Sunday, September 03, 2006

rainy day observation

today was a thoroughly rainy day. non-stop, whether it be a downpour or a sprinkle.

spent most of today doing absolutely nothing. watched the prison break episode my dad taped for me this week - wentworth miller, mmm mmm good... :o)

made the observation that a rainy day like today is the perfect weather to spend all day in bed with someone. if only we could bypass the commute to that person's bed, or vice versa...poof! he or she instantly appears on your bed, ready to while away the hours with you.

ended up at vaughan mills mall in the evening with my grandma, cousins and aunt. went on a slight shopping spree and bought a few tops and some cds - my excuse is that it's 'back to school'. bought cesaria evora's cafe atlantico; am quite excited to put it on.

happy events occurring tomorrow:

- the parental unit are driving down to DC to pick up canuckian
- i'm going to the cne with brown goddess and soo-c
- muttonface is in town (yay!) and we're meeting up later tomorrow night
- gluttony awaits in the food building - bring on the pulled pork sandwich, jerk chicken dinner, beavertail, chicken wings, tiny tom donuts, columbian coffee from the international building, dried mango, cotton candy, and any other food stuff that i can fit into my mouth and tummy in one, 24 hour period. BRING IT ON!!!

oh, had a 'hot' date on wednesday with closednode, the 'hot' part being dinner at the hot house cafe at church and front, ha. yes, the gnocchi was delicious. want to write more but feel like i can't!

dreaming of tiny toms,
CET :o)


Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget to pick up some tiny tom's for me! I'm swinging by Teaism today after brunch for your goods. Have fun at the CNE - tell brown goddess my story because I called her last night at home and no one picked up. I can't wait to see everyone!!! Good-bye D.C., Hello Toronto!!!

Love Canuckian ;o)

J.L said...

Those donuts are so neato. I like the machine it gets made at. The river of deep fry. and then those little scoop and flippers. Cute!

mmm Donuts. Maybe I'll see you there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, rainy days are great for doing nothing at all. unfortunately i worked and you know what...even though i was indoors all day, it felt like a rainy day. hard to explain but you confirmed what kind of day it was.

i thought the ex stopped today?!?!? Am i mistaken? Have fun though....and don't ride any rides after visiting the food building.

omg.....gnocci!!! drool drool