Thursday, March 08, 2007


it's funny how on one hand i feel like so much has happened that i want to share with you all, but on the other hand it doesn't seem like much at all. just general experiences/rants/meanderings that i think are worth mentioning:

bad london: i was on the bus on the way home a few weeks ago and in the span of the bus ride, two crazy people boarded the bus and had a go at the driver; both times he stopped the bus and told everyone to get off as he would not move until the crazy person left the bus, but both times at the last second he asked everyone to board the bus again, leaving the crazy person to yell at him while he continued his journey. then, when i got off the bus (after literally pushing people out of my way in order to get off because they just would not move), i walk by the library to find a group of male youths along with security, pinning a man down on the ground. the same thing happened at the market a few days ago, only this time it was six policemen pinning a man down.

good london: i love how one night i'm at a local bar watching vij's friend perform as part of a rap group called rebel alliance; two nights later i'm at the royal opera house watching a performance of handel's "orlando".

i was at the coffee shop today with evil hypnotist for lunch; while waiting for him to arrive i sat with my tea and my book. it was a beautifully sunny day and the light coming through the windows of the coffee shop, slanting across the wooden tables and floor, looked magical. it actually stopped me from reading and i gazed at the dusty light for a while, consciously searing it into my memory so i can recall it when i'm old and grey.

vij's mom is here for the week; she made an absolutely yummy dinner on tuesday and tonight was no exception; three helpings later i am absolutely stuffed and happy.

i bought a huge bunch of daffodils today from the street market by the station; it's evening now so i'll wait until morning to take pictures to show you.

CET :o)

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