Friday, October 21, 2005

black horse & dr. p

holy shit, what a day.

so there's a tutorial this morning for my pharmacology test, which was at 1pm this afternoon. i didn't go to the tutorial because a) they're generally useless and b) they weren't mandatory. the prof thinks he's god's gift to our world and assumes that we'll understand a concept if he says the same thing, word for word, only slower. we're students, hello, not dumbasses. this is one pet peeve about being a mature student in a class where the majority of students are 18 - the prof treats you like a child.

anyhoo, i get to school well after the tutorial and only THEN do i find out that we were suppose to hand in our lab reports that morning! i race to the prof's office only for him to act like more of a condescending ass, turning me away without accepting my report. and can i just say it was a BEAUTY of a report. so there's a bunch of marks gone, poof, into thin air. he said it won't affect my coursework mark all that much, and to that i say "up yours".

so i had time to kill before the test, and ended up studying with my friend, girl t - a true kindred spirit in all of this first-year craziness. took the test at 1pm and it was fine - i was determined to do well to show the prof that he can't get the best of me.

enough of that crap, i'm just glad the weekend's begun!

KT TUNSTALL ROCKED! she showed up on stage wearing a sparkly blue halter dress with cowboy boots - only musicians can get away with that. my friend, the evil hypnotist, pointed out that her bass player looked like napoleon dynamite - complete with big afro, matching pants/vest circa 1970 and a loud printed shirt. bring on the d-qwon dance moves! the music was awesome and it was great to finally see an artist i've admired for so long. check out her website, - i hope the link works, let me know if it doesn't.

oh, and i found out from the evil hypnotist that instead of t being sad about our breakup, he's angry, really angry. hmmm, don't quite know what to make of that information...would you rather your dumpee be sad and in despair, or raging?

enjoy your weekend!

p.s. mr. bing i got your letter! will reply in kind soon. word to the "d" klan, hehehe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My comment got deleted...sniff sniff.... glad you rocked the test!