Monday, October 24, 2005

the weekend

yes, original title, i know.

hung out with my flatmates on saturday; we went walking around hampstead heath (think big park), did a bit of shopping around muswell hill, then had dinner at a pub near euston (tube station). i had a "toad in a hole" - basically a dough/bread bowl with mash, peas, pork sausages and gravy inside. mmm, pork...

had a late coffee/meet-up with kiwi girl and g, then home.

sunday the flatmates and i checked out the finsbury park sunday market, which started this weekend. it's just a row of trailers/trucks of people selling fruits and veggies, clothes and accessories, and other general stuff. sounds real classy i know. bought a pair of big silver earrings for a pound - obviously not real silver, as it was only a pound - and a bag of cut sugar cane to gnaw on. mmm, sugar cane...reminds me of my childhood...

it was nice hanging out with the flatties, though because they're boyfriend/girlfriend it's gets a little uncomfortable at times - not when/if they act lovey-dovey, but when they argue. i feel like a child in the middle of divorcing parents. i feel like saying "can't we all just get along?" they try to keep their voices down, as if that's going to mask the fact they're fighting in front of me. oh well, that's what i get for living with a couple. it's generally not too bad though, they're good people.

holy crap was chem and biochem today boring or what? i feel like i'm back in high school.

off to eat!



Anonymous said...

Mmm, sugar cane...mmm, toad in a hole...big up food beast!

Anonymous said...

I love farmer's markets as they're called in C-A-N-A-D-A. I actually volunteered there the previous summer with a friend and was soo good. I had the best lunches and dinners that entire summer because the fresh food encouraged me to cook by myself.