Saturday, December 23, 2006

yes i know, it's been a while!

highlights since coming home:

- brought back fresh lobster from halifax - canuckian, our dad and i had a seafood feast! absolutely magnificent.

- skating at harbourfront centre with canuckian - right by lake ontario, lots of space, not too many people and best of all it's free! loved it.

- helped canuckian out at the harbourfront centre on wednesday, making paper masks with a bunch of grade schoolers - check out my paper mask! it's suppose to be a phoenix rising from the flames.

- was suppose to go skating again on thursday with two guy friends, but ended up spending the afternoon drinking at a pub. had some great laughs. one of the best feelings is to be laughing with friends.


the view of the lake from the skating rink.

huge christmas tree downtown, bay and wellington

my phoenix mask!

chili wearing my mask.

love CET :o)

Saturday, December 16, 2006

the 'fax and peggy's cove

that's a boat called the "saucy sue" at the maritime museum in halifax.

halifax's clock tower is on same hill as the city's citadel, though you can't see the citadel from this angle.

point pleasant park. it used to be dense with trees until a hurricane a few years ago wiped most of them out!

that's me by the atlantic ocean!

peggy's cove, nova scotia. population: 40.


we watched the waves crash against the shore for a long time. i love being by the sea.

that's me standing on a rock in the middle of a pool of water amongst all the rocks in peggy's cove. i seem to be fascinated by something in the water.

yes it was grey and yes it was cold, but it was a lovely day had by muttonface and i!

CET :o)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

stars and ocean

i saw the stars last night! no, not the celebrity kind but the points-of-light-in-the-sky kind. it's funny/sad how i didn't even notice that i haven't seen them in a long time until i looked up last night and there they were in all their glory - the big dipper, little dipper, orion's belt - winking at me from way up high.

in halifax visiting muttonface this week - halifax, nova scotia, canada, not halifax, england for those who might be confused - walked to the park today after having a monster of a lunch (sweet potato poutine and seafood chowder, mmm) and dipped my hand into the atlantic ocean. c-c-c-c-cold. i realized that i've touched the atlantic ocean from both sides of the world, at four different locations: halifax, nova scotia; delaware, usa; cornwall, england and the algarve, portugal. i feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to do so!

today is my birthday (canuckian's too of course!). happy birthday canuckian!

muttonface's flatmate's cookin' up something good for dinner right now, it smells yummy. will be going to some reggae night thing that muttonface knows of afterwards, should be a good time!

CET :o)

Sunday, December 10, 2006

nothing ventured nothing gained

i was also thinking of titling this post "i have balls."

so i went to the coffee shop just now, primed and ready to ask coffee shop hottie his name. yes, i am leaving the country tomorrow and yes, i have left it until the last possible moment but still, i have been a very busy girl this week so have not had time to go until today.

as per usual on a sunday afternoon the coffee shop was packed, filled with christmas shoppers taking a break from wandering around spitalfields across the street. the queue to order was tremendously long (and for a tiny coffee shop that's saying a lot!); i quickly scanned behind the counter and much to my dismay, coffee shop hottie was not there! doh, thwarted! don't worry however dear readers, CET did one better...

so this guy standing in front of me turns around and asks if i could hold his place in line while he gives his bag to his friend who's sitting outside at one of the tables. i say "sure, of course," and when he gets back we start chatting. he's a cute scottish guy from inverness with dark brown hair and blue eyes; we talk about scotland, canada, living in london, what i'm studying, etc., all the while getting closer to the front of the queue. he gives his order and is suddenly off with his two cappuccinos and slice of carrot cake, wishing me a happy holiday before disappearing. i order my wild mushroom soup and find an uninhabited corner to eat.

while eating i start thinking about going up to him after i'm done and giving him my number. i even take out a random scrap of paper from my purse, write my name and number down and put it back, at the ready for when i approach. obviously during this time my mind switches back and forth between fear of rejection and building enough courage to do something i've never done before - give a complete stranger my telephone number. just to prolong the internal debate i order a cup of tea and stew for a little while longer, hoping the courage will come soon and come fast.

i finally get up from the table and make my way outside; he's sitting with his friend a little distance from me. i start walking over, my heart going a mile a minute, when suddenly fear grips me and i veer across the street to spitalfields, stopping behind a white van! i quickly call kiwigirl for support and advice, as my biggest obstacle (besides my fear) is the fact that his friend is a GIRL, and so therefore might be his girlfriend! how would it look, giving him my number in front of his possible beloved?

kiwigirl says "nothing ventured, nothing gained" and i don't even know this guy and may never see him again, so i have nothing to lose. we debated the whole friend/girlfriend situation and well, it's not like i know for sure she's his girlfriend, so i might as well try!

i hang up and stand behind the van for a minute, trying to build up the courage once more. i set off back across the street and approach him from behind, taping him on the arm. i don't know what i said because i was so nervous and it probably came out all in a jumble but i think it was something along these lines:

"hi we spoke in the coffee shop i hope this isn't too forward of me but here's my name and number i'm leaving the country tomorrow but will be back in january so give me a call sometime if you want i hope this isn't too forward of me take care happy holidays bye."

then i practically flew down the street, so nervous and delirious and giddy i was! i think he looked kind of shocked and i did look at his friend/girlfriend for a moment and i hope my eyes told her "i'm sorry if this is your boyfriend and i'm trying to pick him up in front of you - i hope you'll forgive me but if he's not your boyfriend can you blame me for trying?" he did smile and wished me a happy holiday again, and that's all i saw and heard before turning around and running away.

so i didn't get coffee shop hottie's name (project for the new year) but i GAVE MY NUMBER TO A COMPLETE STRANGER! i think that more than makes up for it.

CET :o)

Saturday, December 09, 2006

vacation starts NOW!

last day of classes was yesterday, though i didn't have any scheduled. finished my lab report thursday night at school and handed it in so i didn't have to go in on friday. that was a monster of a lab report; treated myself to some pie afterwards, courtesy of the square pie company.


am in an internet cafe in greenwich at the moment, had a bit of a wander around the market. i totally did not need yet another t-shirt with a design on the front, but couldn't resist this one as i'm in pharmacy school: the front of the shirt reads, "study hard, DRUG SCHOOL." too perfect.

i have a hen night party to go to tonight, as well as three other birthday/christmas/end-of-term parties. think i'll only be able to do two. money is falling through my fingers like water!

flying off to halifax on monday to see muttonface for a week! cannot wait!

to everyone in the t-dot: see you from the 17th onwards!

i am very excited.

CET :o)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

the final stretch

sorry fellow readers for being MIA for almost a week; end-of-term parties + early birthday party + christmas parties + HUGE lab report due friday = very busy CET :o)

themed parties: there is definitely something to be said about having a themed party. friday night saw some classmates and i at a party entitled "hoxton's next top model", as hoxton is the neighbourhood where the party was held. the organizers decorated the flat from top to bottom with magazine pictures and photo spreads; people were dressed up as models, from twiggy to zoolander! i was itching to get my groove on and thank goodness the music was pumping, with good tunes at that; CET shook her booty until 4am!

saturday saw CET on an outing with vij and her classmates, in and around brick lane. curry dinner at sweet and spicy, that mom & pop type shop i mentioned in an earlier post, followed by drinks at some random bar, then dancing (somewhat) at another bar in shoreditch.

running man gone bad: saw the most HEINOUS demonstration of the running man at the shoreditch bar - seriously, this woman was showing her male friend, step by god-awful step, how to do it. i wanted to go over and slap them both for such a shockingly appalling rendition of a classic 80's dance move. how dare they.

sunday was skating at somerset house in the morning. i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE skating and it was the best way to get into the christmas spirit. it was pissing down with rain up until the minute they opened the doors to the rink; as soon as we stepped out it was all glorious sunshine!

yes, being canadian and having skated since i was little, i was one of the better skaters out there, that is until i fell on my ass while showing off to my friends by doing a spin. :o)

early birthday celebration: dinner at sarastro's with some of my close friends here in london. classmate T bought me a dress for my birthday that i was keen to show off; i received many compliments! thanks T! the food was seriously overflowing - for real, dessert alone consisted of a huge fruit platter and five different desserts - as was the wine, the varied discussions and the good times. i feel very grateful to have such a friend base here in london.

off for home after spending the last 4 hours at the library - see, i can be quite studious when i want to be - am looking forward to some homecooked indian food courtesy of vij.

CET :o)