Monday, October 17, 2005

just because

i'm at the library near my flat, they have wireless internet. just wanted to say hello.

ended up missing my one class for the day. made it to waterloo station with 25 minutes to spare, but then thought "ahhh f@#$ it", as it was a lecture about one of the departments and so had nothing to do with what we need to know for our test this friday. sorted out some things in camden and then headed home to eat and rest up for my flamenco class.

i checked my blog's site meter, and i can see from what parts of the world people are logging onto my blog from. i've had hits from the netherlands, norway, hong kong, saudi arabia, india...i don't know anyone living in these places...i think this is such a cool thing about having a blog, you're reaching people you wouldn't normally reach. sure it's just me and my ramblings, but i think it's neat.

anyhoo, i guess i should go home and eat something before flamenco class. can you tell i'm already procrastinating from studying for my test?


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