Thursday, September 14, 2006

the details (almost)

so the 'date' went really well on tuesday, i was pleasantly surprised! i met him at work (out of sight of our co-workers, hee hee); we took the subway down to st andrew and had dinner at a little italian bistro somewhere along king. the wine was flowing as was the conversation; i was being really flirty but i didn't care, i mean, why the hell not? as my sister's friend jobyl says in her blog (, it's the SUMMER OF OPPORTUNITY, and now's the time to SEAL THE DEAL!

after dinner we headed to roy thompson hall to watch the film. the director of the film, patrice leconte, and one of the film's two stars, dany boon, were there, and each said a few words before the start of the film. wonderful french accents and very funny. the film itself (mon meilleur ami) was sweet, funny and delightful, with the best ending i've seen in films in a while. i don't know if it'll have a widespread release but if you can see it when it comes out, be sure to! okay, so i know you're reading this post not giving a shit about the film, and are wanting the gory details, right? here it goes...

so after the film he suggested a drink somewhere to top off the evening. it was raining a bit and he was holding my umbrella for me as i held onto his arm; we wandered around the city for a while, looking for a bar and just chatting in the meantime. can i just tell you how romantic the setting was??? walking in the rain, the buildings all lit up, their tops obscured by cloud against a nighttime sky...we wandered amongst some public art pieces and i thought "jesus christ i want to kiss him right now!" but i didn't of course, as there were really no outward signs that he wanted the same. anyhoo...

we found a bar and had a drink; it was during this time that i found out that he refers to me as his 'office wife' - someone you have lunch with, coffee breaks with, who you talk to everyday, and is the first person you turn to when something crappy happens at the office. i thought that was very sweet!

okay, i know you'll all hate me for doing this, but i'm going to end this post here; anyone who wants further details must e-mail me directly! even though this blog is about my life, i want to keep some things private you know! besides, i have to get ready for my ten year high school reunion, EEK! time to put on my 'grosse pointe blank' cd...

CET :o)


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

can't wait for the details..... please send a mass email as your earliest if you would. Hugs