Friday, April 25, 2008

i just found myself on youtube

no, no, no, it's not porn (just in case you were wondering)...i was an actor in a trailer for a film a good friend of mine shot many years ago, i didn't realize he had uploaded it onto youtube! eek! you could click on the link and then click on the you tube link from his webpage, but i won't be telling you which video clip in particular features moi. judging by my low reader numbers however, i'm pretty sure most of you that read this are my friends and will figure out which clip i'm in. enjoy!

CET :o)


RandomPinkness said...

Hmmmm... I dunno, I'm looking for those with a Canuck accent, this is where I find out you're incredibly talented at accents and are a brilliant mimic, so you could be anyone isn't it? Only found one so far, but I haven't watched all of them yet.

Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

it was shot quite a few years ago - my hair was so different then - not like you would even know what it looks like now, but just wanted to mention it.

good luck with the sleuthing! :o)