Friday, September 29, 2006


so i'm at the same pub as i was last night, using their free internet - again. gotta mooch where necessary!

handed over a huge amount of money to pay for the deposit and first month's rent today, that really hurt. being poor sucks ass! i will try not to complain though, as i am living in a great city and am privileged enough to get an education.

so one of the managers at the pharmacy where i work part-time has been rentless in his matchmaking for me; all last year he was trying to set me up with another part-timer that worked a different day than me. i humour my manager because he is just so sweet and nice about it and is a pleasure to work with, but i don't know about this whole matchmaking business. anyway, i'm to head over to the pharmacy this afternoon to say hello to my manager as well as my match, as he is working today. maybe we'll hit it off but for some reason i doubt it. oh well, no harm in trying i guess!

i'm off to my lovely coffee shop near spitalfields this afternoon with vij - i want to show her my favourite place, as well as check out whether coffee shop hottie is still there. it's funny, reading my blog you'd think all i do here in london is blog and check out boys! sad, but slightly true...

CET :o)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

proof that i am a geek

right now it's almost 8pm on a thursday night; i am in a bar with vij and guess what i'm doing? blogging. using their free wireless internet access to my heart's delight. yes, i am a geek.

great news: we found a flat!!! it's more expensive than what we budgeted but then again, what in london isn't? it's pretty close to school so we save on transport costs, and it's in a great part of town with AWESOME market shopping (and you know how i love market shopping). we're also near brick lane, a famous street full of indian curry houses and a lively atmosphere. we move in this sunday!

okay okay, must get off the computer and drink my gin and tonic and meet people (under vij's orders).

CET :o)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

vij is here!

good day: vij arrived today! it's SOOO nice to have a friend from home here - not that i don't love my friends here, i do! - but i've known vij since my university days in waterpoo, when life was innocent (soon to be not-so-innocent) and crazy, and we were young and stupid. we would always have the best chats too - not just girl talk (though that's pretty important) but also political issues, world events, debates, our respective immigrant experiences, stuff like that. good times also included watching "america's next top model" while drinking wine and smoking a doobie.

so-so day: day two of flat hunting and i'm already starting to feel frustrated and drained; a hole in the ground sounds positively luxurious right about now, as long as i can afford it and move into it right away. we have second dibs on a flat that i saw yesterday - first dibs go to a mother with a child and a nanny - it would weigh on my conscience if they were left homeless! i do secretly hope though that she'll say no so that we can have it. fingers and toes are crossed.

my favourite quote (courtesy of office biatch):

"be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

Theodor Seuss Geisel (Dr. Seuss)

CET :o)

Monday, September 25, 2006

it wouldn't be london without the rain

holy torrential downpour batman! seriously. jeans were soaked from the cuffs to my ass. and my ass is not droopy. and that was WITH an umbrella.

flat hunting day one: saw an okay place, a studenty place, then a really great place but a bit far for my liking. i was in the greenwich area around lunchtime so i stopped for a lovely helping of pie in my most favourite place in london after the coffee shop near spitalfields - well, they're more tied for first but anyway - goddard's pie house near the cutty sark. mmm mmm mmm, chicken and mushroom pie with a side of mash and near waterfall of gravy. the mash was a little bland today but the pie was oh so good. their desserts are where it's at though; a blackcurrent and apple pie, along with a rhubarb pie, made its way home with me today (they will be gone as soon as i am done this post).

walking in the rain, though wet, is thoroughly enjoyable; it was one of the things office boy and i had in common. oh office boy, sigh. i really need to move on - seriously! and canuckian, don't leave a comment like "yeah get over him, for real!" because I KNOW! love and miss you canuckian :o)

okay, i've been staring at the computer for long enough, willing an email from office boy to appear. off to eat pie.

holy, the torrential rain is starting up again! it's SO loud, banging on the windows!

CET :o)

Sunday, September 24, 2006

the adventure begins

plane ride: smooth and uneventful - just the way i like it! as per usual i barely got any sleep but i didn't mind; we were flying amongst the stars and i thought it funny that you could see them above the wing but not below the wing. speeding through cotton candy clouds in the morning when the sun broke was cool too; i'll never tire of seeing streaks, wisps and billows of fluffiness as far as the eye can see.

the journey from aiport to final destination is always tiresome and gruelling. i should've asked someone to come meet me at the airport to share the burden that is all my crap but i didn't; my muscles will pay for that decision later.

met up with gabby and it was a joyous reunion! i love how girl talk starts IMMEDIATELY, and exactly where we left off when i left england back in june. dumped my stuff at her place, rested a bit, then off to the S&M cafe for an all-day english breakfast and a much-needed cup of tea. yeah i know, how british of me! the weather here in londontown is gorgeous (surprise surprise!); sitting with gabby at the cafe, the sun streaming down on the teeming life that is london on a sunday morning, i thought to myself "this feels completely right."

CET :o)

Saturday, September 23, 2006


people surprise you. i've been surprised quite a bit these last two weeks!

people are unpredictable and i love that. that is what makes life exciting.

i have been trying to pack for the last five hours and am not succeeding at all. how can one person have so much crap?

i think the next time you hear from me i will be in londontown!

toronto family and friends: i love you so much and will miss you all dearly.

london family and friends: here i come! can't wait to see you all!

big kiss, MWAH!
CET :o)

Friday, September 22, 2006

pond skipping

many thoughts and emotions are running through my head and heart 48 hours i will be leaving on a jet plane, ready to tackle another year of school and general craziness.

high school reunion: it was a lot less painful than i expected! i had a really good time chatting with just about everyone in the room; no one's changed much physically in the last ten years. i don't know what i was expecting but it was quite comforting to see everyone remain relatively the same, perhaps a bit paunchier than the last time i saw them. however, two people saw me and didn't recognize me at all - i wonder what that means? i hope it's a good thing and not a bad thing; my god-awful bangs/fringe are gone so i'll say it's a good thing :o) everyone's doing quite well for themselves, and it was great catching up with them all.

i've spent this week running around town everyday, having lunches, coffees and dinners with friends i haven't seen all year. there never seems to be enough time. when you were young the days stretched on endlessly; now there's always something that needs to get done, someone to see, something on your checklist to tick off, along with the millions of other things that need to get done, people to see, items to check off. growing up and responsibility sucks!

i've been spending the afternoons just wandering around the city, wrapping it around me like a thick, warm blanket. i walk the streets letting the sights, sounds and smells absorb into my skin. i don't want to lose the feeling of my toronto. i know, i know, i'm off to oh-so-exciting london, which it is (!), but my heart belongs here. this feeling has to last me until the next time i'm home, so i'm trying to gather as much of this feeling as i can.

i guess i'm also a little frustrated at how people can find their way under your skin, whether or not you want them there, and try as you might you can't shake loose of them. i don't like knowing someone has a hold over you; they're distant and casually nonchalant while wish you were a stronger person.


Thursday, September 14, 2006

the details (almost)

so the 'date' went really well on tuesday, i was pleasantly surprised! i met him at work (out of sight of our co-workers, hee hee); we took the subway down to st andrew and had dinner at a little italian bistro somewhere along king. the wine was flowing as was the conversation; i was being really flirty but i didn't care, i mean, why the hell not? as my sister's friend jobyl says in her blog (, it's the SUMMER OF OPPORTUNITY, and now's the time to SEAL THE DEAL!

after dinner we headed to roy thompson hall to watch the film. the director of the film, patrice leconte, and one of the film's two stars, dany boon, were there, and each said a few words before the start of the film. wonderful french accents and very funny. the film itself (mon meilleur ami) was sweet, funny and delightful, with the best ending i've seen in films in a while. i don't know if it'll have a widespread release but if you can see it when it comes out, be sure to! okay, so i know you're reading this post not giving a shit about the film, and are wanting the gory details, right? here it goes...

so after the film he suggested a drink somewhere to top off the evening. it was raining a bit and he was holding my umbrella for me as i held onto his arm; we wandered around the city for a while, looking for a bar and just chatting in the meantime. can i just tell you how romantic the setting was??? walking in the rain, the buildings all lit up, their tops obscured by cloud against a nighttime sky...we wandered amongst some public art pieces and i thought "jesus christ i want to kiss him right now!" but i didn't of course, as there were really no outward signs that he wanted the same. anyhoo...

we found a bar and had a drink; it was during this time that i found out that he refers to me as his 'office wife' - someone you have lunch with, coffee breaks with, who you talk to everyday, and is the first person you turn to when something crappy happens at the office. i thought that was very sweet!

okay, i know you'll all hate me for doing this, but i'm going to end this post here; anyone who wants further details must e-mail me directly! even though this blog is about my life, i want to keep some things private you know! besides, i have to get ready for my ten year high school reunion, EEK! time to put on my 'grosse pointe blank' cd...

CET :o)

Monday, September 11, 2006

well that was unexpected...

before i begin i'd like to welcome the co-workers who are now aware of my blog. no, you are not the only one that knows and yes, i will hunt you down and strangle you if you breathe about this to anyone at work! JC Chavez, Office Biatch and ADD, welcome!

so friday was my last day of work...many drinks were consumed and much merrymaking took place. yes, i did hug my crush really, really tight but no, nothing more happened, until...

...i called him later that night when i was out with some friends who were in town for just the evening - i was asking about directions to a bar that i know he frequents regularly. NO, it wasn't because i wanted to stalk him (i know what you're thinking), it was seriously because i needed to know where to go. anyhoo, at the end of our conversation, out of the blue, he asks if we can hang out before i leave for england. alarms sounded off in my head but i was too tipsy to really react; all i said was "sure, will do, bye!"

so i called him today and we made plans to see a movie (t.o. film fest) on tuesday. it's funny because i thought i was pretty much over him, as i thought i would never see him again after friday night, and nothing had happened up until this point so really, what's the point? now all this has happened and my feelings are flying all over the place, yet again. argh! as Office Biatch said tonight, "can't shake what the heart doesn't want to".

don't worry, i will keep you posted!

in other CET news, this weekend was the GWN dragonboat challenge. have i mentioned before that i paddle? well, saturday was a washout because:

a) i was hungover
b) it was grey, rainy and dreary
c) paddling in crappy weather sucks
d) paddling while hungover sucks even more
e) i was hungover
f) did i mention i was hungover???

we did make up for it today though, as we finished first in our semi-final and then second in our division final, WOOHOO! i am so beat now it's not even funny; we paddled our butts off.

okay, i know this post isn't as witty and funny as my usual stuff (ha ha ha) but i'm sure you can forgive me given my weak physical state. must go to bed and dream of what might happen on tuesday...

CET :o)

Sunday, September 03, 2006

rainy day observation

today was a thoroughly rainy day. non-stop, whether it be a downpour or a sprinkle.

spent most of today doing absolutely nothing. watched the prison break episode my dad taped for me this week - wentworth miller, mmm mmm good... :o)

made the observation that a rainy day like today is the perfect weather to spend all day in bed with someone. if only we could bypass the commute to that person's bed, or vice versa...poof! he or she instantly appears on your bed, ready to while away the hours with you.

ended up at vaughan mills mall in the evening with my grandma, cousins and aunt. went on a slight shopping spree and bought a few tops and some cds - my excuse is that it's 'back to school'. bought cesaria evora's cafe atlantico; am quite excited to put it on.

happy events occurring tomorrow:

- the parental unit are driving down to DC to pick up canuckian
- i'm going to the cne with brown goddess and soo-c
- muttonface is in town (yay!) and we're meeting up later tomorrow night
- gluttony awaits in the food building - bring on the pulled pork sandwich, jerk chicken dinner, beavertail, chicken wings, tiny tom donuts, columbian coffee from the international building, dried mango, cotton candy, and any other food stuff that i can fit into my mouth and tummy in one, 24 hour period. BRING IT ON!!!

oh, had a 'hot' date on wednesday with closednode, the 'hot' part being dinner at the hot house cafe at church and front, ha. yes, the gnocchi was delicious. want to write more but feel like i can't!

dreaming of tiny toms,
CET :o)