Monday, September 11, 2006

well that was unexpected...

before i begin i'd like to welcome the co-workers who are now aware of my blog. no, you are not the only one that knows and yes, i will hunt you down and strangle you if you breathe about this to anyone at work! JC Chavez, Office Biatch and ADD, welcome!

so friday was my last day of work...many drinks were consumed and much merrymaking took place. yes, i did hug my crush really, really tight but no, nothing more happened, until...

...i called him later that night when i was out with some friends who were in town for just the evening - i was asking about directions to a bar that i know he frequents regularly. NO, it wasn't because i wanted to stalk him (i know what you're thinking), it was seriously because i needed to know where to go. anyhoo, at the end of our conversation, out of the blue, he asks if we can hang out before i leave for england. alarms sounded off in my head but i was too tipsy to really react; all i said was "sure, will do, bye!"

so i called him today and we made plans to see a movie (t.o. film fest) on tuesday. it's funny because i thought i was pretty much over him, as i thought i would never see him again after friday night, and nothing had happened up until this point so really, what's the point? now all this has happened and my feelings are flying all over the place, yet again. argh! as Office Biatch said tonight, "can't shake what the heart doesn't want to".

don't worry, i will keep you posted!

in other CET news, this weekend was the GWN dragonboat challenge. have i mentioned before that i paddle? well, saturday was a washout because:

a) i was hungover
b) it was grey, rainy and dreary
c) paddling in crappy weather sucks
d) paddling while hungover sucks even more
e) i was hungover
f) did i mention i was hungover???

we did make up for it today though, as we finished first in our semi-final and then second in our division final, WOOHOO! i am so beat now it's not even funny; we paddled our butts off.

okay, i know this post isn't as witty and funny as my usual stuff (ha ha ha) but i'm sure you can forgive me given my weak physical state. must go to bed and dream of what might happen on tuesday...

CET :o)


J.L said...

Pathetic :)

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...


Anonymous said...'s Tuesday. Good luck with tonight and have a great tme. What movie are you seeing? I've got tickets for Suely in the Sky on Friday. TTYL