Saturday, October 08, 2005

thanksgiving and damn wireless internet

so i just tried to post a kick-ass entry and the stupid library wireless internet screwed things up, hence causing me to lose all of it. dammit!

basically i wrote about this:

m: met him last night and he's cuter in person than in the picture kl showed me! we chatted to each other easily which was nice (and comfortable).

pianist: he spoke to us briefly after his set. we want him to play at a party we'd like to throw in a few weeks' time, but we have a feeling he might charge us for it, and alot at that. g will just have to make sure, right g?

thanksgiving: my flatmates and i have invited some canadians to our flat for dinner tonight! i invited four classmates, one from sudbury, one from richmond hill, and two from kingston. i'm making my "famous" roast chicken while j is making a whole bunch of yummy veggies and s made russian potato salad and devil eggs. or is it "deviled eggs"? i don't know.

family: my sis is the only one of my fam who knows about this blog (for now); i love you sis! we will talk this weekend.

finally, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! i miss everyone back home in canada.

big hug and kiss,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you too! I may be having a little thanksgiving dinner with my roomies on Monday. Have fun with yours! Speak soon ;o)