Thursday, September 28, 2006

proof that i am a geek

right now it's almost 8pm on a thursday night; i am in a bar with vij and guess what i'm doing? blogging. using their free wireless internet access to my heart's delight. yes, i am a geek.

great news: we found a flat!!! it's more expensive than what we budgeted but then again, what in london isn't? it's pretty close to school so we save on transport costs, and it's in a great part of town with AWESOME market shopping (and you know how i love market shopping). we're also near brick lane, a famous street full of indian curry houses and a lively atmosphere. we move in this sunday!

okay okay, must get off the computer and drink my gin and tonic and meet people (under vij's orders).

CET :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's awesome!!! I'm so excited for you, being near Brick Lane and the market. Have a curry for me ;o)