the finsbury park sunday market, which started this weekend. it's just a row of trailers/trucks of people selling fruits and veggies, clothes and accessories, and other general stuff. sounds real classy i know. bought a pair of big silver earrings for a pound - obviously not real silver, as it was only a pound - and a bag of cut sugar cane to gnaw on. mmm, sugar cane...reminds me of my childhood...

it was nice hanging out with the flatties, though because they're boyfriend/girlfriend it's gets a little uncomfortable at times - not when/if they act lovey-dovey, but when they argue. i feel like a child in the middle of divorcing parents. i feel like saying "can't we all just get along?" they try to keep their voices down, as if that's going to mask the fact they're fighting in front of me. oh well, that's what i get for living with a couple. it's generally not too bad though, they're good people.

holy crap was chem and biochem today boring or what? i feel like i'm back in high school.

off to eat!


Friday, October 21, 2005

black horse & dr. p

holy shit, what a day.

so there's a tutorial this morning for my pharmacology test, which was at 1pm this afternoon. i didn't go to the tutorial because a) they're generally useless and b) they weren't mandatory. the prof thinks he's god's gift to our world and assumes that we'll understand a concept if he says the same thing, word for word, only slower. we're students, hello, not dumbasses. this is one pet peeve about being a mature student in a class where the majority of students are 18 - the prof treats you like a child.

anyhoo, i get to school well after the tutorial and only THEN do i find out that we were suppose to hand in our lab reports that morning! i race to the prof's office only for him to act like more of a condescending ass, turning me away without accepting my report. and can i just say it was a BEAUTY of a report. so there's a bunch of marks gone, poof, into thin air. he said it won't affect my coursework mark all that much, and to that i say "up yours".

so i had time to kill before the test, and ended up studying with my friend, girl t - a true kindred spirit in all of this first-year craziness. took the test at 1pm and it was fine - i was determined to do well to show the prof that he can't get the best of me.

enough of that crap, i'm just glad the weekend's begun!

KT TUNSTALL ROCKED! she showed up on stage wearing a sparkly blue halter dress with cowboy boots - only musicians can get away with that. my friend, the evil hypnotist, pointed out that her bass player looked like napoleon dynamite - complete with big afro, matching pants/vest circa 1970 and a loud printed shirt. bring on the d-qwon dance moves! the music was awesome and it was great to finally see an artist i've admired for so long. check out her website, - i hope the link works, let me know if it doesn't.

oh, and i found out from the evil hypnotist that instead of t being sad about our breakup, he's angry, really angry. hmmm, don't quite know what to make of that information...would you rather your dumpee be sad and in despair, or raging?

enjoy your weekend!

p.s. mr. bing i got your letter! will reply in kind soon. word to the "d" klan, hehehe...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

to have a life

it's funny how boring life gets when you have to study for a test. i log on to post an entry and i think "what was even remotely exciting about my day today?" absolutely nothing!

this term is strange because we have three weeks of pharmacology, while the rest of the term is nothing but chem and biochem. i therefore had my first chem and biochem lectures today and holy crap, it's all review. straight out of OAC chem and biology (for those in Ontario)! at most it touches upon first year chem at waterpoo. i feel like i'm wasting my time. why couldn't they put me directly into second year? well, i guess it's good to review, seeing as how i took first year chem at waterpoo almost ten years ago. holy crap, ten years! can you imagine? it makes me feel old.

anyhoo, saw girl j for dinner yesterday (boy j = flatmate, girl j = friend). was nice to have a catch-up.

t: half of my friends wonder why/what's so wrong with getting back together with him, while the other half agree with my decision. there's nothing wrong with getting back together with him, but at the same time if i did so it wouldn't feel right. it's hard to explain. it's like a gut instinct you have that you can't gut instinct is telling me "TIME! YOU NEED TIME!" so that's what i'm doing, giving myself time.

i'm going to study for a few hours before heading to the KT Tunstall concert. CAN'T WAIT!!!


Wednesday, October 19, 2005


yup, so here i am procrastinating from studying for my test on friday. i woke up at ten, bought groceries, went to the bank and the post office, and here i am at school checking email when i should be hitting the books. it's 3:30pm now and i'm meeting a friend at 5pm for a quick dinner - i mean really, how much studying can i get done in 1.5 hours? might as well start after dinner!

i've been thinking alot about t lately, what he's up to, if he's coping alright. it's funny how much you second-guess your decisions after you go through with them. i'm pretty sure i made the right decision, but i think about all the good times t and i had and it makes me sad. such is love, eh?

oh, and please leave a comment or two if you read my blog - just as you enjoy reading my blog, i enjoy receiving comments on them!

i just want this test to be over so the weekend can begin.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

nothing much... report. darth vader is on his way back to pindu's place in farnborough. i should really go home and study tonight, as my test is on friday and i have a concert to go to on thursday. i bought the tickets months ago, who was to know it would be on the night before my first test? this is where procrastination needs to stop and studying needs to begin.

i can't wait for the concert though. KT tunstall's performing, i love her music. i don't know if she's big in canada now or what; when i left, her single was just starting to be played on the radio. i discovered her music while in amsterdam last christmas, she was on a variety show with the cure (which most of you who know me know that they are my favourite band of ALL TIME). she's a singer/songwriter from scotland.

anyhoo, no time for lunch today has made CET hungry. must find food. why i'm writing in the third person, i do not know. must eat.


Monday, October 17, 2005

just because

i'm at the library near my flat, they have wireless internet. just wanted to say hello.

ended up missing my one class for the day. made it to waterloo station with 25 minutes to spare, but then thought "ahhh f@#$ it", as it was a lecture about one of the departments and so had nothing to do with what we need to know for our test this friday. sorted out some things in camden and then headed home to eat and rest up for my flamenco class.

i checked my blog's site meter, and i can see from what parts of the world people are logging onto my blog from. i've had hits from the netherlands, norway, hong kong, saudi arabia, india...i don't know anyone living in these places...i think this is such a cool thing about having a blog, you're reaching people you wouldn't normally reach. sure it's just me and my ramblings, but i think it's neat.

anyhoo, i guess i should go home and eat something before flamenco class. can you tell i'm already procrastinating from studying for my test?


curry and castles

so i'm in farnborough at the moment, southwest of london. a work colleague of mine from canada, let's call him darth vader, has been visiting for the past couple of weeks. he has a friend, pindu, in farnborough, so after a fun day in london on saturday, i came down with them to spend the rest of the weekend here.

in london i took them to the haagen daz restaurant in leicester square, need i say more? heaven in an ice cream cup. we walked around alot, had "thai" buffet near covent garden, then danced to 80's music for a bit before heading to f-boro. the "thai" restaurant was run by chinese people; there was mandarin music playing in the background, and half the dishes weren't thai at all but chinese. i wonder if your average londoner could tell the difference though.

at the club they were playing some serious 80's music. tiffany, whitney houston (twice), lionel richie...and then they played NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK! you know you're old when you're the only one to react to "hangin' tough", as i squealed and nearly doubled over in excitement and shock, while everyone around me looked quizzically at the video playing on the tv screens, wondering what 80's band is this? enough said.

sunday was a lazy morning; woke up late and had a YUMMY lunch made by pindu: BUTTER CHICKEN (homemade!), and lamb keema (minced lamb). my belly was happy. this was followed by an afternoon wandering around windsor, near the castle. we had dinner at a tapas bar and then made our way home.

i have my flamenco class this evening, can't wait! oh, and oprah still hasn't texted back or called...we'll see if she ignores me in class this afternoon...i'm sure shit of some kind will go down...

hope you all had a good weekend!


Friday, October 14, 2005

my first enemy

so i went to school and made a new enemy today! well, i don't hate this girl at all, she just hates me.

okay, so we were having a conversation yesterday and she mentioned how the school gave her a scholarship. i was thinking "what? what scholarship?" i was told that they didn't give out scholarships except in EXCEPTIONAL circumstances (i.e. you're the top student in your COUNTRY and you want to do pharmacy). it sounded like something she applied for so then i'm thinking "why wasn't this scholarship made public?" god knows i need the money, so i was quite upset by this. after class i went to the registrar (who i get along well with because i used to work at the school) to demand an explanation. blah blah blah, long story short, after she explains the scholarship situation she asks me how the international students (especially the canadians) are doing, if they're settling in well, etc.. i tell her so-and-so's doing fine, this person's doing fine, blah blah blah...when it comes to my enemy in question (let's call her oprah, just to be silly), i mentioned that she's found a part-time job at a bar.

so today i'm chatting with some students when i get a call from oprah on my cell, basically telling me off and to mind my own business, because she just came out of a meeting with the registrar where she felt like she was threatened (i.e. get your scholastic act together or you're out). i'm thinking "what?" i told oprah everything i wrote in the above paragraph - i didn't know the registrar was going to single her out - and, for the record, i don't think me mentioning oprah's job was the only reason for that kind of meeting; oprah must be doing something wrong for the registrar to act that way. so yeah, first enemy was made.

now i'm just worried she's going to bad-mouth me to the other canadians but you know what? i can't really give a shit. if people are willing to believe only one side of the story then they're idiots. i just hope they'll actually take the steps to seek out my side of the story before making any judgements.

don't you just love school?


Thursday, October 13, 2005

jamie, t and me

saw jamie oliver last night talk about his new book. he's EXACTLY the same in person as on tv. i think that's cool that what you get on tv is what you get in person, though perhaps his "public" persona may not be a reflection of his true self. anyhoo, the guy "interviewing" him on stage was a real idiot, trying to sound all knowledgeable but ending up sounding like a ponce. to keep him from talking, jamie would at times face the crowd and talk to us for about five minutes, just so the interviewer couldn't speak! i like jamie.

i went to the show with t. we walked back to king's cross and were chatting at king's cross for a while and...we talked about where each of us are in our respective lives and what each of us want for ourselves...turns out what he wants did not match what i want (which i knew already), so basically i think i broke his heart by telling him that i need time and space to figure things out. it was horrible, talking and crying at king's cross station, people catching trains around us wondering what the heck is going on. i mean, we've been "exes" since february, but what with me moving to london, thereby pretty much throwing our respective "grieving" processes for a loop and then out the window...this felt more final than the other time, when there was an ocean between us and we were breaking up over the phone. the biggest irony is that the physical distance kept us apart and was the primary reason why we broke up, but now that the physical distance is gone, we're not about deja vu, as this happened to me previously a long while ago...i sure know a thing or two when it comes to long-distance relationships and irony.

so i went home and cried in the bathroom. my flatmate j came to comfort me which was nice. i think it's just as hard for the "dumper" as it is for the "dumpee", especially when there's still so much feeling there. i love t and still think the world of him, i just know that he can't be in my life in a boyfriend capacity right now. i need to figure out myself, by myself, before i can let someone in. i know i'll be okay - i'm more worried for t than for myself, as this is his first breakup - i guess time will tell the full story.


Wednesday, October 12, 2005

sweaty, heterosexual and unemployed

today's math class was a joke. the teacher's really nice, but he needed to make sure that we knew what integers, prime numbers, rational and irrational numbers hello, didn't we learn that in grade school? do UNIVERSITY level students really need a refresher on fractions and decimal points? if people don't know these concepts by now they should leave the school immediately, i mean seriously. and what does it say about my school that they accept students like that?

what does this say about the british school system? i don't mean to compare (yet) again, but C'MON PEOPLE!!!

afterwards i wandered around the area asking all the shops if they had vacancies. i ran out of resumes so here i am in the computer lab again to print more. would somebody please just hire me?

i got turned down from a gay and lesbian bookshop the other day because i'm not a lesbian! they say that's their only requirement as alot of teens (who have just come out) and their moms (who they came out to) come in asking for advice. i should've lied and told them i was a lesbian, or at least bisexual. isn't that sexual discrimination? i don't believe this would've happened in canada...what do my friends at the ministry say? i'd like to read your thoughts! anyhoo, i wasn't so much offended as amused.

i won tickets to see jamie oliver talk about his new cookbook tonight!!! i am SO excited. i bought a copy for my sis and hopefully i'll be able to get it signed. i still can't believe i won the tickets, SWEET!

and thank you to those who have emailed me to tell me you're addicted to my blog! leave a comment or two on the blog sometime!


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

flamenco baby!

so i went to a flamenco class last night!

i've always wanted to learn flamenco. it's such a strong, powerful, sensual dance...i saw joaquin cortez perform once (he does more a flamenco fusion of sorts, but is EXTREMELY hot and EXTREMELY talented) and his performance inspired me. i've also seen more traditional flamenco shows (with l - hey l, hope you're reading this!) and they've been just as good if not better. anyhoo, the long and the short of it is that g introduced me to this class and i absolutely love it!

i was still trying to get the footwork down pat when the instructor added the arms and hands part - did i feel unco-ordinated or what? anyhoo, i'm meeting the instructor tomorrow to go take a look at flamenco shoes, as i have no shoes whatsoever that are adequate for flamenco dancing.

the flamenco class picked my spirits up a bit, as i took the bus ride from hell in the afternoon to camden to a) try to find a job with virgin megastore and b) do some banking. the trip was absolutely futile as a) they weren't looking for any new employees and b) the thing my bank was suppose to have ready for me wasn't ready. ugh. i came home and crashed out - travelling around london sometimes just wipes it out of you. i don't want to compare to home but honestly, never in all my life has the TTC been as bad as yesterday on the london buses and underground.

i have a lab this afternoon, we're playing with guinea pig ileum (intestine). woohoo!


Monday, October 10, 2005

tales from tan & miss ruckus

check out my links, i've added my friends tan (living in dublin, ireland) and miss ruckus (living in the T dot). for those socially/politically conscious internet surfers out there, miss ruckus' page is definitely worth checking out! fight the power!


gobble gobble

once again to all my friends and family in canada, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!

saturday night's thanksgiving dinner was a success! i must admit (not too modestly) that my roast chicken kicked ass. YUMMY. the veggies j made were awesome too: butternut squash, mash potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc. mmm...we had baklava from the local bakery for dessert, along with j's apple crisp. glutton heaven i tell you. my tummy was very, very happy.

j took out his guitar afterwards and was playing a few tunes and singing, and it slowly morphed into a group sing-along. cheesy, i know, but i promise there were absolutely NO renditions of "kumbaya" or whatever, blah. lots of wine was had, so all in all it was a lovely evening.

class was okay today (showed up on time, yeah!); we learned about muscarinic agonist/antagonists, alpha- and beta-blockers. interesting stuff though i'm trying to sort out all the different drugs in my head. i guess this is where the memorization comes in, boo.

i might be applying for a part-time job at a virgin record store! goodness knows i need to supplement my funding somehow. i can only work up to 20 hours a week which is fine, now i just hope they a) need people and b) hire me!

anyhoo, i hope this finds all of you well, eating and drinking lots of good food and wine.

unleash your inner food beast.


Saturday, October 08, 2005

thanksgiving and damn wireless internet

so i just tried to post a kick-ass entry and the stupid library wireless internet screwed things up, hence causing me to lose all of it. dammit!

basically i wrote about this:

m: met him last night and he's cuter in person than in the picture kl showed me! we chatted to each other easily which was nice (and comfortable).

pianist: he spoke to us briefly after his set. we want him to play at a party we'd like to throw in a few weeks' time, but we have a feeling he might charge us for it, and alot at that. g will just have to make sure, right g?

thanksgiving: my flatmates and i have invited some canadians to our flat for dinner tonight! i invited four classmates, one from sudbury, one from richmond hill, and two from kingston. i'm making my "famous" roast chicken while j is making a whole bunch of yummy veggies and s made russian potato salad and devil eggs. or is it "deviled eggs"? i don't know.

family: my sis is the only one of my fam who knows about this blog (for now); i love you sis! we will talk this weekend.

finally, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! i miss everyone back home in canada.

big hug and kiss,

Friday, October 07, 2005

bad impression

so yesterday a friend and i volunteered to be class reps (well, more like i suckered her into it but whatever)...i knew the professor might point us out in class today, and what do i do? i show up late! and he HATES it when you're late. oops. i would've have come in relatively unscathed but he told me to close the door behind me, hence causing everyone to look up and at me. yikes.

don't worry, this blog won't only be about school, i do have some semblance of a social life! am meeting kl and g tonight to watch the pianist play YET again - three weeks in a row, i think this officially makes us stalkers/groupies - followed by a movie in at kl's place. she's bringing her friend m, who currently has a girlfriend but looks really cute from the pictures kl's shown me. no, no, no, we're not breaking up any relationships, i'm just saying he's cute and if he was available i would be interested.

as for t, went around to his house last night and had a really good, much-needed chat. i feel better about things and i guess it's just one of those "we'll have to wait and see" scenarios, and while i hate waiting and seeing i think it's the best we can do right now. it all sounds pretty cryptic but i don't think i'm ready to be completely open in cyberspace yet! and for those who know t don't even THINK about telling him about this site, PLEASE!!! i will tell him in due time...

p.s. i can check through my sitemeter who's checking out my blog, so send me a shout out if you're on. oh, just remember not to use my name!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

thoughts of a "mature" student

so we had a lecture today from the career tutor at the school...although the majority of the students in the class are 18 and coming straight from A levels, i still thought her tone was a tad on the condescending side. perhaps i feel it more acutely because i see myself as her peer rather than her subordinate?

i don't know how i feel at the moment about being a "mature" student; i use that term loosely because while i do feel mature at times, it is definitely not ALL the time, plus i look rather young for my age and act rather young too! i am constantly reminded however of how glad i am that i'm 27 and not 18! never in a million years would i want to go back to being 18...25, perhaps, but not 18.

i might be meeting t later, just to chill. i don't really know if i want to open such a BIG can of worms on the public domain...let's just say we have a history...sometimes i want to be as open as kl - i mean i am in "real" life but the www? i may have to ease into it...

oh, and a bit of blog etiquette for my friends who are blog first-timers: try not to use any real names, as this is on the www and i know for a fact (i.e. my site meter) that strangers are logging on. i don't mind at all that they do (i think it's kinda cool in fact), but just the same, keep it anonymous please!

this blog thing is addictive.


asleep in class...

but only for a brief minute! i felt bad because the lecturer was nice and it wasn't like he was boring or anything, it's because i am NOT a morning person...

regarding prof b: no i can't take his picture without being thought of as some kind of freak/stalker, so i guess you'll have to use your imagination! just picture it: dapper, well-dressed, charismatic, older, sexy englishman, mmm...i spoke to our registrar about it (because i used to work with her) and she said that in the past girls have asked to be transferred to another tutor because he makes their knees weak! can you imagine that power??? i think i am going to love my tutor meetings :)

i'm about to have lunch with t, hmmm...more on that later...i really don't know how open i should be on my blog, we will have to see...

oh, and you can all still email me, you don't have to comment on the blog if there's something you don't want the world to know about! this is just to let you all know what i've been up to if i've been really slack or crap at emails...sorry in advance!


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

prof b

so i had my academic tutor meeting this afternoon with a certain professor b...i have met him before as i worked at the pharmacy school two years ago (long story)...anyhoo, all i have to say is HE IS HOT! damn.

he's older (of course), but not "too" old...he carries a certain "air" of mischevious youth. he dresses VERY sharp - striped shirt (rainbow colours - sounds ugly but it sure wasn't), navy suit, no tie - slight goatee, short, salt-and-pepper hair, speaks with a gorgeous english accent (i'm pretty used to english accents but his is just yummy). when he looks at me i get all nervous (which i'm normally not); my tutor group is pretty small and everyone was quiet, so i ended up doing most of the talking which made me feel loud and silly and girlish for having such a huge crush on a teacher! i mean, are we back in high school here or what?

KL, you would think he's hot too.

damn. can't wait for the next meeting!

first post

there it blog virginity is gone! POOF!

okay, so my first post. i've decided to join the blogging world and include my voice in the millions that are out there...i hope that whatever i put on this blog will be perhaps a) funny, b) insightful, c) silly and/or d) remotely interesting. it might be virtual suicide by saying this, but let me know what you think!