Friday, April 13, 2007

friday the 13th musings

well hello again.

yes, i've taken a bit of a hiatus from the blogsphere, i was at home in toronto enjoying my easter holiday. most days i would get up, eat breakfast, walk chili and then sit at the computer trying to look for a job for the summer. staring at the computer screen all day, feeling your hopes deflate little by little that you'll get a job in your relevant sector, didn't leave me wanting to blog about it!

there were times though where i made a mental note to blog about a thought, a situation, a funny story; my musings will all come out eventually.

third canadian guy emailed me on wednesday night, asking if i was free to go out sometime. i think i'm going to have to put a stop to this, as i do not want to lead him on, thinking he has a chance with me. extremely nice guy and very talkative, but no sparks on my end whatsoever.

off to spitalfields for a wander...

CET :o)

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