Tuesday, December 05, 2006

the final stretch

sorry fellow readers for being MIA for almost a week; end-of-term parties + early birthday party + christmas parties + HUGE lab report due friday = very busy CET :o)

themed parties: there is definitely something to be said about having a themed party. friday night saw some classmates and i at a party entitled "hoxton's next top model", as hoxton is the neighbourhood where the party was held. the organizers decorated the flat from top to bottom with magazine pictures and photo spreads; people were dressed up as models, from twiggy to zoolander! i was itching to get my groove on and thank goodness the music was pumping, with good tunes at that; CET shook her booty until 4am!

saturday saw CET on an outing with vij and her classmates, in and around brick lane. curry dinner at sweet and spicy, that mom & pop type shop i mentioned in an earlier post, followed by drinks at some random bar, then dancing (somewhat) at another bar in shoreditch.

running man gone bad: saw the most HEINOUS demonstration of the running man at the shoreditch bar - seriously, this woman was showing her male friend, step by god-awful step, how to do it. i wanted to go over and slap them both for such a shockingly appalling rendition of a classic 80's dance move. how dare they.

sunday was skating at somerset house in the morning. i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE skating and it was the best way to get into the christmas spirit. it was pissing down with rain up until the minute they opened the doors to the rink; as soon as we stepped out it was all glorious sunshine!

yes, being canadian and having skated since i was little, i was one of the better skaters out there, that is until i fell on my ass while showing off to my friends by doing a spin. :o)

early birthday celebration: dinner at sarastro's with some of my close friends here in london. classmate T bought me a dress for my birthday that i was keen to show off; i received many compliments! thanks T! the food was seriously overflowing - for real, dessert alone consisted of a huge fruit platter and five different desserts - as was the wine, the varied discussions and the good times. i feel very grateful to have such a friend base here in london.

off for home after spending the last 4 hours at the library - see, i can be quite studious when i want to be - am looking forward to some homecooked indian food courtesy of vij.

CET :o)


kiwigirl said...

haha - you falling on your ass was hilarious : And we got it on camera.....

Had so much fun on Sunday night too - thanks baby!

xx k

J.L said...

I love the running man! We always do a mock up of the running man at bboy practice whenever some cheesy nineties hiphop comes on. It's the best!