Wednesday, March 28, 2007

two-date cut off, willingly or not

so i've noticed a trend in my dating experiences this past year: i don't seem to get past the two-date mark, whether i want to or not! case(s) in point:

first canadian guy: the guy i first dipped my toes into the online dating pool with. he was nice but there were no sparks on my part, especially after he was extremely late for both dates.

french canadian: okay, so we were shagging by the second date and would've continued to shag i'm sure, if he didn't start dating his still-current girlfriend. i don't begrudge him this at all (absolutely not, in fact i was glad he was so honest and open with me), but it would've been nice to have had to a few more shag-fests before he hooked up with his honey.

office boy: okay, so i never mentioned the fact that i saw him one more time after our initial "non-date" date, but anymore dates after the second were nigh on impossible as i left the country for school, oh and yes, he started dating someone else. i sometimes wonder what would've happened if i was still in toronto around that time - would we have continued to see each other or would his getting-together with his current girlfriend have happened anyway, whether i was there or not? i'm actually glad i wasn't in the city when that all went down, it was hard enough as it was dealing with it on the other side of the ocean.

scottish guy: i've already hashed the story on this blog in gory/glorious detail so i won't go into it again, needless to say his MIA status after our second date pretty much negated a third. left me baffled.

third canadian guy: i didn't mention this guy until now because again like first canadian guy, there were no sparks on my part. our first date was fun (we saw the photographer of the year exhibition at the natural history museum) but by the second date i was sure i wasn't attracted to him. well, i already knew that by the first date but i thought i'd give him another shot. not really wanting a third date at this point.

so where does this leave me? five men, ten dates later and what? i don't know. i guess all this is either a huge coincidence, some higher power's funny joke on me, or a combination of timing and lack of/no lack of chemistry. sigh. on the bright side, i have many a funny/scandalous/horrible story to tell my girlfriends, future progeny and future grand-progeny. i'm cool with that.

what are your thoughts on this? is it me?

CET :o)


Anonymous said...
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Canuckian's Evil Twin said...

sorry tan, deleted your post because i'm trying to keep this blog anonymous! x

J.L said...

um.. next post... new!